Ordinance 5480_iDI%.LICE 11,0. 548 ORDIII;-TICE, adopting and levying the general taxes for the City of Ldmords, Washington, for the fiscal year commencing January 1st. 1944, on all property, both real and personal, ir, said city, subject to taxation for the purpose of raising suff- icient revenue to carry on the several departments of said Uity for the ensuing year as required by lal ; appropriati,,g the same to ,-'u e several funds for swid fiscal year, . and p-roviaing for the collection thereof. a -the Lily Coui_cil of the City Of LCiTT10r..d ,tote Of l,','F hir.gto-n, having heard all persons asking -vo be heard for rd against the preli_rainary bad -et, heretofore 'auopted for the ir,"` nsuir_ year, due notice � hevi beCr, ;M_iven a:� required by law nor this 4th day of October 194 final audget having seen adopu(.d ard the Council having determined the ne,i,,essary to be Maid on the current assessmei_.t roll as taxes for the ensuing year ar..d a., ropriatirg the 6E..rde E ,]� i!-: this Ordin&nce described therefore: THE CITY C;O INGIL 0�` LHE CI_'Y 02 -0 0.- I ..N SECTION 1. THat there be a and personal property of th trierein, a general tax for year commencii_g January lst nd there is hereby devied e u of Ld_10Zds, subject muricipal purposes for the 194-4, the sum of 5?'8916.00 0�:.0'��.i: . on all real t0 taxation ensuing Currert _�,'xpeinsz, __ T0tL.ls Gene-rEl Govern-,t M&YOr's aaiary------------------------ �240.00 r-I c: * lmail's JalarieS----------------- 420.00 Clem awls.ry-------------------------- 600.00 .Ls s't Clei•k SG.lary-------------------- 480.00 Clerics Expense End Bond--------------- 120.600 �;,1860.00 Treasurer Sa.lary---------------------- 60J.00 Treasurer Expense--------------------- 50.00 Treasurer Bond------------------------ bO.00 660.00 attorney Salary----------------------- �-60.00 ttorr_ey Expense---------------------- 50.00 'ttorney Bond------------------------- 5.00 465.00 City Hall Expense Fuel Oil------------------------------ 125.00 Lights-------------------------------- 25.00 2,epa.irs------------------------------- 50.00 Care of Groue.ds------------------------ 100.00 500.00 iiegistration and Ele.stions-----------= 150.00 Publishing and ,�,dvertisirg------------ 10J.00 Fee oas'n. -Washington Cities----------- 50.00 State Lxamiration--------------------- 260.00 Emergency Ordinance------------------- 125.00 675.00 Protection to Pe_12on and Property Police Shief's Salary ----------------- 2100.00 Police Judge Salar ----------------- ' 300.00 Extra. Police------------------------ 100.00 Police Dept Expense & 3onds--------- 100.00 Jail and ;peals---------------------- 50.00 Industrial Irsar oe w ivied Aid------ 30.00 Poindmaster Fees -------------------- 100.00 Car -------------- 360.00 �3140. 00 iirsmen's relief --:rd Pensior_ Fund--- 45.00 Oire Calls -------------------------- _ 900.00 Fire Lepartment ------------- 500.00 500.00 Convention Expense ------------------ 100.00 Hydrant Lienta.l---------------------- 2400.00 444b.00 Health. ar;d Sanitation hec_l 't-4 Officer �.:..W .. _ y----------- ---- 75.00 t liealth Officer Expo -se-------------- 50.00 Sev: er Iilspe.ctinn-------------------- 60.00 Sevier HeiDair-------f----------------- 200.00 Garbage ----------------- 120.00 505.00 Park 'ui' d Labor-------------- ---------------- 120.00 Lat<rial an"-' 120.00 240.00 Library dand Librarians Salary ------------------- 600.00 oupplies----------------------------- 600.00 ``:epairs----------------------------- 150.00 2uel and Lights--------------------- 160.00 Insuxance--------------------------- 45.00 1555.00 City Street 2and i Superinter,dent Sala; y--------------- 1500.00 Street Lights----------------------- 1260.00 S jp; ?lies and Repaid;---------------- 1500.00 Tevr Constraction--- Ind Ins. & � edioal . d-------------- 36.00 21aterials--------------------------- 200.00 5696.00 Total Expenditures-------------------- ---------- ;�19541.00 Estimated Current _.xpense aecei�Dts for 194 Zstimate of cash on hand at end of year--,�7500.00 2i.nes and- sees------ -------------------- 600.00 Licuor Zevenues-------------------------- 2000.00 GaO Tax Revenues--- --------------------- 2000.00 State mid 1:�_nd -------------------------- -- 1000.00 AmoaT.t to be raised -- Our ent LxDelalse by 10.67mills on :?603,378.00 valuation--- 6441.00 Total Estina,tc of Jceipts--------------------------- 19541.00 Expenditures for Aso*ds and Intere6t L. I. 1Q. Guarantee onds-----------------1000.00 Trunk Sevier 3ords a d IrItore- t----------- 1475.00 Total LLgount to be a.ised by 4.10 mills or, �603,378.00 vale tion-----=-----------2475.00 Amount to be raised for bonds ai-.d interest --------- �2475.00 Amou_r_t to be raised for Carrent Expense------------ 6441.00 IN Grand Total to be r ised by 14.77 mills or. $603,378.00 valaatidn------------------------------�58916.00 'eater Department receipts and Expenditures. 'Water Collector, sa ary---=------------- 1000.00 900.00 Ass't Supt. Salary-4-------------------- 600.00 Extra men -wages ------------------------- 1500.00 Pourer for pumps------------------------- 2000.00 Supplies and repairs-------------------- -500.00 UIa.terial-------------------------------- 7200.00 redemption of 3onds d Interest-------- 12225.00 ";Emergency Ordina,n.ce-------------------_- 2500.00 Operating eApense & Ind. Iris.----------- 50.00 Total y11-penditures---------------------------------- p28475.00 309 &evenues Hydrant 2e£tEl 220E G&22EJt Expense----------/ 2400.00 Cash ir. 3o2J 2eueeytio£ 2aI:&----------------- 11400.00 Oash in, Operati2« 2 'Lin &------- - 3000.00 Dater © ° 20000.00 5e7esae5, eSt mate&-------------------- � e------------------»S680j,00 lotEl 2eoe±2ta-------------------- . y 3octior. 2: This Ordi£ancc shall be Certified :o the proper Soap y Official as provicied 5/ la-u, anu the taxes h62Eis. Ie7ie& 3£Ell 55 0011actc& u E 2c1± i230 %3e Sity 2r6asa-Cr o2 the Gity O.-LE Q ;o3&B, at the tip &=C she manner proviacd. by t:e Ia�z3 02 the State of JEe3i1:/to£ Zoe %£e Golleotio28 02 taxes for 2312E GICBa jitiep. _ 2asse& this &t£ day OZ October .12E_6 sit& Gast zoaruner LSeista-t Jity O1e22 2E/o2 26blis£ed ?tt Can o£ October lg&S. I hereby certify brat the a-bC)-/ is E t2=e &s& Correct cof/ of Ordinance £O. 54J, o2 the Gity o£ 3 fonds, J&5£i2«to2. � kSdi§ta23 2±ty G±e2±