Ordinance 4089ORDINANCE NO.4089 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING JANUARY 1, 2018 AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE. WHEREAS, on or before the first business day in the third month prior to the beginning of the fiscal year of 2018, the Finance Director submitted to the Mayor the estimates of revenues and expenditures for the next fiscal year as required by law; and, WHEREAS, the Mayor reviewed the estimates and made such revisions and/or additions as deemed advisable and prior to sixty days before January 1, 2018, filed the said revised preliminary budget with the City Clerk together with a budget message, as recommendation for the final budget, and WHEREAS, the City Clerk provided sufficient copies of such preliminary budget and budget message to meet the reasonable demands of taxpayers therefore and published and posted notice of filing and the availability of said preliminary budget together with the date of a public hearing for the purpose of fixing a final budget, all as required by the law, and WHEREAS, the City Council scheduled hearings on the preliminary budget for the purpose of providing information regarding estimates and programs, and WHEREAS, the City Council did meet on November 7, 2017 which was on or before the first Monday of the month next preceding the beginning of the ensuing fiscal year, for the purpose of fixing a final budget at which hearing all taxpayers were heard who appeared for or against any part of said budget, and 1 WHEREAS, following the conclusion of said hearing the City Council made such adoptions and changes as it deemed necessary and proper, WHEREAS, the Finance Director submitted the Use of Tax Funds Report to Mayor and Council as required by RCW 82.46.015, NOW, THEREFORE; THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Attached hereto and identified as Exhibit A, in summary form, are the totals of estimated revenues and appropriations for each separate fund and the aggregate totals for all such funds combined, and by this reference said Exhibit A is incorporated herein as if set forth in full and the same is hereby adopted in full. The Finance Director is authorized to update year-end fund balances in the final budget document as projected prior to printing the final budget document. Section 2. A complete copy of the final budget for 2018, as adopted, together with a copy of this adopting ordinance shall be transmitted by the City Clerk to the Division of Municipal Corporations of the Office of the State Auditor and to the Association of Washington Cities. Section 3. Attached hereto and identified as Exhibit B, Use of Tax Funds Report, and by this reference said Exhibit B is incorporated herein as if set forth in full and the same is hereby adopted in full. The Finance Director is authorized to update actual expenditures in the final report as projected prior to printing the final report document. 2 Section 4. This ordinance is a legislative act delegated by statute to the City Council of the City of Edmonds, is not subject to referendum and shall take effect January 1, 2018. ATTEST/AUTHENTICATE: CITY CLERK, SCOTT PASSEY APPROVED AS TO FORM: OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY: IM APPROVED: MAYOR, DAVID O. EARLING CITY ATTORNEY, JEFFREY TARADAY FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: December 1, 2017 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: December 5, 2017 PUBLISHED: December 10, 2017 EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2018 