Ordinance 26560006.11084 WSS:kly 01/30/88 FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE NO. =^�� AN ORDINANCE OF ThE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON AMENDING THE PROVISIONS OF THE PDMONDS CTTY CODE SECTION 10.05.020 RELATING TG THE ARCH- ITECTURAL DES_GN BOARD TO LIMIT APPOINTMENTS TO T%0 TERMS, AND TO AMEND THE DATE UPON WHICH A 'ERM EXPIRES; AMENDING THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 10.25 TO ADD A NEW SECTION 10.25.015 IIMITING THE SERVICE OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS TO TWO TERMS; AMENDING SECTION 10.40.020, PARAGRAPH (B) TO LIMIT THE SERVIC7 OF THE PLAN'ING BOA?D MEMBERS TO TWO TERMS; AMENDING SECTION 10.50.020 TO LIMIT THE SERVICE OF TRUSTEES 'N THE LIBPARY BOARD TO TWO TERMS AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHA:., BECOME EFFECT'VE. THE CITY CUUNCI`, OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS Section 1. AMEND ECC Section 10.05.020 relating to the terms of membe-ship in the Architectural Design Board to read as to -lows: 10.05.020 Terms of Membership. In order to insure that The fewest `.erms will expire in any one year, the terms of tze appointed positions by position number shall expi_2 :Dr. December 31 of the year set opposite said position number as follows: Position No. _ - 1991 Position No. 2 - 1988 Position No. 3 - 1989 Position No. 4 - 1990 Position No. 5 - 1990 Position No. 6 - 199! Position No. 7 - 1988 Thereafter, the term of :membership for the members of the Board shall be four years. No person shall serve more than two full consecutive terms; an appointment to fill a portion of an unexpired term less than two (2) years in length shall not be considered a full term. Vacancies occurring otherwise then upon the expiration of terms ma_; be Filled for the unexpired terms. Members WSS504190 may be removed by the Mayor following a public hearing, with the approval of the City Council, for inefficiency, neglect of duty, or misfeasance in office. Members shall be removed for failure to maintain attendance as required by the provisions of the Edmonds City Code. Section 2. Chapter 13.25 is hereby amended oy -he addition of a new Section 10.25.015 relating to the number of terms of service of the Civil Service Commissions to provide as follows: 10.25.015 Terms Limited. No Civil Service Commissioner shall serve more then two full consecutive terms. An appointment to fill the unexpired portion of a term less than two (2) years in length shall not constitute a full term. Section 3. Section 1,.30.010(P) relating to the terms :)f the Disabilitv Board Members is hereby amended to read as follows: 10.30.010 Board Created - Terms of Office. B. All terms appointed or elected pursuant to this section shall serve for two year terms. No member shall serve more then two (2) consecutive terms. An appointmen- to fill the unexpired portion of a term less than two (2) years in length shall not constitute a full term. The members shall not receive compensation for their service upon the Disability Board but shall be reimbursed for all travel expenses incidental to such service. The Disability Board shall perform all functions, exercise all powers and make suc., determinations as specified under the foregoing laws of the Mate of Washington as may be amended from time to t_me. Section 4. Secticn 10.40.020(B) providing the `_erm of the Planning Board is hereby amended to read as follows: 10.40.020 Planning Board. B. Term. In order to provide for continuity of member- ship members shai be assigned a position number. The WSS50419O -2- initial term of each position shall expire as set forth below, with subsequent terms being four years each, and until the successor is appointed and confirmed: Position No. 1 - 1982 Position No. 2 - 1982 Position No. 3 - 1983 Position No. 4 - 1983 Position No. 5 - 1984 Position No. 6 - 1984 Position N,). 7 - 1985, Altetnatp - 1985 No Commissioner shall serve more then two (2) full consecutive tet.as. An appointment to fill a portion of an unexpired term less than two (2) years in length shall not be cons_dred a full term. Section 5. Section 10.50.U20, Appointment of Trustee - Terms, is hereby amended •_o read as follows: Appointment of Trustee - Terms. The Mayo shall appoint five trustees who shall have the management and co^ -rot of the Public Library. The term of office shall be for five years, provided, however, that onIN! one term shall expire in any year, the first trustee shall be determined by lot, the terms to expire in each succeeding year. Thereafter the terms shall be for the full five (5) year term. No Trustee shall serve more than. `wo (2) full consecutive terms. An appointment to fill the unexpired portion c- a term less _nan two (2) years in length shall not be considered a full term. Section 6. This ordinance, being an exercise of a p(-wer specifically delegated �o the City legislative body, is no -- subject to referendum, and shall take effect five (5) days after passage and publication of the a-tached summary which is hereby approved. n nnn nV, c+ _ WSS50419C -3- ATTEST/AUTHENTICATED: CITY XLERK, JACQUELINE u. PARRETT APPROVED AS TO FORM: OFFICE OF THE 'ITY ATTORNEY: I BY FILEC WITH THE CITY LERK: February 2, 1988 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: February 9, 1988 PUB'-ISHED. February 14, 1988 EFFECTIVE DATE: February 19, 1988 ORDINANCE NO. 2656 +►SStiO ' _ �C1 -4- 006.13062 WSS/naa WSS504480 02/09/88 ORDINANCE NO. 2656 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, kMENDING THE PROVISIONS OF ECC 10.25.090(B) RELATING TO THE FILL"NG OF PROMOTIONAL VACANCIES IN ORDER TO EXTEND THE RULE OF THREE TO PROMOTIONAL POSITIONS WITHIN THE POLICE DEPART- MENT AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE WHEREAS, the Civil Service Commission has recommended that the procedure known as the Rule of Thre• under which the appointing authority may select for promotion any of the top three applicants from the eligibility list. be applied to all promotional positions within the Police Department, and WHEREAS, the City Council finds tha* the adoption of such a rule is in the best interest of the public and conforms with the intent and objectives of the Civil Service Sys~_ear, NOW, THEREFORE, TEE CITY COUNCIL OF EDMONDS, WASHIN;TON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. ECC 10.25.090 FILLING JF VACANCIES - PROBAT OVARY PERIOD, paragraph (B) Promotional Appointments, is hereby amended to read as follows: B. Promotional Appointments. Whenever the appointina authority determines that a vacancy shall be filled by promotional appointment, the Commission shall certify from the appropriate eligibility list names as follows: 1. For each and every police officer position above the entry rank of Second Class Police Officer, the commission shall certify the three highest names on such list, from which the appointing authority may appoint any one. - 1 - 2. For each and every position above the rank of Fire Lieutenant in the Fire DE.3artment, the Commission shall cer*.ify the :.,ree highest names on such list, from whic'i the appointing authority may appoint anyone. 3. For all positions in the Fire Department, including or below the rank of Fire Lieutenant, the Commission shall certify the highest name on the eligibility list. i 4. Nothing herein shall obligate the appointing authority to fill any position. Section 2. This ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifically delegated to the -ity legislative body, is not subject to referendum, and shall take effect five (5) days after passage and publication of the attach-d summary which is hereby app_cved. APPROVE ATTEST/AUTHENTICATED: .,'CIln CLERK, :,ACQUELINE PARRETT APPROVED AS TO FORM: OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY: FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: February 9, 1988 PASSED BY THE CITv COUNCIL: February 16, 1988 PUBLISHED: February 21, 1988 EFFECTIVE DATE: February 26, 1988 ORDINANCE NO. 2656-A - 2 -