Ordinance 703ORDINANCE NO. ..t. J.^. i1 _ .... .�,. � r.. ., .... .. _ , .. %: uG'.... .... .. .....Si T' Iii .;L __:, t,` _.. , '!i ..,Y3 _:� "T_LlJ ?LAC. --Z OF =riL :I'.. OF i�uOalil.;, k':; . 30YI-1, ,6Md +i . c. --LL 'AV;%',L Jf: V-T1FTCIAL GAS AM, ,?zZlFfl'i�', 3O,VDIT, `Imo L-ZA:1h ' P' _;..TO. Ttf CITi JF rMCUDS DONS OKD;IN: Section 1. The 31 y f :Anonds in 3nohoaish County, 'was 'niton (h•re'n called the "Grt-^tor") hereby grLats to Washington Natural Gas Co., (herein called the "G.--ntee"), its successor; and ass., -Tis, for the full term of twenty-five (25) ye.rs f. --n =Td after the date of adoption of tris ord'%vi , the richt, nrivi- le �athority or frc.chi: to constrict or oth--rwis• ac..0:r: ,n•1 o own, mainta:n, a 2uip and i)perite plants and wor'hs, and a'_l necessary or desirsJle apr.:rtensnces thereto, for the :ianufac.ure, generation, purchas,-, transmission, sale, and distribut'--n rf artificial, .iatur.1 .ndfor mixed gas, herein referred to7ener.11y as "gas", including the richt to construct, lay, exL,nd, maintain, re;tove, replace, rep -7r, ase and ,p•_rate F.as pipes and gas mains, and =ill -,pp':rtenan-es : nd apaendaf:r :cr o, In. x.ier, or n or cross th- nresRrt, rind fut.re .ublic streets, a •noes, alleys, h;Ftways, bridges, ear -, pare: ad .t^er public p:acf°s : _„r.in t.n- present or any future cora rat• li.:yts t -,e Grantor or its 3.:cc,:; ar_, fir t.,; ;;,rr•,s of distrib.�ing, sup :,•.r.- .:l_ selling gas to 1r+ -,Lor , r s . a siccessors, and Lo persons v*. corportt _...:, :nhat -tuts therof .s -we ; 1 s to persons ;r cornorations 'Weyand 4 .e .. ,sent ar uT..re ;rtntee's fs iiit: „ , .,o ioc.ed or reloc.t.., so erected :n'—rf re 1itLl, as possibi.. �riti traffic ov. c ::tr—L:;, ve:tccs, a11e,s, ;..:•h.;j.., br_d -.-s, <a. c t--ts, parks, -.nd t ••r r_:c p7 rc,=::, n , re . on tble e^rens fr rn and _ngress to abutting ro:, ;; .,,r:,v'•'.e1, n)w.-v r, +.h -:t t. -,e Gr-.ntce .s`r-11 pat make Ln excavation in n,• t, v,,,e or '.:1.-; ._ .no,t. omnis:,, ,n of t-,- „:ty :u,nc:'_, -xie•nt in _. , .. : r:,v .1 Jf Q -rich ;•i til be oot t ned .s .? U SIX)TI. , . %. i ,-< %v % n� Ln,l the lo:: -:t' on or re Loc on U., ]a :)e the supervi.::3n, dl- ..:on and -iDurov,i of Ll - rv' ;,)r snit .,Ity nr,ineer. The ',r-intee ,,all leave all str Iv,2n,;.":, noidFv al ler.i, lanes Pubiic -Mw-tYd 5 -%,-ini� end ins.al -inp mains and doing c instruct Ion arum, Raking rep,irs ' to n c nt, * -., in a-; .7oo-- �-nc safe Condition in all respects as they were • b --.)re �-:e ?,3-vncncement of s , -i work by the Grantee, its arer s or contractors. in case ),f damar,e to said streets, roajsp alleys, lanes, public plac-s ana ways, or to pave en,., t..,rniuts, F -utters, ditches, walks, drain pipes, rail=, bridges, trestles, whary -; or landinrs by the ',rante,-, '-,r-tntee shall immediately rep---ir saiu damage -A its sole cost and expense. The jouncil W at any time do, order std have :lone any an,- --M work considered necessary to reFtore .o a safe con-11--lon any such streets,.venues, roadso alle1sx lanest public places and , !s, or ray.- nt t•jrnouL.,, .-Ators, Atches, walks, drain pipes, rails, bria-cs, tre-;*.]