Ordinance 1132F1 ORDINi,NCF Nn, I t "' ` i.N ORDINANCE APPROVING ;iNU CONFIRMING THE FINAL ;,SSESSMENT ;,ND ,SSESSMENT ROLL OF LOC;tL IMRPOVE- MENT DISTRICT NO. 134, 1giICH H:,S BEEN CREATED ,'XI) ESTABLISHED FOR THE PURPOSE OF P;,YING THE COST OF IMPROVING CERT; -IN PROPERTY, ;,LL IN THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, BY INST;.LLING i,N EIGHT INCH SANITARY SEWER AND ;,LL NECESSARY AP:URTENANCES, INCLUDING PIPE, VALVES, FITTINGS, SURF;,CE GRT,DING :,ND REPLi,CEMENT OF PAVEMENT WHERE NECESS;�RY ;,ND REL",TED WORK NECESSARY TO MAKE :, . COMPLETE IMPROVEMENT IN ACCORD;�NCE WITH CITY STAND;�RDS, PLRSU.INT TO RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 182, AND AS PROVIDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 1097, AND LEVYING AND ASSESSING THE ;MOUNT THEREOF AG;,INET THE SEVERAL LOTS, TRACTS, P;,RCELS OF Li1ND AND OTHER PROPERTY SHOWN ON SAID ROLL. ViHERE:iS, the assQssmQnt roll levying the special assessments against the pr.opvrtivs located in Local Improvement District No. 134, in the City of Edmonds, Washington creatied under Ordi- nance No. 1097, has been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Edmonds as provided by law; and WHEREAS, notice of the time and place of hearing thereof and of making objections and protests to said roll was duly pub- lished it and for th, time and monnvr provided by law, fixing the time ,nd place of hvarinq thvrcon for the 7th day of Sept- umber, 1955, -!t th.. hour of 8.00 F.M. o'clock in the council cnambers of the Civic Center at Edmonds, Washington and further notice thcx,.of was duly mailed by th.� City Clerk to each property owns on said roll; and WHEREI,S, at the tim.: incl place fixed and designated in said notice the hearing on said assussmcnt roll was duly held and all written protests rvcoivvd wer.: duly considvrvd and all persons appearing at said hearing wuro hoard, and the City Council over - 0 rulod said written protests receival and denied oil rvqu.:sts for chongus of assussm,2nts on said ,assessment roll, now, thvruforv, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN ;,S FOLLOWS: Suction 1. The ossyssments and assessment roll of Local Improv,fi%-nt 'DJ strict, No 131, which has hevn cr-oted ,ind estab- lished for th, purpose -)f° paying th, cost of the installntion of an eight inch san,tary s,wer and all necessary appurtenances, including pip" valves, fittings, surface grading and rcplacum,:nt of pavement wher- necess-,ty and rulatud work nucess,ary to make n compl,A, improvement of certain property, b-ing the 14-st side :�)f 21st Avenue South beginning at th, intersection of 21st Avenuu • South and Fifth Struut S.E. thence northerly on 21st Avenue South approximately 550 feat in thu City of Edmonds, Washington, pur- suant to Resolution of Intention No. 182, and as provided by Ordinance No. 1097, as the same now stands, be and the same is hereby in all things and respects approved and confirmed. Section 2, Each of the lots, tracts, parcels of land, and other proporty shown on the said roll is hereby duturmined and declared to be specially bunufited by said improvement in at least the amount charged against the same and the assessment appearing against thu same is in proport on to the several assess- munts appearing on t1v: said roll. Thur, is hereby leviad and <ass,ssed against ,each lot, tract, parc,l of land and oth„r property appearing upon :aid roll th, amount finally charged against thu same thereon_ Si;ction 3, rh, assessment roll as approved and confirmed shall be filed with th, City Tr,asurur of the City of Edmonds, Washington for collection and said City TrCasurer is hur,by authoriz,d and dircrt,d to publish notice as required by law stating that the said roll is in his hands for collection and that payment of any assessment ther,,on or any portion of said assessment can b, made at ,any tiro, within thirty days from the date, of th, first pubiication of said notice• without penalty, inturest or costs, and that theruaft,,r th, sum remaining unpaid may b, paid in tem ucjunl Finnual installments with interest thereon her, -by fixed at th,- rate of per annum. Thu first -2- N inst011m..ut ()L .1 5..5Smtilta on said osfi:ssm4nt roll shall become du., and payabl, during th, thirty day period succutiding the date on, y,ar aft,r th, dat r_ first publication by the City Treasurer of notic- that th, rssessmLnt roll is in his hands for collection and annually ther,after 4ach succuudinq installm_•nt shall bucome due and payabl,.: in lik, mc+nn`r. If thu whole or any portion of • the assessments remains unpaid after thu first thirty day periud, inturust, upon the whole unpaid sum shall be charged at the rate of T % per annum and each year thereafter one of said install- ments, together with int,r st due on the whole of the unpaid bal-- ancu, shall be colluct.:d. i�ny installment not paid prior to the: uxpir,tion of the said thirty day period during which such install- ment is due ind payable sh,:ll thereupon become dulinquent. All delinquent installments shall be subject to a charge for interest ,at 6% p_r annum and for ,n additional charge of S% penalty levied upon both principal ,and interest due upon such installment or installments. The collection of such dulinquunt installments will be enforced L,i the m nnur provided by law. APPROVED: r y 1 1 4 +YOR, GOI2DOP3 1AXWELL i,TTEST : CITY CLERK, IRENE V:,RNEY MORAN PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: l PUBLISHED: d -3—