Ordinance 27090006.010.042 WSS/klt 04/06/89 ORDINANCE NO. 2709 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, ANNEXING AN UNINCORPORATED PORTION OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY LOCATED NEAR THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF 212TH STREET SOUTHWEST AND HIGHWAY 99, DESCRIBING THE BOUNDARIES THEREOF, PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING OF SAID PROPERTY AND THE ASSUMPTION OF OUTSTANDING INDEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY BY THE AREA AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE. WHEREAS, the City Council finds that certain property located near the southwest corner of 212th Street S.W. and Highway 99 in unincorporated Snohomish County is completely surrounded by territory currently annexed to the City of Edmonds; and and WHEREAS, the annexation tract is less than 100 acres; WHEREAS, no voters reside within said area; and WHEREAS, on April 18, 1989, a public hearing was held after publication of notice in accordance with the provisions of RCW 35A.14.295; and WHEREAS, the declaration of nonsignificance has been issued with respect to said property; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds, after having considered all of the above and the evidence presented at the hearing, that it is in the best interest of the citizens of the City of Edmonds and the annexation tract to annex said property to the City, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: WSS51179O -1- Section 1. The tract of land located near the southwest corner of 212th Street S.W. and Highway 99, the legal boundaries of said annexation tract being described on the attached Exhibit A and shown by map on the attached Exhibit B, both of which are incorporated by this reference as fully as if herein set forth, and is hereby annexed to the City of Edmonds. Said land is hereby zoned CG-2 (General Commercial), high rise designation. Said tract shall assume the indebtedness of the City (if any). Section 2. This ordinance shall be effective forty- five (45) days after passage hereof and shall be subject to referendum in accordance with the provisions of RCW Section 35A.14.297. The City Clerk is hereby directed to publish a copy of this ordinance along with the attached Exhibits A and B as notice of the passage hereof at least once each week for two weeks subsequent to the passage th-r-^-F ATTEST/AUTHENTICATED: C CLERK, -ING. PARRETT APPROVED AS TO FORM: OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY: BY LV FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: Apri 1 6, 1989 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: Apri 1 18, 1989 PUBLISHED: April 23, 1989 and April 30, 1989 EFFECTIVE DATE: June 2, 1989 ORDINANCE NO. 2709 WSS511790 -2- EXHIBIT A Beginning at a point on the southerly right-of-way boundary of 212th St. S.W. 35.00 feet west of the east line of Lot 6, Solner's Five Acre Tracts, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Volume 7 of Plats, Page 25, records of Snohomish County, Washington, the true point of beginning; Thence North 89 52'54" West along said southerly right-of-way boundary to the northwest corner of Lot 5 of Solner's Five Acre Tracts; thence southerly along said Lot 5 boundary to the southwest corner of said Lot 5; thence continuing easterly along the southerly boundary of Lots 5 and 6 of Solner's Five Acre Tracts to a point intersecting the westerly boundary of Primary State Route 99; Thence continuing northeasterly along the westerly boundary of said State Highway to a point approximately 521.6 feet north of said intersection; Thence westerly parallel with the southerly boundary of 212th St. S.W. a distance of 84.75 feet, a point approximately 35.00 feet west of the east lot line of Lot 6 of said Plat; Thence continuing northerly parallel with the west boundary of lot 6 of said Plat to the true point of beginning. LEGAL2/TXTDVB51 EXHIBIT B N W 1/4, SEC, 29, 1 27N_, R.4E.WM SOI_NER'S 11VE ACRE TRACTS 2i2lh ST s W F-7-7 NO. 2 6 3 fn f a `. •3 B h 5 7E _Zth ST S. PROPOSED ANNEXATION VICINITY OF: 212th ST. SW. & 72nd AVE. W. RES. NO. DATE ORD. NO._�7° DATE q-- /'v &p SHEET NO.