Resolution 1344CVO: 1344 A Resolution of the Edmonds City Council Thanking Councilmember Lora Petso for YferService to the Edmonds City Council Whereas, Lora TetSO was appointed to the City Council on July 6, 2010 and sworn in that same evening. She was re-elected and has served on the Council for more than 5 years. During her tenure she has been a superb advocate for all of the citizens of Edmonds and has always approached each and every issue before the Council with understanding and intellect. She was admired by her fellow Councilmembers for her intelligent and stimulating discussions and her outstanding investigative research into all aspects of items on the Council agenda which Councilmembers came to rely on; and Whereas, Lora possesses a remarkable sense of humor which those who have come to know her really appreciate; and Whereas, during her tenure on the Council, she worked with 2 Mayors, 4 Finance Directors, was Council President, and served on numerous Boards and Commissions. In her capacity as a Councilmember and former Council President, she worked on approximately 207 ordinances and 108 resolutions and did this with her usual style of being conscientious of how her actions as a Councilmember would affect not only the citizens of Edmonds but the City as well. Now, Therefore, (Be it I§SOCved, that Lora PetSO be celebrated and thanked for serving as a Councilmember. The Council wishes her well in all of her future endeavors. Passed; Approved; and Adopted this 1 Sth day of December, 2015. Dave f-arling, Mayor na Johnson, CoMncil Presiddnt Pro Tern Joan Blom, CouncilgtaMber City Clerk Adrienne Fraley-Monill C77resident r e Nielson Councilmem Thomas Mesams. Councilmemb r Diane Buckshnis, Councilmember 0 CITY OF EOMONOS 0