ORDINANCE NO. 4089 3 SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO.4089 of the City of Edmonds, Washington On the 5th day of December, 2017, the City Council of the City of Edmonds, passed Ordinance No. 4089. A summary of the content of said ordinance, consisting of the title, provides as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND FIXING A TIME WHEN THE SAME SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE. The full text of this Ordinance will be mailed upon request. DATED this 6th day of December, 2017. CITY CLERK, SCOTT PASSEY 4 EXHIBIT "A" 2018 BUDGET SUMMARY BY FUND Fund No. Fund Description Revenue Expenditure Difference (Rev - Exp) * 001 General Fund $ 38,783,555 $ 43,086,131 $ (4,302,576) 009 LEOFF Medical Insurance Reserve Subfund 285,650 294,270 (8,620) Oil Risk Management Reserve Subfund 19,180 - 19,180 012 Conti ngencV Reserve Subfund 64,750 49,584 15,166 014 Historic Preservation Gift Fund 5,170 5,400 (230) 104 Drug Enforcement Fund 130,560 103,252 27,308 ill Street Fund 1,784,270 1,856,507 (72,237) 112 Street Construction Fund 2,942,656 2,823,041 119,615 117 Municipal Arts Acquisition Fund 146,200 182,480 (36,280) 118 Memorial Tree Fund 400 - 400 120 Hotel/Motel Tax Fund 87,960 90,550 (2,590) 121 Employee Parking Permit Fund 25,640 26,880 (1,240) 122 Youth Scholarship Fund 850 1,000 (150) 123 Tourism Promotional Arts Fund 30,520 29,700 820 125 REET 2 1,446,880 2,432,040 (985,160) 126 REET 1 1,448,300 1,734,535 (286,235) 127 Gifts Catalog Fund 53,810 45,900 7,910 130 CemeterYMaintenance/Imp. Fund 180,170 197,514 (17,344) 136 Parks Trust Fund 3,150 - 3,150 137 CemeterYMaintenance Fund 33,360 - 33,360 138 Sister CitVCommission Fund 10,170 10,500 (330) 211 LID Control Fund 14,400 16,450 (2,050) 231 2012 LTGO Debt Service Fund 708,700 708,700 332 Parks Capital Construction Fund 1,494,534 1,982,160 (487,626) 421 Water UtilitV Fund 9,660,690 12,270,201 (2,609,511) 422 Storm UtilitV Fund 5,317,996 6,562,877 (1,244,881) 423 Sewer/WWTPUtilitVFund 11,566,980 13,066,764 (1,499,784) 424 UtilitV Debt Service Fund 1,991,530 1,991,520 10 511 Equipment Rental Fund 1,624,640 1,662,265 (37,625) 512 TechnologV Rental Fund 1,268,390 11191,113 77,277 617 Firemen's Pension Fund 69,690 75,218 (5,528) Totals $ 81,200,751 $ 92,496,552 $ (11,295,803) * Amount represents a contribution of (use of) fund balance EXHIBIT B Use of Tax Funds Report Part 1: Actual Use of REET Funds collected durinq the prior two-year period and Actual Use of REET Funds as a Percentaqe of Proiect REET FUNDS USED FOR THE FOLLOWING STREET EXPENDITURES 2016 % of Project using REET 2017 Estimate % of Project using REET REET 2 - Fund 125 Hwy 99 Enhancement (Phase 3) 9,127 9% 2016 Overlay Program 92,643 8% Annual Street Preservation Program (Overlays, Chip Seals, etc) 305,000 100% ADA Curb Ramp Improvements 1 25,000 100% Audible Pedestrian Signals 20,585 100% Minor Sidewalk Program 55,211 100% REET 1 -Fund 126 236th St SW Walkway 67,098 22% 170,793 37% 220th St. SW Overlay Project 15,959 18% 2015 Traffic Calming 19,613 100% 2016 Overlay Program 734,444 61 % Protected/Permissive Signal Conversion 4,144 100% 15,855 100% 2016 Curb Ramp Upgrades 5,225 67% 19,894 100% Minor Sidewalk Program 22,808 90% 89th PI W Retaining Wall 16,400 100% ADA Transition Plan 33,519 100% 66,105 100% Street Maintenance 55,406 16% Annual Street Preservation Program (Overlays, Chip Seals, Etc) 420,000 100% Hwy 99 Gateway/Revitalization 10,000 16% Traffic Calming 20,585 100% Trackside Warning System 7,000 100% Downtown Restroom 