Ordinance 26670006.12048 WSS/naa WSS505110 04 /13 /88 R:04/19/88 ORDINANCE NO L667 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE PROVISIONS OF ECC CHAPTER 3.13 BY AMENDING FCC 3.13.010 TO STATE A POLICY REGARD- ING PUBLIC ART FUNDING; AMENDING FCC 3.13.020 TO BETTER DEFINE MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION PRC.JECT; AMENDING ECC 3..3.030(B) TO LIMIT FUND CARRYOVERS; AMENDING ECC 3.13.040 TO PROVIDE A COMMITMENT FOR MINIMUM FUNDING, AMENDING ECC 3.13.050 TO PROVIDE FOR THE ROLE: OF THE COMMISSION IN THE ANNUAL BUDGET PROCESS; AMENDING ECC 3.13.060 TO BETTER SPECIFY THE PURPOSE OF THE MUNICIPAL ARTS FUND; ADDING A VEW EC,: SECTION 3.13.070 CREATING A NEW PUBLIC NRT ACQUISITION FUND AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAM- SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE WHEREAS, the City of Edmunds thr^ugh its City Council has previously stated its commitment to provide public art in conjunction with its financing of municipal construction pro3ects by the establi-hment of Municipal Arts Fund, codified as Chapter 3.13 of the Edmonds City Code; and WHEREAS, from time to time corfusion has arisen regarding the amount of funding and the administration of sucli funds; and WHEREAS, the k-ity Council wishes to restate it_ commitment to the arLs and to address prior confusion by the amendment of Chapter 3.13 in order to more clearly state its Intent and requirements, NOW, THEREFORE, FOLLOv, S : THE CITY COUNCIL OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS Section I. ECC 3.13.010 Purpose is hereby amended *o read as follows: W -- - 3.13.010 PURPOSE The city cF Edmonds accepts the respcnsibility for expanding public experience throughout the broad spF-trum of the arts by providing local and cultural artistic services and programs to its citizens. Artists •apable of creating for the public in the fields of visual, w-itten and performing arts should be encourageu and such is hereby declared to be the policy of the city �f Edmonds. In harmony with this policy it should be the policy of the city to require that visual art be included in any city public works project, where applicable, and that a portion of the cost of such project, where applicable, be allocated for the acquisition of visual art. It shall also be the policy of th-_, city to provide an annual allocation from the city's general revenues to the Municipal Arts Fund as created by Ordinance 1765 of said city for the our,,oses enumerated in said ordinanc,r. Section 2. ECC 3.13.020 Definitions, paragraph (B), relating to the definition of "municipal constructon project" is hereby amended to read as follows: 3.13.:20 DEFINITIONS. B. "Municipal cons ruction project" means any project paid for whol.y or in part by the City of Edmonds to-onstruct or remodel any building, decorative or commemorative structure, park, street, sidewalk, parking facility or utility or any substantial portion thereof within the limits of the City of ' Edmonds. Municipal constructon project shall not include routine maintenance, the repair of existing public facilities or the replacement of fixtures in such facilities. Section 3. ECC 3.13.030 +corks of Ar*. and Public Facilities, paragraph (B), is hereby amended to read as follows: 3.13.030 WORKS OF ART AND PUBLIC FACILITIES B. The funds authorized and/or appropriated pursuant to this section shall be held in the Public Art ; Acquisition Ft_nd. Provided, however, 'ha` if at the end of any budget year, the said Fund has an accumulated balance from all sources of $100,000 or more representing funds which remain unexpended and 2 - whic.i have not been encumbered or otherwise committed for the purchase of municipal art, no turther annual appropriaticn shall be made under this section until all or that part in excess �f j100,000 has been expended. Out of such funds, zhe amity council, after seekinq the advise of the commission, shall approve the amount to be allocated for selection, acquisition, and/or installation of individual works of art to be placed either as an integral part of the municipal -instruction project in connection with which the funds are appropriated, 3r attached thereto, or detached within or outside such project, or to be placed in, on or abut other public facilities as perm,tted by law. Section 4. ECC 3.12.040 General Revenues to the Municipal Arts Fund is hereby amended to read as fellows: 3.13.040 GENERAL REVENUES TO THE MUNICIPAL ARTS FUND In addition to such funds as may be app,-priated pursuant to sect -ion 3.13.030, the City Council shall make provision by appropriations to the Municipal Arts Fund for the purposes enumerated in section 3.13.010 of this (7hapter. The Council hereby states its commitment to provide general revenue funding at a level of at least $15,000 per year, in addition to such monies as may be appropriated