Ordinance 31740006.150.001(D) PAO /ldh 07/17/97 R:07/ 18 /97gjz ORDINANCE NO. 3174 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE 1997 EDITION OF THE EDMONDS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, WHICH INCLUDES SEVERAL AMENDMENTS TO THE 1995 EDMONDS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INCLUDING THE ADDITION OF URBAN DESIGN GUIDELINES AND THE EDMONDS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN; THE AMENDMENT OF THE EDMONDS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CONCEPT MAP, THE PARK, RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE PLAN AND THE SIX YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLANS; THE DESIGNATION OF PART OF 7TH AVENUE AS A COLLECTOR; THE RENAMING OF TITLE 15 ECDC; AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE. WHEREAS, as required by ECDC 20.00.010, proposed amendments to the Edmonds Comprehensive Plan were submitted to the City of Edmonds for the 1996 comprehensive plan amendment process by November 1, 1996; and WHEREAS, the Edmonds Planning Board has reviewed these amendments, held several public hearings on the amendments and prepared a recommendation to the Edmonds City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council has also held more than one public hearing on the comprehensive plan amendments; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Findings. The City Council makes the following findings for the amendments adopted by this ordinance as required by ECDC 20.00.050: PAO \0\167871.1 -1- 1. The amendments adopted by this ordinance serve to update statistical and other information about the City of Edmonds in order to provide a Comprehensive Plan that accurately reflects the resources, needs and goals of the City of Edmonds. 2. The adoption of the Edmonds Economic Development Strategic Action Plan serves to promote the economic development of the City of Edmonds. 3. The adoption of the Urban Design Guidelines serves to enhance the aesthetic environment of the City of Edmonds and to provide more clarity in the design review process for applicants. 4. The amendment of the Comprehensive Plan Concept Map to include newly annexed areas serves to integrate the newly annexed areas into the Edmonds land use review process. 5. All amendments proposed in the 1996 comprehensive plan amendment review process have been reviewed concurrently. The amendments adopted by this ordinance and the amendments adopted separately to the Comprehensive Plan Concept Map do not result in any adverse cumulative impacts. The amendments are, for the most part, unrelated to each other and also do not result in the need for any further amendment of the Comprehensive Plan at this time. 6. The amendments adopted by this ordinance are consistent with the rest of the Edmonds Comprehensive Plan. 7. The amendments adopted by this ordinance maintain an appropriate balance of land uses within the City. The Edmonds Comprehensive Plan Concept Map has sufficient commercially designated property to serve newly annexed properties that have been largely designated for residential use. PAO \0\167871.1 -2- 8. As identified in Findings 1 - 5, the amendments adopted by this ordinance, individually and in conjunction with each other, are in the public interest. 9. As identified in Findings 1 - 5, the amendments adopted by this ordinance, individually and in conjunction with each other, are not detrimental to the public interest, health, safety or welfare of the City. Section 2. Amendment to ECDC 15.05.000. ECDC 15.05.000 is hereby amended to provide as follows: 15.05.000 Adoption A. 1997 Amendments Adopted. The 1997 edition of the Edmonds Comprehensive Plan, attached hereto and incorporated by this reference as if set forth in full, is hereby adopted as the official comprehensive plan for the City of Edmonds, as required by the Washington State Growth Management Act, chapter 35.70A RCW. Amendments to the 1995 edition of the Edmonds Comprehensive Plan are identified by text that is either underlined (denoting new language) or st-Fieke (denoting text that has been deleted). In addition, the 1995 edition of the Edmonds Comprehensive Plan Concept Map and Figure 9 in the 1995 edition of the City of Edmonds Transportation Element have been replaced for the 1997 edition of the Edmonds Comprehensive Plan. Nothing in the 1997 amendment to this section shall be construed as a readoption of the Edmonds Comprehensive Plan in its entirety, or an amendment of any material not identified as an amendment in this section. B. Location of Comprehensive Plan Copies. Copies of the 1997 edition of the Edmonds Comprehensive Plan, including all documents incorporated by reference, shall be maintained on file in the Planning Department and in the Office of the City Clerk for inspection by the public. C. Attachments to Comprehensive Plan. The 1997 edition of the Edmonds Comprehensive Plan adopts several maps, plans and other documents by reference. These documents are incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan by reference PAO \0\167871.1 -3- as if set forth in full. These documents include the following: Comprehensive Included Documents Plan Element 1. Land Use • Edmonds Environmentally Sensitive Areas Map • Downtown /Waterfront Plan • Stevens Memorial Hospital Master Plan • Edmonds - Woodway High School Master Plan • City Park Master Plan • Pine Ridge Park Master Plan • Southwest County Park Master Plan 2. Community Culture • Community Cultural Plan • Urban Design Guidelines • The Architectural Design Board Manual, originally adopted November 1, 1993, by Ordinance No. 2959 • Edmonds Economic Development Strategic Action Plan 3. Utilities • Secondary Wastewater Treatment Facility Plan • Comprehensive Water System Plan Update • Edmonds Drainage Basin Studies 4. Capital Facilities • Edmonds School District No. 15 Capital Facilities Plan 5. Transportation • City of Edmonds Transportation Element Goals, Objectives and Policies • City of Edmonds Transportation Plan, including the Bicycle Paths and Trails Plan 6. Parks, Recreation and • Parks, Recreation & Open Space Open Space Plan Section 3. Amendment to Title 15. The name of Title 15 is hereby amended from "Comprehensive Plan" to "Land Use Plans and Policies". Section 4. