2015-04-06 Arts Commission Minutesy edmonds ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES April 6, 2015 The Edmonds Arts Commission: dedicated to the arts, an integral part of community life. City of Edmonds Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Department PRESENT: Kevin Conefrey Samantha Saether Lois Rathvon Joanne Otness Marni Muir STAFF AUDIENCE Kyla Blair, Student Rep Frances Chapin Excused: Suzy Maloney, Beverly Shaw-Starkovich The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by Kevin Conefrey, Chair INTRODUCTIONS — AGENDA —Addition of On the Fence as item A.6. MINUTES— March 2, 2015 — Saether MOVED approval, Rathvon SECONDED, MOTION Approved. REPORTS - A. Creative Programs Best Book Poster Contest — The reception date is April 16 and Commissioners able to help at the event should arrive by 5:30. Volunteers for mounting and hanging the forty posters were arranged. Otness and Saether will return posters not selected to the schools. 2. WOTS — Otness provided an update on the lineup for Friday presenters and plenary speakers (Stella Cameron and Rick Steves) and reported that the committee will finish reviewing applications this month. She noted that the conference will need additional volunteers on Friday since there will be a higher volume than in the past of participants at the Frances Anderson Center that day. 3. Concerts — Conefrey asked Commissioners to sign up for Concerts in City Park. Signups for Hazel Miller will be at the next meeting. 4. Axis Dance Program at ECA — ECA is applying for a national grant to bring Axis Dance to present a program with educational and community outreach components. Commissioners discussed the program. Muir MOVED and Otness SECONDED that the EAC partner on the program and that sponsorship for Axis Dance be included in the 2016 budget at $750. MOTION Approved. 5. 41" Avenue Interim Art — Saether, Arts Commission representative on the Selection Committee, reported on the public meeting and the three different approaches presented by the artists. John Fleming presented a project using Mondrian type patterns and colors painted on sidewalk corners, two at each intersection. Bruce Myers presented a variety of elements including constellations marked by bronze insets in the sidewalks, vertical leaf catchers for existing poles, poetry stenciled on sidewalks, and maple leaf crosswalks. lole Alessandrini presented a concept focused on early and newer street grids for a lighting project using solar LED lights in the roadway. Saether noted that everyone in the room seemed totally engaged by the Alessandrini presentation. Public comments were predominantly in favor of the proposal for lights in the street that visually connect the corridor at night. She noted that several residents commented on how dark the street is and welcomed the Edmonds Arts Commission Minutes — 4/6/2015 2 idea of adding low level lighting in the roadway which would make it a safer and more welcoming environment. The selection committee met after the meeting and discussed each proposal. Public comment, verbal and written, was also reviewed. The selection committee came to a consensus that it is more important to have visual impact on the corridor at night than in the day. Saether said they hoped that there might be a way in future to make the project more noticeable during the day. The Selection Committee unanimously selected lole Alessandrini to recommend to the EAC at the April meeting. Discussion followed about how 4t" Avenue has been designated as a unique and special corridor connecting ECA and downtown retail since Planning Board changed the zoning to BD5 around 2006. The big anchors on the corridor are ECA at the north end and Europe Through the Back Door at the south. They each draw significant numbers of visitors confirming the importance of pedestrian flow and visually connecting the corridor with the rest of downtown. In addition it is a popular walking route for residents. Commissioners noted that the City has declared their intent to highlight the corridor both through the special zoning and through the 2009 design process for the 4t" Avenue Cultural Corridor and continued inclusion of the concept in the 2014 Cultural Plan and the Strategic Action Plan. Commissioners commented that the low level solar LED lighting project is pedestrian friendly, providing a path at night on a poorly lit street, and will serve to entice pedestrians from one end to the other. This interim project is an investment in the future of the street as a key part of the downtown. Muir MOVED and Otness SECONDED that the EAC recommend the lighting project by Alessandrini to City Council and following a public hearing request authorization for the Mayor to sign a contract with the selected artist. MOTION approved. 6. On the Fence — Chapin presented an application from Liz Tran. The Commission discussed the project enthusiastically. Saether MOVED and Rathvon SECONDED that Liz Tran be awarded a contract to install her proposed project for On the Fence. MOTION Approved. Further discussion ensued about scheduling and stipend. An increase in both the stipend and the exhibit time will not increase the overall budget for the program. The expectation is that there will be three to four installations a year. Otness MOVED and Muir SECONDED that the stipend be increased to $500 for a 3 month installation display period. MOTION Approved. B. Capital Projects 1. Dayton Street Plaza — Chapin reported that the schedule for demolishing has been delayed but the plan is still to have the project completed in late fall. C. Funding & Administration I . Retreat Minutes and Strategic Work Plan — Conefrey and Chapin asked for comments on the Minutes followed by discussion. Rathvon MOVED and Otness SECONDED that the Retreat Minutes be approved with corrections. MOTION Approved. The revisions to the Strategic Work Plan were reviewed. Saether MOVED and Muir SECONDED that the 2015 revised Strategic Work Plan be approved. MOTION Approved. 2. Community Cultural Plan Work Group Meetings Update — Conefrey reported on the second meeting of the Programs and Events work group for Community Cultural Plan implementation. The group is in agreement that the main purpose of meeting is to help increase the range of events and audience, leverage existing events, and encourage development of new or expanded off season programs. Conefrey gave two examples, the new Cafe program aimed at having an initial event next spring, and Jazz Connection which hopes to expand their participation and outreach. Edmonds Arts Commission Minutes - 4/6/2015 3 STAFF REPORT— Chapin reported that the Edmonds Arts Festival Foundation has donated $1,000 for support of public art maintenance in 2015. They have donated annually for a number of years, recognizing the importance of the care needed for the large outdoor sculptures in the collection. Chapin also mentioned several thank you notes from recipients of 2015 Tourism Promotion awards. OTHER BUSINESS — AUDIENCE COMMENTS — Meeting Adjourned at 7:49 PM