Ordinance 552O�DINARGE NO 552. AN ORDILTANCE adopting and levying the general taxes for the City of Edmonds, Washington, for the fiscal year commencing January 1st, 1946, on all property, both real and personal, in said Ctiy, subject to taxation for the purpose of raising sufficient revenue to carry on the several departments of said City for the ensuing year as required by lair; appropriat- ing the same to the several funds for said fiscal year, and _ providing for the collection thereof. MMHEAS the City Council of ti:e Oity of Edmonds, State of Washington, having heard all persons asking to be heard for and against the preliminary budget, heretofore adopted for the ensuing year, due native having been given as required by law and now this lst day of October 1945, final budget having 317 been adopted and the Council having determined the amount necessary to be paid on the current assessment roll as general taxes for the ensuing year and appropriating the same as in this Ordinance therefore: THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMOND; DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 10 That there be and there is, hereby levied on all real and personal property of the City of Edmonds, subject to taxation therein, a general tax for municipal purposes for the ensuing year commencing January let, 1946, the sum of 09505.00 CURRUT EXPENSE FUED General Government Mayor's Salary ------------------- $ 240.00 Councilmen's Salaries------------ 420.00 Clerk Salary--------------------- 600.00 Assistant Clerk talary----------- 540.00 Clerk's Expense 9nd Bond--------- 120.00 $19,920.00 Treasurer's Salary--------------- 600.00 Treasurer Expense---------------- 30,00 Treasurer Bond------------------- 30.00 660.00 Attorney's Salary---------------- 360.00 Attorney Expense----------------- 25.00 Attorney Bond-------------------- 5.00 390.00 CITY HALL EXPENSE Fuel Oil-------- ----------------- 125.00 Lights-------------------------- 25.00 Repairs-------------------------- 50.00 Care of Grounds------------------ 60.00 260.00 Registration and Elections------- 150.00 Fee Association of Washington Cities50,00 State Examination---------------- 300.00 Publishing and advertising-- ----- 100.00 600.00 PROTECTION TO PLRSON LND PaOPr RTY Police Chief's Salary ------------ $2400.00 Police Judge Salary -------------- 300*00 Police Sala.ry------------------- 2000.00 Police Department Expense and Sonds1OO.00 Sail and meals------------------- 50.00 Ind. Ins. & Medical Aid---------- 50.00 New Equipment, Police------------ 500.00 Car Maintenance, Police----------- 600.00 $6tOOO.O0 Firemen's relief and Pension----- 195.00 Fire Calls----------------------- 800.00 Fire Department Expense----------- 250.00 New Equipment-------------------- 500.00 Convention Expense--------------- 100.00 Hydrant Rentgl-------------------- 2400.00 4,245.00 Health and Sanitation Health Officer Salary------------ 75.00 Health Officer Expense----------- 50.00 Sewer Repair--------------------- 200.00 Garbage Disposal----------------- 120.00 445.00 PAR& FUND Labor---------------------------- 120.00 Material and Supplies------------ 120.00 240.00 LIBRARY FUND Librarian's Salary--------------- 600.00 Supplies-----..------------------- 1000,00 Repairs-------------------------- 150.00 Fuel and Lights------------------ 100.00 insuranae------------------------ 45.00 $1,895.00 CITY STREET FUED Superintendent Salary ------------ $1500.00 Assistant Supt- Salary----------- 1200.00 Street Lights-------------------- 2200.00 Supplies------------------------- 1000.00 Engineer-------------------- --- 500.00 New Construction------------------ 5000.00 318 0 Ind. Insurance & M$dical Aid----------75.00 New Equipment -----rt------------- �__-_ 1O00.00 J12,475.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURESy--------------------------- t29,130.00 ESTIMATED CURRENT EXPENSE RECEIPTS FOR 1946 Estimate of cash on hand at the end of year--$15000.00 Finewand Fees----=-------------------------- 300.00 Liquor Revenues---1--------------------__--_- 4000oOO Gas Tax Revenues--4-------------------------- 3000.Q0 Amount to be raised for Current Expense by 12.6 mills on t542,287.00 Assessed valuation 6830.00 $29,130.00 EXPENDITURES FOR BONDS AND INTEREST: L. I. D. GuaranteelBonds --------------------- 0 1000.00 Trunk Sewer Bonds and Interest--------------- 1675.00 Total amount to be'raised by 4.93 mills on $542,287.00 assessed valuation--------------- 2675.00 Amount to be raised for Bonds and interest------------ $2675.00 Amount to be raised for Current Expense--------------- 6830.00 Grand total to be raised by 17.53 mills on 543,287.00 assessed ----------- 09505.00 WATER DEPARTMENT RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES WAter Collector, salary ---------------------- $1200.00 Superintendent,salary------------------------ 1200.00 Assistant Superintendent, salary------------- 1200.00 Extra men,.*8ges------------- ---------------- 300.00 Powerfor Pumps------------------------------ 2000.00 Repairs-------------------------------------- 1000000 Materials ------------------------------------ 12000.00 Redemption of Bonds and Interest ------------- 14500,00 Industrial Insurance & Medical Aid----------- 100.00 Total Expenditures-t----------- ,--------------- $33,500.00 REVENUES Hydrant Rental from,Current Expense ---------- $2400.00 Water Revenues, estimated -------------------- 20000.00 Cash in Blind Redemption Yund----------------- 12000.00 Cash in Operating Fund----------------------- 3000.00 Total Receipts----------------------------- $37,400.00 SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be certified to the proper County Official as provided by law, and the taxes herein levied shall be collected and paid to the City Treasurer of the City of Edmonds, at the time and the manner provided by the laws of the State of Washington for the collection of taxes for Third Class Cities. F. A. Fourtner Mayor Anita Gust City Clerk Passed by the City Council October 1, 1945. Published October 11, 1945.