238,640 100% Building Maintenance 300,000 100% REET FUNDS USED FOR THE FOLLOWING PARKS EXPENDITURES 2016 % of Project using REET 2017 Estimate % of Project using REET REET 2 - Fund 125 Dayton Street Plaza 1,277 1 % 834 3% Waylinding Si na a Project 398 4% City Spray Park 52,000 27% 0% Edmonds Fishing Pier Rehabilitiation 1,105 0.06% 100,000 5% Civic Center Property see below 108 0.01 % 0% Edmonds Marsh Enhancement Project - 0.00% 3,536 100% Frances Anderson Center Bandshell 105,242 92% 249,690 100% Veteran's Plaza Project 0% 120,750 18% Marine Beach Play Toy 100,930 100% Meadowdale Playground Equipment 78,380 100% 0% Yost Pool Improvements 750 91 % 115,000 100% Waterfront Redevelopment/Ebb tide walkway 350,000 35% Citywide Park Improvements / Miscellaneous Small Projects 76,514 3% 61,000 100% Edmonds Marsh Project 33,875 100% 0% Civic Park Development 91,566 100% 40,000 100% Container Storage Units 5,074 25% Brackett's Landing Improvements 18,000 100% Seaview Park Improvements 25,000 100% Yost Park Improvements 25,000 100% City Gateway Replacement 40,000 100% Flower Pole Replacement 20,000 100% Sports Fields Upgrade / Playground Partnership 20,000 100% Edmonds Marsh Feasibility& Restoration 25,000 100% REET 1 - Fund 126 Civic Center Property 435,195 23% 0% Land Ac uistion from Snohomish County 1,669 100% Land Acquistion 43,201 100% Debt Service 415,734 100% 169,223 1 100% EXHIBIT B Use of Tax Funds Report Part 2: Use of RE ET Funds for the succeeding two-year period and Percentage of RE ET Funds for capital projects Compared to all other sources of capital Droiect funding as Identified in CitJs Capital Facilities Plan. TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS AND FUNDING SOURCES 2018 2019 Total % of Funrlin Hwy 99 Gateway/ Revitalization (440,000) (426,000) (866,000) Federal or State Grants (Secured) 440,000 136,000 576,000 67% Fund 126Reimbursement - for Hwy 99Gateway/ Revitalization - 290,000 290,000 33% Hwy 99 Gateway / Revitalization $ $ - $ 100% Sunset Ave Walkwayfrom Bell St to Caspers St. (245,900) (245,900) Federal or State Grants (Secured) 140,195 140,195 57% Fund 126 Reimbursement 75,900 75,900 31% Local Funds 29,805 29,805 12% Sunset Ave Walkway from Bell St to Cas ers St. $ - $ $ - 100% 238th St SW from SR-104 to Hwy 99 (631,312) (631,312) Federal or State Grants (Secured) 300,266 300,266 48% Fund 126 Reimbursement 260,335 260,335 41% Local Funds 70,711 70,711 11% 238th St SW from SR-104 to Hwy 99 $ - $ $ 100% Edmonds Street Waterfront Connector (785,000) (530,000) (1,315,000) Federal or State Grants (Secured) 495,000 30,000 525,000 40% Fund 126 Reimbursement -Waterfront development - 500,000 500,000 38% Local Funds 150,000 150,000 11% Community Transit, Sounds Transit, Port of Edmonds, BNSF 140,000 140,000 11% Edmonds Street Waterfront Connector $ - $ $ 100% PARKS PROJECTS AND FUNDING SOURCES 2018 2019 Total Funding Civic Center Development 750,000 11,000,000 11,750,000 Public Vote 3,000,000 3,000,000 26% G.O. Bonds 3,000,000 3,000,000 26% Grants 250,000 4,000,000 4,250,000 36% Fund 125 Reimbursement 500,0001 500,000 1,000,000 9% Park Impact Fees 1 500,000 500,000 4% Civic Center Acquisition/Development/Stadium demo $ - $ - $ - 100% Waterfront Redevelopment / Waterfront Walkway Completion 2,425,000 1,170,000 3,595,000 Fund 125 Reimbursement- Waterfront development 350,000 170,000 520,000 14% Grants 1,325,000 1,000,000 2,325,000 65% Park Impact Fees/Waterfront development 750,000 750,000 21% Waterfront Redevelopment / Waterfront Walkway Completion $ - $ - $ - 100%