2015-03-02 Arts Commission Minutesy edmonds ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES March 2, 2015 The Edmonds Arts Commission: dedicated to the arts, an integral part of community life. City of Edmonds Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Department PRESENT: Suzy Maloney Kevin Conefrey STAFF AUDIENCE Samantha Saether Beverly Shaw-Starkovich Frances Chapin Emily Hill Lois Rathvon Marni Muir Joanne Otness Kyla Blair, Student Rep The meeting was called to order at 6:02 PM by Kevin Conefrey, Chair INTRODUCTIONS — Emily Hill introduced at 6:15. AGENDA— Item C.I. moved to beginning of agenda and Kyla Blair introduced as new student representative. MINUTES — Jan 4, 2015 and February 4, 2015 — Rathvon MOVED approval, Shaw SECONDED, MOTION Approved. REPORTS - A. Creative Programs Best Book Poster Contest — The reception date is April 16 and Commissioners are encouraged to attend and help if possible. Shaw-Starkovich will judge posters. Otness and Saether will pick up posters on March 23 and return posters to schools both after the judging and after the exhibit. Chapin will send out an email with the dates for mounting and hanging the poster exhibit at the Frances Anderson Center. She has been in contact with the Friends of the Library about arrangements for the reception and awards, and has contracted with book illustrator Karen Lewis for the presentation. WOTS — Otness reported that the committee is reviewing applications and also inviting presenters for the 30t" year conference. There will be two plenary sessions, one on Saturday mid -day and one Sunday morning. The new website will be up next week and the new blog page and Facebook are both in place. 3. Concerts — Conefrey presented the finalized list of performers for the Concerts in City Park. Chapin reported that the Hazel Miller Foundation request for $8500 has been granted and the HMP concerts are being scheduled. She suggested that Commissioners and Kyla sign up for both Sunday Park Concerts and at least one HMP concert. It is not necessary to give an introduction at Hazel Miller but it is good to greet the presenter and count the audience. A schedule for both series will be available at the next meeting. 4. School Residency — ECA has submitted a request for a $1500 sponsorship for an arts education workshop in 2015 to be held in two Edmonds high schools. Commissioners discussed the extent to which the workshop meets EAC goals to provide literary arts opportunities with artists in the schools. Budgeted funds for a school workshop have not been expended this year and Chapin suggested that Edmonds Arts Commission Minutes — 3/2/2015 2 partial funding for the ECA program would be possible within budgeted funds. Saether Moved and Otness Seconded that the program sponsorship be funded at $750. 5. 41h Avenue Interim Art — Chapin updated the Commissioners on the schedule and process, noting that the three artists invited to submit design concepts will submit proposals on March 11. A public meeting with the selection committee is scheduled for March 23 at 7 PM and each artist will present their design. Following that the selection committee will select one artist to recommend to the EAC at the April meeting. EAC then makes a recommendation to City Council and the selected artist presents their design followed by a public hearing. Commissioners concurred that the EAC representative on the selection committee would be Samantha Saether. B. Capital Projects 1. Library Exterior Entry Project — Chapin reported that the schedule for demolishing the old book drop is mid -October or later. The call for artists should go out in late fall. C. Funding & Administration Student Representative — Kyla Blair, student at Edmonds Woodway High School, introduced at the beginning of the meeting. Kyla is also a Running Start student at Edmonds Community College. 2. Retreat Agenda Items — Conefrey and Chapin discussed possible items for the Retreat with Commissioners. Public Art will be a primary focus, including big ideas over time and temporary art, with time also for discussion of the Cultural Plan implementation process. Community Cultural Plan Work Group Meetings Update — Conefrey and Maloney gave a summary of the Programs & Events meeting. They noted that people seemed to think that there is so much going on already that the focus should be on expanding or collaborating with existing programs and events. Discussion followed about what is not enough and what is too much in terms of inventory of events. Resources are limited but in terms of funds and "doers", the volunteers that make most events in Edmonds successful. To what extent is competing for resources and audience an asset and when does it become a problem. Important to look at anchor events, e.g. Art Studio Tour, and build on things already in place. Otness added that in Arts Education there are also many programs and efforts and she noted that the two meetings held to date were very useful in making connections between entities and furthering communication. EAC facilitating these meetings is a way of getting the word out about what is being done already and making connections between organizations. Communication was a key issue at the Arts Summit. Discussed expectations for July meeting and will discuss further at the Retreat. Question for consultant is what should EAC be asking themselves at this point. STAFF REPORT— Chapin reported that the information for the 2016 Tourism Promotion awards has been sent out to organizations. She informed the EAC that the City is beginning to plan some celebrations for the City's 1251h birthday, August 11, likely including closing the street outside City Hall and having events there in the afternoon. There will be a concert at HMP that day at noon. OTHER BUSINESS — Muir suggested that EAC consider promoting the idea of having animated store windows as a juried art exhibit in the Holiday season. Shaw mentioned the neon monkeys shown in Greenwood store windows last year. AUDIENCE COMMENTS — Meeting Adjourned at 7:44 PM