-*29 OF OFFICIAL STREET MAP CITY OF EDMONDS File No. Exhibit B currently annexed to the City Of Edmonp5- and wHER AS the annexation trpcf Is Jess then lap acres,' and WHEREAS, no vofers reside wkfhln said oreo- and WHEREAS, on April 16 19$9 a public heorip wa5 Qd ai4; publicfllfan of malice in occur. dance with The provisions Ot RC W 35A.T4-?95; and WHEREAS, the decloraslon of nonslgnfffcance has been Issued with respect fo sold properly. and WH;rREAS, the Cl fy Council finds, o1Mr haYIng considered oil Of the above and the evidence preserded of the hearI , thut It s In the best Interest of the citizens of the Lel�y, of Edmonds and the annrxafbn trocl to DN• ' annex said properly fo the City, SH, NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS WASHING. TON, DO OR6AIN AS FOLLOWS: Sedlon 1. Thai tract of land 10tOTEa--'netar the southwest Corner of 212th Streef S.w, and Highway 99, the legal bounds. rle5 Of said annexatlan trace beenqy described on The attached Exhlblt A and shown by map on the attached Exhibit 8, both of which are IncurppOarated by this reference o5 fulty as if herein set forth and Is hereby annexed to the tnv of Edmonds. Said land is hereby zoned CG-2 [General Commercial}, high rise deSlgnol ore. Said tract shelf assume the Indebtedness of the Cttv fff anyl. Section 2. This ordinance shall offer fiffrVi forty-five f4iJ days ape heron} and shall be subfect to referendum in accordance with the of`"Vpro,,o Aw seatiemgS.►;-*�-r47r he Gty Ckerx Is hereby directed to Publish a copy of this ordlnance along with the attached Exhibits A and a as notice of the possoW hereof of least once each week for two weeks subseaueni to the TO FORM: CLERK: tHFLCTIVE DATE June 2, 1999, ORDINANCE NO. 2709 EXHIBIT A Bepinnlnp of 0 pOfnt on the southerly rigqht-of.wav boundory of 2121h St. S.W. 35,00 feet west of the east fine of Lot 0, 5alner's Five Acre Tracts, pceardh` 10 the Plot thereof recorded {n Volume 7 of Plafs; page 25, records of Snohomish County Washington, the true point of beolnninp• Thence North 89•f2'S4" 0 West along i0[d southerly 1 rfaht-of-way boundary to J# the norlhwesi corner o1 Lot 5 Of Solner's Five Acre Tracts: thence southerly along sold LW 5 boundary to the southwest corner of sold Lot 5' thence ranfinulnp e0ster Ey along the southeriv bol+ndory of Lath 5 and a of Solner's Five Acre Trouts 10 a point Intersecting the westerly boundary of Arlmary State Route ". Thence continulnu north• epsterly a! the westerly boundary o! sold State of Cops to feef line of boundary of lot d of sold Al& to the true point of begin- nine. Affidavit of Publication The undersigned, being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that she is Principal Clerk of THE HERALD, a daily newspaper printed and published in the City of Everett, County of Snohomish, and State of Washington; that said newspaper is a newspaper of general circulation in said County and State; that said newspaper has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of Snohomish County and that the notice ................ :..:::.............. ..... Ordinance NO. 2709 a printed copy of which is hereunto attached, was published in said newspaper proper and not in supplement form, in the regular and entire edition of said paper on the following days and times, namely: April 23, 30, 1989 and that said newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers during all of said period. • � r ' JJ,,✓✓ Principal Clerk G Subscribed and sworn to before me this30.0................. i day of ................ 89 tir ....... , 19...«_... - f Rq-t-ary Public in and for the State of Washington, re§iding at Everett, Snohomish County. �xk�armrr— - o n,aorn WASHINGTON. Z OUTSTANDING INDEBTED- NESS OF THE CITY BY THE AREA AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL BECOME EFFEC- TIVE. WHEREAS, the City Council Ifinds that certain property llocated near the southwest corner of 212th Street S.W. and - Highway 09 In unlflcorporg" Snohomio County Is completely surrounded by territory currently annexed to the City of ti-drnonds• dnd WHER�A$ the annexation tract Is less y1on 100 acres; and WHEREAS, no volers reside within sold aced; pries WHEREAS, on April 10 1989 d public hearing Was held otter publication of notice In acCar- dance with the provisions of RCW 35A-14.295; and WHEREAS, the declarotIon at nonw1th respect t has been Issued respect to said property; Affidavit of Publication ones and WHEREAS, the Cily Council finds, after hovinQ considered 6 at the above ones fhe evidence ppreserved