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, PAO\0\167871.1 -4- such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance, being an exercise of a power specifi- cally delegated to the City legislative body, is not subject to referendum, and shall take effect five (5) days after passage and publication of an approved summary thereof consisting of the title. APPROVED: O. ;..;. , ATTEST /AUTHENTICATED : CITY CLERK, SANDRA S. CHASE APPROVED AS TO FORM: OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY: BY ) "C—r FILED WITH THE CITY CLE 12/12/97 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: 12/16/97 PUBLISHED: 12/21/97 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02101 /98 ORDINANCE NO. 3174 PAO \0\167871.1 -5- SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 3174 of the City of Edmonds, Washington On the 16th day of December, 199 7 , the City Council of the City of Edmonds, passed Ordinance No. 3174 A summary of the content of said ordinance, consisting of the title, provides as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE 1997 EDITION OF THE EDMONDS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, WHICH INCLUDES SEVERAL AMENDMENTS TO THE 1995 EDMONDS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INCLUDING THE ADDITION OF URBAN DESIGN GUIDELINES AND THE EDMONDS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN; THE AMENDMENT OF THE EDMONDS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CONCEPT MAP, THE PARK, RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE PLAN AND THE SIX YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLANS; THE DESIGNATION OF PART OF 7TH AVENUE AS A COLLECTOR; THE RENAMING OF TITLE 15 ECDC; AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE. The full text of this Ordinance will be mailed upon request. DATED this 18th day of December , 199 7 CITY CLERK, SANDRA S. CHASE ......................................................................................... ............................... 4............. a printed copy of which is hereunto attached, was published in said newspaper proper and not in supplement form, in the regular and entire edition of said paper on the following days and times, namely: December 21, 1997 ............................................................................................................. ......................... and at_�said newspaper was reg la ly distribute to its subscribers in JL1 dur of said period. 1 1 ....+c.... `�c y„y:.ra- .���,,rr�.: c........... �...a ..�.....,.. ... a;ar•.�,: _ _ ° .......................... f/ t Principal Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this..... 3....d ..... .. camer .......1 19.97... ........................................... ..........�ta ............ /Notary Public in and for the hington, residing at Everett, Snoho ;nt4 . A, -9 -98 qr ` 4P 1 0� � B -2 -1 RECEIVED DEC 3 D 1937 Affidavit of Publication EDMONDS CITY CLERK STATE OF WASHINGTON, t.s. COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH, - SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE No. 3'1J4` ofthe city of Edmonds, Washington - I On the 16th day of December, 1991.'11. .City Council of the The undersigned, being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says Cllyol, Edmonds; passed Ordinahce No. 3174. A summa of the cement of saltl ordinance, consisting of the title, prov7des . follows: that she is Principal Clerk of THE HERALD, a daily newspaper j as I WASHINGTONCADOPTING ETHE T1997FEDITION 0� , THE - EDMON[SS printed and published In the City of Everett, County of Snohomish, COMPREHENSIVE PLAN WHICH -I, INCLUDES SEVERAL AMENDMENTS TO YHE 1995 EDMONDS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INCLUDING THE and State of Washington; newspaper newspaper g on; that said news a er is a news a er of ADDITION OF URBAN DESIGN GUIDELINES AND THE - TDPN M DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC ACTION HEAMENDMETO THE EDMODS general circulation in said County and State; that said newspaper COMPREHENSIVE PATE RCRETION -AND OPEN SPACEPLAN ND HSIX YEAR has been approved as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior CAPITAL. IMPROVEMENT PLANS; THE DESIGNATION OL; THE RENAMING OF TITLE ECDC;• Court of Snohomish County and that the notice ............................... AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE. ......... The full text of this Ordinance will be mailed upon request. DATED this 18th day of December, 1997. Summary of Ordinance No. 3174 CITYCLERK, SANDRA S. CHASE Published: December 21, 1997. , ............................................................................. ..........................:.... ....................... ......................................................................................... ............................... 4............. a printed copy of which is hereunto attached, was published in said newspaper proper and not in supplement form, in the regular and entire edition of said paper on the following days and times, namely: December 21, 1997 ............................................................................................................. ......................... and at_�said newspaper was reg la ly distribute to its subscribers in JL1 dur of said period. 1 1 ....+c.... `�c y„y:.ra- .���,,rr�.: c........... �...a ..�.....,.. ... a;ar•.�,: _ _ ° .......................... f/ t Principal Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this..... 3....d ..... .. camer .......1 19.97... ........................................... ..........�ta ............ /Notary Public in and for the hington, residing at Everett, Snoho ;nt4 . A, -9 -98 qr ` 4P 1 0� � B -2 -1