Ordinance 656G9DI1WXE PJO. 656 id' ORDII4110E adopting and levying the veneral Taxes for the City of F;dmonds, ;Ushint;ton, for the fiscal year commenciriC January 1, 19550 on all property, both real and personal, in said Jity, subject to tax- ation for the purpose of raising sufficient revenue to carry on the several departments of said City for the ensuing; year as required by lax; appro- pr;.sting, the same to the several funds for the fiscal year and providing for the collection thereof. W.fir.W the City Council of the City of bdmonds, State of Washinkton, haveing heard all persons asking tc he heard for and against the preliminary Budget, heretofore adopted for the ensuin, year, due notice havin,; been -iven as required by law and now this 4th day �f October, 1954, final Budget !-s:ing been adopted and the Council having deterjined the amount necessary to oe paid on the current assessment roll as general taxes for the ensuing year and appropriating the same as in the Ordinance .ioscribed, therefore. T,,n CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MMOMS DO OJDAIN Ai FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That there shall be and hereby is levied on all real and Personal property in the City of .Edmonds, subject co taxation, current assesment roll as geseral toes for the ensuing year con-,encinC January 1, 1954, the sm of 4 35,34'974 GEi+r. a GOVEd &0a4T SAURILS WAMS EXPENSE TOTAL "yor 6 450.00 ^50.00 700.00 Cou.icilmen 640.00 150.00 990.00 City Clerk 1600.00 200.00 2+.000.00 Clerical work, Clerk do Treasurer 895.00 895.00 Treasurer 1025.00 250.00 1275.00 Atter ney 1425.00 200.00 1625.00 Pee Assoc_ Trashing. Cities 160.00 160.00 PrintinG and Elections 300.00 300.00 Street Li-liting 4W0..A 4000,00 State Examination 500.00 500.00 Public Liability & Property Damage 666.60 666.60 Social Security 2% 150.00 150.00 Emergency Ordinance Census taking 342.41 342.41 Planning Commission 100.00 100.00 PHOMCTION TO Pr;tWli Ala) PHOPL:RTY Police Court 846.00 100.00 Chief of Police 4320.00 350.00 Patrolien 1040.00 Social Security 25 265.00 Jail Exp, t,ie and ;deals 100.00 Car -'aintenance and Operation 1000.00 Reserve for Depreciation 400.00 Capital Outlay 1800.00 Police Alarm Service 2000.00 Civilian Defense 359.50 19,574.50 CITY tual EXPEIISE Fuel Jil and lights 700.00 700.00 *Repairs and Supplies 6000.00 FIRE DEPAitTt..?14T FYremenrs ielief and Pension 250.00 Fire Calls and Dept. Expense 1900.00 Platy Equipment 1500.00 Pyre Code Inspection and Printing 120.00 . Reserve for Depreciation 2000.00 5,770.00 H yI.TH AlZ) SANITATIA Health Officer 120.00 50.00 170.00 PARK DEPA iT"NT Labor and Caretaker 1500.00 Lights & Uarbag;e 75.00 1.aterjalc, repairs, Equip. New Construction 1300.00 Lease 75.00 City hall urounds 200.00 100.00 Recreation Program Em. Ordinance, purchase of property 600.00 Sewer Assessment 225.00 6075.00 MIMING Fwa) Building Inspector 900.00 120.00 Printing 100.00 Issue permits 120.00 1,240.00 *Bond Issue General Obligation 6,000.00 LIB$ 411 LEP& Payment to Snohomish Count Library 2 mills 4161.85 Janitor and Supplies 450.00 ii;s�ra . e and Repairs 475.w New Ewuipment 300.00 3bc.2 TOTAL CUR.kE1T r�CPEi4.ii: PE EZNDITURES 21. G& L tAL ShTat MM 1."I DITURES _cads and lnt-rest 720.20 728.20 S'L;r. r n.P., ENDITWMS Superintendent salary 4020.00 Labor 7680.00 Ehkineer 350.00 Social Security 219 234.00 Suppliesm ;.airtenance & Oper of Equipment 4000.00 ^ev ConstrLction 7472.00 Industrial Insurance d ledical Aid 500.00 Public Liability & Property Lavage 700,00 Reserve for Lepreciation 1975."0 26,931.00 �*�t*+two*�******��*�•��*�� CUA-1 Far& Sh EC IP S Estimated Ca:;h or hand 2078.96 Cash on hand building f•,..•id 1000.00 Cash on hand reserve for fire dept. 1000.00 Cash on hand reserve for Police Dept, 800.00 Revenues from Public Utilities 4000.00 Eusiness License 3000.00 Police fines 2500.00 Liquor Revenues 1201.3,00 Rentals 300.00 kotor Vehicle Excise Tax 4244.00 E"ildi.ng Permits 2000.00 $32,935.96 To be raised by 8.5 mills on $2,080.625 valuation 17,685.30 To be raised by Geneeal obligation bonds 8,00o.00 Qj iSE'. E.R FULID HECEIPTS $5d,621,26 To be raised by .35-n 726.20 STR�T FUIa) RECEIt-IPS Cash on hand 44000.00 Gas tax tievenues 10,136.00 14,136.GU To be raised by 6.15 mills�79 .00 Zb:Y13.W TAX LEVY Currrnt Expense 8.5 mins $17,685.30 General Sever .35 mills 7'$.20 Street rlind 6.15 rills 12 7yt00 mills L. I. Do Guarantee Fund 1 mill 2,080.62 Fire Tru,-- Special levy 1 mill 2 080.62 . 1 rlAlciZ Di;Pl►1tT:.- :.:",' LXt :.. l'" :RES - Clerical help 960.00 "titer Collector Salary 1920.00 Su .erint•indent Salary 4u,80.00 • Asst. Supt. salary 3960.00 Peter reader & repairman 3780.00 Labor 5000.00 Industrial Insurancu(P & 1--edical Aid 450.00 JOclal Security 2% 41.0.00 Power for pumps 3600.00 Truck, Maintnenace L Operation 2000.00 Supplies and repairs 5000.00 Office expen;;e 500.00 Excise tax 21-00,00 Public Liability f; Property damage 700.00 Enrineerine 1000.00 Capital Outlay 40830.00 :tale•.,)tion of i'Ouds & Interest 14710.00 Sewer disposal Plant 58740.00 2UZAL Llktl�Iib;tis 150,740.00 ;LTi ,. L;;;r-.L:Cn ,:T :fivL:,IItu Cash on hand, estimated 22,000.00 lister itevenues, estimated 70,000.00 be..d rand, capital outlay, serer 56s74U.00 Total revenues 150,740.00 SECTION !. This Urdinance small be certified to the proper County Officials as provided by lax, and the taxes here levied shall be collicted anti paid to the City Treasurer of the City of Ejmonds, at the time and manner provided by the laws of the St*te of Washington for the collection of takes of Third Class Citi6s. Pas::ed October 4, 1954 , Publisped,94t.berA, 1954 kayor j y ty Clerk �i %