�,p w!iarves or 1indin--,s left by the irantee or its agents in a condition d%nizerr iS to lift- or jroot-rty, and the ljrantee, upon demand, mall paj to the ;rtntr.. all .oats of s;ch construction or repair and of doing such wor.. oefor- mdertikintz any of the work or improv,-nents authorised by this franchise, th- tm,-ev its successors or ass -',Ts 9MM on rc-.,UC5t by the Gr-intor f,irnlsh i; n-,, exec -:ted by the GrnLee and a cor,-3orate surety authorized to do - s:. --6,j ",n 3t,'- of.is dn-L3n, in a sun to be set and -n-r�ved v the Str,-:.:!t ndcrit as suffL-1,nt t:) 'ns.ire ocrfnrr.;nce of .;ie obli.-ILIOnS under t -,is franc -is,-, cond.t.',jned that tr.e shall well and 'rily cep and observe ail of the covenants, terms and conditions and f;i!L,.fu'.'Ij -,erfrm ,Il of the ;r-inLC-C-IS obli under said fr%ncnise; • shall corre-t or r-pi-tze f,)rthw:-L-:, on re..e.pt of notice Lh,;reol, ni defective 4-,rK or m7.*. -r` -is ;=(-d In ' e ent f t;i< ranLor streets or :,:-,nperty 6:scov-.•--a % L.r,-yf%r r-rlorl if Lr.- �f the rtolicer.ent nd accept-Lnce of :;,iLn J.) the *,ran—.)r ani! shall restore the streets or property n in which JIivy e, -is A -)ri,):- to -anj of worms thereon !,y )nd: tion w .3 occ-i 1 :.-1 by the work ti, ng p,r! n w'_tail: 1,-1,! :"r:o,i ,r *.:Ut q)Ccif1-­; f'.1 -in-TA, nt n t:;t ;,, m, 'It I ;_i,d gar such work. 5e^L_an LL or .-r- 11!j ii­_-­,li r e impos,ed by tht ziLor upon "ie 3rs:iLee 'jr the Aoc.--'1.n:-, -xe ii fir` -n: or openinr7 of --he pudic Prop­ ertic,,: of :;!i' :')r ti. cans ruciion, lay r , -saintenance, opery 'DrA. :-_-pair .,ng or r­iew-d �f of th*.s grant, ,,rovided th.,,t • any- xcavit..ns lnst•-Ilm­as -,'.I th, 1;rantee in any of the pub*,ic !iroperties w,. -..Ln the --or7 ri,--e li%its of tae ;iLy shall be aone In accordance with such reasonable rule, re. -'at-uns, resol.tl_ons and ordInanec3 -iow enacted or to be enacted b.,, the J­Aj ;minz:l relitMr, to e-navatijns in iblic properties :,f the Jity a i mder the dlre,�tioa ana ...mervi.sion of theJ'ity uprvisor and.;ty L%ng- na Lneer, -,nd the Irantee shall pa al costs and expenses incurred by the "Ity in ,he inspect nn i:-nd upPrvis:on :;.-_h Work. ::n 4. TtiF__'r,-.ntPe, upon a-_centaLn-e of this orUn._.-,::e -,nri franchise 'd r as ovi -,, herein, she- _r; office or place of bu3ines:5 within the city IL -al -_s of .he :it - of uid file with the City clerk rrittini notice of -!it lo:htion in the "ity of :-A-aonds of said office or place of busi- ness, and shall Jesifmatt its authorized agent urpm whin legal nrocess vij be !rveo. The Irantee Furth -r agrees thv. it will orovide serv-_^e personnel no w� --J1 wi-.-iin ten (LO) basis will' bt- on - -1,,,jfied *h%t in -_,f-.erzenCy exists. -h� r_n*­e h13 "peen _n.il.e. �'t c r L Se,t- �n 5. ,r t -.1tered or cnanFed, y .:4 s-rv%-, -onplDle-, contractor e, o 1 ­.titj r jr-i -)---if :' ,,,e Irml_,r unier it.� avenues, alleys, w't r sew- iyst -9 vnc rest' jr ny a-o.i- )ns )r exten5; ui-,3 :.hereof, or ms !C- --.io %h .::tor -eiy public urno-ii, re - _n, 1,3c%trw or r -locate iL'3 r -t .....ccs-jrs or aiic.i -, unon nntifica i fz)r1­W* ti, er, -onAructp imnrovev A- pinp-. and mainq and ill um,urten- "Wn � )St. n! .19 to 1.)qfom to "lie;s :-nf* -r:. nei c- . C!, � rV - :: -)r-,: n tr. t 71 -r' rn-ji ji' t. ZOr. if t ds frnc:!.