or expended for staff support services Section 5. ECC 3.13.050 Commission Responsibilities is nereby amended to read as follows: j.13.u50 COMMISSION RESPONSIBILITIES A. The commission shall annually review all capital improvement projects as part of the annual budget process in order to make its recommendation to the Council as to which projects are subject to funding under the provisions of ECC 3.13.030. Their review and recommendation shall be undertaken in accordance with the following procedure: 1. Phe commission shall meet with representatives of the City s*3ff as designated by the Mayor in order to review proposed capi-al improvement projects and to determine which projects are municipal construction projects subject to funding under the provisions of this chapter. Such review shall take place in advance et the preparation of the Mayor's - 3 - budget report to the City Council in order that the recommendations of the commission may be considered by the Mayor in the preparation of his budget report. The City Council shall review as a part of its budget review the projects and the estimated expenditures proposed for funding under ECC 3.13.030. The Council retains its discretion to determine whether or not it is appropriate for such funding to be incorporated as a part of the budget and shall fix at the date the budget is approved the estimated expenditures for public art to be funded in accordance with the provisions of 3.13.030 and also shall determine the level of general revenue funding to the Municipal Arts Fund for the general purposes set forth in section 3.13.010. 3. The Counci. recognizes that the final level of funding cannot be set until such time as bids for municipal construction projects have been received and fi►ial contracts approved. Therefore, the final level of funding shall be set at the day the bid is accepted and - he contract approved by the Council. The level of funding shall not be thereafter increased to reflect any change orders, provided, however, the Council, in its sole discretion, may choose to limit or eliminate funding in the event of a significant budget overrun for a particular project, if they believe such action to be in the public interest. B. The commission steal: be responsible for the term and t'Ze method of salection in commissioning of artists, for viewing the design of, execution and placement of, and acceptance of works of visual arts funded by this chapter, subject to final approval by the City Council. C. The commission shall review at specified intervals diring the year, applications from arts organizations within the City, said applications being for the funding of project cr projects involving the visual, written or performing arts which shall directly benefit the public or which shall promote ,)urism within the (-ity. These projects shall be funded from the Municipal Arts Fund according to their individual merits, that determination be made by the commission, subject to approval by the City Council. D. The commission with the consent of the City Council - 4 - may, either alone or in conjunction with other public or private agencies, initiate or sponsor public programs designed to heighten public awareness in any of the aforementioned arts. Section, 6. ECC 3.13.060 Municipal Arts Fund Created is -ereby amended to read as follows: 3.13.060 MUNICIPAL ARTS FUND CREATED There is hereby created a special fund entitled the "Municipal Arts Fund" into whicn all funds shall be paid that are received by the city from whatever source for purpose of providing for the advancement of local cultural and artistir- programs and services within the city, incluOing federal, state or other funds to which ,he city may be entitled �iow or in the future, other funds as the city may from time to tia:e transfer into said fund, and revenues fr,,-)m performances or projects sponsored by the Arts Commission. Section 7. EC'C Chapter 3.13 Mur.cipal Arts Fund is hereby amended by the addition of a new section 3.13.070 Public Art Acquisition Fund Created to read as follows: 3.13.070 PUBLIC ART ACQUISITION FUND CREATED. There is hereby create a special fund entitled the "Public Art Acquisition Fund" into which all funds shall be paid that are received from the revenues pursuant to section 3.13.030 of this code. Section 8. This ordinance, being an administrative action, is not subject to referendum and shall take effect five (5) days after publication of the attached summary which is hereby approved. ATTEST/AUTHENTICATED: IT CLERK, JACQUELINE G. PARRETT - 7 - APPROVED AS TO FORM: OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY: BY /etT !-f FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: April 14, 1988 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: April 19, 198P PUBLISHED: April 24, 1988 EFFECTIVE DATE: April 24, 1988 ORDINANCE NO. 2667 i