Ordinance 534ORDML11CL N0. 534. An Ordinance providing for the improvement of First Avenue in the City of Edmonds and a production southerly of said Avenue to an intersectior with Dayton Street, in said city, from Bell Street , s©uther.ly--'to_: an intersection with Dayton, Street trunk sewer being a distance of 1460 feet, more or less, by the construction of a combined 8-12 inch lateral san- itary and storm sewer, together lgith the necessary drainage, manholes, catch basins and other appurtenances necessary to make a complete improvement, all in accordance with resolution 11o.109 of the City of Edmonds; creating an Assessment Distric% creating a Local Improvement District Fund theredor, and pro- vihing that payment for s-goh improvement, except for labor,be made by special assessment in said District under the mode of payment by bonds. WNI+.Ai:iZ, by resolution 111o.109, of the City of Edmonds, the City Council of said city has declared its intention to order the improvement as above outlined and doing all other work necessary in connection therewith to make a complete imp- rovement in accordance with the plans and specifocations pre- pared by the City Engineer, YOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY 02 EDUONLS DOES O13D D, : SECTI011 1: THat First Lvenue, in the City of Edmonds, and a production southerly of said Lvenue to an Intersection with Dayton Street, in said city, from Bell Street Southerly to an intersection with Dayton Street trunk sewer being a distance of 1460 feet, mero or less, by the construction of a combined 8-12 inch lateral sanitary and storm sewer, together with the necessary drainage, manholes, catch basins and other apperte- nances necessary to make a complete improvement, all in accord- ance with the plans and specifications prepared under the diec- tion of the City Engineer, which plans and specifications are hereby adopted and approved. SECTION 2: That the costs and expenses of such improvement shall be borne by and assessed against the property included in the Assessment District herein created in accordance with law. SECTION 3: There is hereby setablished a. Local Improvement District to be called Local Improvement District No. 54,which District shall include the following described property,to wit: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Bell Street And First Avenue, thence Easterly along the center line of Bell Street for 150 feet, thence Southerly along the Viset line of the Alley in Nlock 12 in the Plat of Edmonds and along the west lime of the alley of Block 2 in the Plat of Gepharts Addition and the West line of said alley produced southerly for 561 feet more or less to an intersection with the Southerly line of Dayton Street Thence westerly along the southerly line of Dayton Street for 172 feet to an intersection with the center line of Pirst Avenue produced southerly,thence continue westerly on the southerly line of Dayton Street for 172 feet to a point which is 150 feet westerly of measured at rifht angles from the center line of Pirst Avenue produced southerly, thence northerly parallel to and 150 feet westerly of the center line of First Avenue pro- duced for 979 feet to an intersection with the Easterly margin of Railroad Avenue, thence nothaasterly following Railroad Avenueand the Easterly Matgin of the Great Northern Railroad Right of Way to the Northwest corner of Lot 4 Block 13 in the Plat of Edmonds, thence easterly along the North line of said lot 4 and said line produced to jrhe center line of First Ave- nue, thece northerly, along the center line of First Avenue for 150 feet to thepoint of beginning. SECTION 4: .t. special fund is hereby created to be called Local Improvement District Fund No.54, which shall consist in the aggregate of the several amounts assessed, levied and collected on the several lots and parcels of land in said Local Improve- ment District and the proceeds of the sale of the bonds of the said District for the purpose of defraying the costs and expen- 294 of such improvement. Out of said fund shall be paid the ponds, the interest thereon, and the entire cost of such improvement except the cost of labor as hereihafter provided. SECTION 5: The costs and expenses of such improvement shall be defrayed by special assessments payable in ten equal, annual in- stallments with interest thereon at the Late of 5 per cent., per annum under the mode of payment by bonds, as provided by lawn and the Ordinances of said city. Bonds bearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent., per annum, payable on or before twelve years from date of issue, shall be issued in payment of the costs and expen- ses of such improvement,, or the City of Edmonds may, at its elec- tion, sell said bonds and make payment in cash in the manner pro- vided by the Ordina..�ces of said city. SECTION 6: That the cost and expenses of said improvement to be borne by and assessed against the property of the said assessment District, and for whlich bonds of said District are to be issued, shall not include the cost of labor upon said improvement, which labor is to be furnished by Pederal funds under the W.2.6. plan of Federal Government. gassed this 6th day of Lpril 1941. Geo.1d.Leyda IV` .$.Pourtener City Clerk Xayor. I, Geo.M.Leyda, City Clerk of the City of Edmonds, do hereby certify that the foregoing OrdinancenNo. 5,34 is atrue copy. Katy C e 0 Me