- i,%L n -le ordin anu, if a ,)o. I -t in Lie exercise of its t.oli.e :,owtrs in the ......-rest of a;Ai_ saf--ty %nd for the welfare of the public, the 41 ty stall rjaV, ti,e ­1thurity r-t ail t".,n,3 to -.on,.rol by appropriate reRulations Ln. location, elev�L_:on, and a-inner of construction and mainten-ince if .he 3r-_nteevs gas property and faciliLIe':; cn nubl.ic nroperties, nd the Gr:-.ntee sh:ll jro.i,)LIj conform with all sich -tpulations, rhe City shall have access at all reasinable ti-nes to ---uni part of the plant ir plants, facilities, operations, %ni prt&rdses, of the srintee to %%kL inspections and tests :.hat may be reoiirel in S,.jp,rV4_sing the fulfill:-nert by the ',r-intee of the terns of this franzhise. Se_-t:on the Gr:tntee shall aL, all LL-ces keep full and complete plana, plat r plats, specifications, prof1le-s, and records showing the exact loc- ation, aepLn and size of all gas iiins :and lines heretofirt laid in the city, and showinFr, the locat,.on of all rates, aauges, and other service construction, and such plans, Plat or plats, specificationsp profile3X and records shall he -o I* � *-')-I - nt curr,�:;t b; thf Grantee to �,,.ow thereon the e:ea^t loc,t:on f all adr.'_- I %n,'. lines hereinafter Installed by the Grantee an`• its successor3 and -,e.1--ioject L3 in5Dectlan at all reisona!A�_' L--nes in the� pr ),-,r -ind a,--nts o' the .:)ny of t-es- Mans s plat ^r pli,.s, iDecific _tio%. , r)ruf.li, in the 3 * Ly shall be furnished to the City. Secl.-:)n jrd_;an:!,i ill.all oe in fu . rce ji,.-fect from and after its -..option oj JlranLor, in the mann--r prescrih,d by law, Provided that the :;rant-?,, a--c. pts nt zviTie by iiiia,- its in written acc­nt3n-ze thereof in oflize of t..,: :r­ntorls City Cler, -,rLt:,In t1lirty ('!-) e.-Ays after aclonL.on of t _ jr,!�n n:!k, D., '3rant ;r. Failure of -.-!c 7,rantee to file 3,ich written n,)*-! e da )P.r:Lad shall be i-cm#-d ui a7­uoionw-nt -and reject- ion f tn_"s t.!- r; -,nts au,d rriv-'l hes t',�reby conferred, and -4- 7', P,klf! V -)LI. L in 1,2 'a %,W.'.2t, r -L !'r z 13r 1: s 'jM,1,tf. C 'n. tr.jot' "f LIf. istr' 'Ition _0 trallt ;_'tnin _n,n'.r.3 ;-%r,.t-e -,rill rjrc:_rte i -nap .,f *.Ii, oropo3ed initis: Distribution s.fltcm and file tjj� amr with. ,Iic jitj of :dn.t>n,is The 'sr._-itee agrees to construct s'lci. lines rithin said 30 month per:o _n accordance with sdd map, excc,,)t where chan.:cs are -agreed to by he ; "As inuilt" drawings shall be fur -.'.shed to the City -.ipon the cjmDlet:on of the distributlon sys-em showing the exact loc.tlon, depth, and sliz— cf all -=s :n:in and lin-s and sowing the location of all ratt-.s, F:.uv,¢s and atter service cor. trictLon. After constr-,:,tIon of t'.,e distribution systan in ar�,)riance dith said map, the 3rantee W,. - extend its 3ystem hejond that shown on ,ne map it any areas within the ',ity, or beyond, as it sees fit. As later -ilditions to the distribution SySLeM are nadt., --is provided for, t'rle City will be furnished n -,.ns of said addl.ins j.avinr the exact loc:t1o;,, de-th, any size of all ras, mains and lines grid the lo::-Itlon jf �l rags, :-aupt:s and 31 her service constrict:on. If 4tnin n-.riod of 30 months aft--- -onstricLiDn is cx.uenced, the constr-ic*.