at the hearing, that * . fs In the best Interest of the cilicens of the Clty of Edmonds DN, 1 . and the onnexp+lon froct to annex said property to the City, SH, NOW THEREFORE, THk CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONOS WASHING - TON, 00 ORAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1- That tract at band oo2?"fanBrnerr f1M or seesw d The undersigned, being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says Highway 99, the legal bounds• rles of said onnexollon trod being described an the attached that she is Principal Clerk of THE HERALD, a daily newspaper hxelabtttached Exhibit Q bath of printed and published in the City of Everett, County of Snohomish, which ore Incorporated by. this set forth and Is°hie eayl'annexed to the 61v Edmonds. and State of Washington; that said newspaper is a newspaper of of Said land is hereby zoned CG-2 fGernerW Commerciall, high rise general circulation in said County and State; that said newspaper designation. Said tract shall Cry m onv$ the 3adehtednes5 of the has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Section 2, nce be MUM forty--i ve (45 dos hereof Court of Snohomish County and that the notice ........................................ after passage on shall be sublecl to referandurn In ocCordance with the aro ' Lrylleny5.l,rn�V 1'h� afWtLLY City Clerk is Itzreby ed directto Ordinance NO. 2709 Publisha copy of this ordinance ...................................................................................................................................... along with the attached Exhibits A and B as notice of the passage hereof at least once each week far two weeks subsequent to the passagethereaf. ...................................................................................................................................... - APPROVED: LARRY S. NAUGHT1rN . 6rlaver ATTEST/AU THE NTICA TED: JACQUELINEG, PARRETT r ................................................................................................................................. C"Clerk O FORM. a�KICE ED AS a printed copy of which is hereunto attached, was published in said CITY ATTORNEY sIarvzR newspaper proper and not in supplement form, in the regular and FILEO WITH THE CITY CLERK: "Ass�fD'By THf= c1Tv entire edition of said paper on the following days and times, namely: COUNCIL: April 10 1904, EFFECTIVE' DA7!': t909. June 2, ORDINANCE No. 2704 EXHIBIT A A ri 1 23 , 30, 1989 P Beginningat a point on the southerly rlppht.df.woy ............... ..........................................................::......................................................... .. boundary of 2121h St, S.W. 35.00 feet well of the east llne of Lest 6, Seiner's Five Acre Tracts, according to the PW thereof recorded In ..... .......I .................. ....................................................................................................... Volume 7 of Pfau, Page 25, records of Snohomish and that said newspaper was regularly distributed to its subscribers r County Wdshinpton, the true point I NofobegnnfW Thence rt2'56" during all of said period. • West along sold southerly - -•• lgh}-of-wdy boundary to ;I.,, e ItoAtrwest corner of Lot 5 of Solner's Flve Acre Tracts; then Ce sautherfy along sold Lai 5 baundory to - • i ..........G .Unix Rr:Y.. I.ryF-L.+>r::.:t.S:•.a:..:............_........................_............. ',, { the southwest corner of said Lof thence Principal Clerk p 5' continuing easterly Along The southerly baunddr df Loft 5 and a of F In Acre Tracts Intersecting Subscribed and sworn to before me this30tb a pain a p9fn! a the westerly boundary of Primary Slate Route 99• ................. Theaee conllnuing north. easterly the w@t day of ril . i9._. $9 boundary at said State Highway to a laofnd opproxl. .:.. ,r.......:...........:....... ••••• •�•••'••� mately 521,E feet north Of Sold intersectlon; Thence westerly ppaarauei with the bounddr of 2121h t. S., southerly dlstanee of 06.75 •• _ - ' ' - r - + -• - _]...............f........'.....L.=:l ... .f : r. 1ti PubU in for State Washington, leer a r>eim afisro4mahely cony and the of lot 11M of Lot 6 riff spy P�faSj reiding at Everett, Snohomish County. Thence cwtilr�lyyttfrip northerly parallel wffN the west boundary of laf 6 of sold Plot ' • fo the true point of begin- ning.