1949-11-15 City Council MinutesTucker and seconded by councilman Maxwell.' Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Tucker and seconded by Councilman Maxwell that' the notice for taking water out of the ground, for the -new well be published.in the paper. Motion carried. A report on the.111eyring house, from the committee showed Mr. Hovde as not in favor of repairing:the building, Mr. ?'Mall states it is over 50% destroyed, And Mr. Morse states that the building id good enough for a remodeling job,. Fire:Chief James Astell protested against prohibiting the Fire Truck outside .the City limits. A motion was made by Councilman Tucker for a reconsideration of taking our Fire truck outside £he city limits. No.further actimnawas takem. There b eing no further business the meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor November 15, 1949 The Council met in regular session with Mayor McGibbon presiding. The roll call showed the following Councilmen present Vollen, Waggoner, Tucker, McGinness, Engels, Maxwell ' and Savage. The Treasurers report was read. A motion was made by councilman Tucker and seconded by Councilman Savage that the bill of Van Dlac for $131..25 for police duty be allowed and'a warrant be drawn for aame. Motion carried. This was the night set for a hearing on :Fezon]�ng n ; code. A letter was read from Don Phillips in which he asks for permission to build a frame building, to be used for a meeting place foie the Boy Scouts. After some discussion a motion was made by Councilman Tucker and seconded by -councilman Maxwell that he permitted to construct this building, to conform with the building code, for the use of the,Scouts only. Motion carried. Also a letter was read from Dr. Richard Goodhope, in which he asks for permission to construct a physicians office on the North side of Bell Street between Fourth and Fifth Avenues. The building to be 30 X 60 feet with a brick front. After some discussion a motion was made by councilman Waggoner and seconded by Councilman Tucker that this special permission be granted. A roll call vote showed Vollen no, Waggoner yes, Tucker yes, McGinness yes, Engels no, Maxwell no,. Savage no. There bing a vote of four no and 3 yes, •A motion was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Savage that this property, the West 30 feet of Lot 1 Block 2, be rezoned for Commercial Zone but not included in the Fire Zone. A roll call vote showed Vollen no, Waggoner yes, Tucker no, McGinness no, Engels yes, Maxwell yes and Savage yes. A extg[Ejv8freport was given by Councilman Tucker, chairman cf the water committeeto replacepour present water mains with larger pipe, and to extend the line along Olympia Avenue. Chouncilman McGinness reported that the street Committee was not in favor of vacating the alley between 9th & 10th avenue as per request of Mr. Jurgensen. He also reported that the County would put in the pipe and build up the bulkhead at the culvert on Seventh Avenue if the city will pay for the pipe, which is 68 feet of 24 inch pipe. Mayor McGibbon referred this to the street committee. The date for the hearing on L:. I. D. 62 and 69 was s;etJor December 20. Therebeing no further business the meeting adjourned: �' City. Clerk , Mayors ' _ fit.;'`-:.. ' , t. .s 'December, ,,: X949, ... �;. 'f,k': , The Council" met' Monday ni"glitt.`for 'the regular meeting°;ofthe' Coudc 1. The r- oll call showed the follwoing councilmen present Tucker,;VJa:ggoner 'McGinness' and -Maxwell. The Water collectors 'report `was; read'... '?A `7notion''was' made, by .Council'inan` Tucker and seconded by councilman `Maxwell Aat­'Ibhe~bill of:'•Joe' Colluccio; "'fbr L'. -I'. 'DD. 62 be paid. Motion carried. .:' � •. ...._ , .. . � •.�•:.. { .; is �..,,. `a;• . .. .. .. , .._,- �,: .. •.; _ A motion was made Eby Councilman McGinness` and seconded Councii'rian 17aggonerfthat"the bills which were approved'- by ••the finance"co"mmittee be allowed ari�a"4v irrant's;-be 'drawn on the proper funds. Motion carried. ,�<,:;, IV - , A letter was read•:from-;�-the Baptist Church -in, whidhi they; -ask for + permissionz'ao lay -a , seven•;foot sidewalk along �,their;propo''x�ty 'on,• e11I•StreetktoI the alleyi IA motion was"made by councilman _Tucker and seconded"by'couricil'man •Wa-g-go'ner that' this permission be, ¢ranted under the City.' specification's': Motion carried - - - �s• :' »� ,;.