-'jn o. the initial systern described in the said -AaD tas not teen _u us tanti ally completed for s.iy reason, then all ri-hts of :ranter under t -is franchise shill bt- deNced '.,.r,-.'.na.ed except the Ity s,zLll gr.,nt addit:x.-a tine Lo grantee for cvises b.yond the control of the Grntee. .;ectloii L'). -­ jrinteF,, by its aCC,•OLnce of t. -.is ordinance, for itself', its successors or %vrees Ih-i*. it will -it all tines %::­Otezt and sive • the Jity of nktnonds harnit:ss from %.1 al 1-i_ liab:1D.Y, loss, expNnse or d=a-e of ...I:i: and des::r!,,,t1on, iccinar to or oe �uffcred '-.i -_r, ity ny pera,�-i or person5 arisine out of the own.rrhip, :on:-.triction ,,r o" s.i,i s sjrt�_i and b- reason of 7iny _nfrn_nr�nk-nt ,f %ry ir F-.. r% ­i use -i in. thr cinstriction or use .' said oil rl j:' n :z, ...C'L. is, ,i' in !i,' n arai.,,st t, ...... r.'. 1-'11, lit of or �y rt:%Sin of he %:,oV'_.w, itloned causes, the 'rWILee 4il,i, . .1 native to it Of C-Imer'ct:ieInt of .:ii iztionx defend the same at As sol, cost and expfn3e, an: in case .'udpi.nt sh-01 be rendered a; -,-at the ;',Ity in such suit or -ictian, the ;rhr.tte vri!_1 fully satisfy slid judrnent 1'r -thin nin,ty (90) determined, d-Ve after s;,id suit Or action •­,'Lil have been finally - if deter- mined adverseLy to the City. Gr-mtee arrees that during the life its franchise, it snall comply with the state workmen's compens-it-on and safety laws and otner state .__%W5 -rid rules and rep-alations and City Ordinances *-which -nay be lawfully enacted. Grantee further agrees that It 411 na-'nt-.in in full force and effect with carr'er or carriers licensed to do business in the Aste of vas,inpton, the following kA) bodily injury li-%bilit.j insur.uil:L satisfactory to the City of A'nonds. (B) Prop-!rty damage liability insura--ce satisfactory to the City of almonds. Section 11. This gr--rit shill :,.ot be excl,i.iive and :.hall 7n no 7.3iiner arohlbit the Gr---itor from other frwic:;ises Of ii.e nat-ire or franchises for 0 -..%Er Public .;r ?rimae utilities over, --ion;-, acrass under and upon _V of such streets, avenues, roads, alleys, 1ar.e3,, public places rind and shall in no- wise prohibit or prevent Ir,_ntor from :sine :any of s :id streets, avenues, roads, 1--nes, :j,,Ioiic '-Y:3, with full ?ower to make all nec- esssrj cnanpes, relocations ren-irs, vii:itenanz:e, etc.o Of same is the 7r-ntor .my -deem fit. Section 12. Uiy)n ftli,Arc il n« ;ranLee to comply v'-th any of the prov-sions Or • ioniiti,)n_-, tre-jf, or of -,.n; Pr -,v'.; ,ns, restrictions or lzdItt:­js zonta'ned in the City -Ae, *.Iho- Law of ',*I,' nate of .-s%,InAon or the Ordinance of :he 3!jt.* ,if A,_DnIs, In -;x-ty (60) days after strv: -e of -entice to coMp'_Y wit'- any Prov.;i ,ns, c(jn!:t,7on,, - strict;ons or lintitations, made and. served b -i -jrIer of the Irantor's -';t-,r unon the behalf )f 3r�ntor to declare by ordinance a: -I ".r'- it rF of t -is franchise, and -salei ;D, -z' 1 •n t; in such case declare L -1 t,) -nd t r an j L, ;r _ntee. Section 14. All nart4 of )rdlri.n_ no. ,,y *;rI, r* ,ortlon of ne 'A-ontS in :!orif,lct --­­�I:'T') 51,;'11 '-e 3.d the City .0:Ie of the ;iLy of same arr. herebj repealed. ,r7or 0.7,.y ;!..rk Passed ACITEYT-1) tnis f c s0"� 1957 President A ,7 %/` Sedr-tark — 0