2016-01-04 Arts Commission Minutesy edmonds ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES January 4, 2016 The Edmonds Arts Commission: dedicated to the arts, an integral part of community life. City of Edmonds Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Department PRESENT: Beverly Shaw Starkovich Marni Muir STAFF AUDIENCE Kevin Conefrey Frances Chapin Samantha Saether Excused: Lois Rathvon, Suzy Maloney The meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM by Beverly Shaw-Starkovich, Chair INTRODUCTIONS — AGENDA — MINUTES —Approval of 12/07/15 minutes, Conefrey moved, Muir seconded, Approved. REPORTS - A. Creative Programs 1. Nominations - Commissioner Interviews—Saether reported on the interviews with three applicants for the vacant position. Applicants were required to have professional experience in the arts with strength in the literary arts. All were well qualified and the committee recommended Lesly Kaplan for appointment. Muir Moved and Conefrey Seconded that the recommendation be approved. Approved. 2. Cultural Plan Implementation Work Goals— Muir suggested that the goals be discussed at the retreat in March when all the Commissioners are present. 3. 2015 Annual Review - Chapin distributed the final draft and asked Commissioners to review and send any corrections or comments to her 4. On the Fence — Chapin presented a proposal from Val Stewart on behalf of Student Saving Salmon to create a piece about salmon on the fence on 2nd to be installed in June. Saether Moved, Conefrey Seconded approval of the concept with the caveat that the Arts Commission would like to see the final design before it is approved for installation. Approved. B. Capital Projects 1. 4th Avenue Interim Art Update — Chapin confirmed that the lights have been returned and the artist is researching other products, planning for a spring installation. 2. Dayton Street Plaza —Staff will send the project out for bids for a second time in January. 3. Interpretive Signage — Saether reported on a meeting with Chapin, Hite, Lindsay and Teitzel regarding interpretive signage in parks. The Historic Preservation Commission is interested in creating two new signs, one about the shingle mills on our waterfront, and one in Yost Park for an old stump showing the cut marks. Chapin will work with establishing a process regarding Edmonds Arts Commission Minutes — 1/4/2016 2 review of content, site and design standards for future interpretive signage in parks. Existing signage will be reviewed with the idea of creating a plan that is thoughtful and comprehensive. STAFF REPORT — OTHER BUSINESS — AUDIENCE COMMENTS - Meeting Adjourned at 6:59 PM