2017-09-06 Arts Commission Minutesy edmonds ARTS COMMISSION MINUTES Sept 6, 2017 The Edmonds Arts Commission: dedicated to the arts, an integral part of community life. City of Edmonds Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Department PRESENT: Kevin Conefrey Lesly Kaplan STAFF Lois Rathvon Marni Muir Frances Chapin Tanya Sharp Jonathan Walzer —S Rep Excused: Beverly Shaw Starkovich, Suzy Maloney The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by Kevin Conefrey, Vice Chair INTRODUCTIONS — MINUTES —7/17/17 minutes — Muir Moved, Kaplan Seconded, Approved. AGENDA— REPORTS - A. Creative Programs AUDIENCE 1. Write on the Sound Update/Volunteers — Kaplan and Chapin reported that registration filled during the first week. This means it is more difficult to engage new participants because they have to be very quick about registering. The advertising done this year resulted in many new people on the email list so it may be these will be new attendees next year. Discussion about the issue included revisiting other conference fees in the region. Important to stay current in terms of fees, but still affordable. Commissioners reviewed the schedule and signed up to volunteer for various tasks during the conference. 2. Rain Works Project — The sites and poetry fragments were selected and the plan is to have them installed before WOTS. Commissioners discussed ways to highlight the program during WOTS, especially if it isn't raining. Summer Concerts — Commissioners made various comments about the concerts in the parks, generally noting that it was a successful summer and people seemed to enjoy the variety. Performers often add interesting information but it is important that they not talk too much or do too much verbal self - promotion. The suggestion that one concert be added at City Park in 2018 was discussed. Suggestions included a summer musical or dance — is there another organization, like Driftwood, to partner with? Over 3,000 attended the concerts with a total of almost 700 attending the Hazel Miller Plaza concerts. The total concerts program annually costs EAC about $22,000 for 19 concerts and $12,000 of that is contributed by sponsors, with the Hazel Miller Foundation providing $8,000 for the Hazel Miller Plaza Concerts and Lynnwood Honda and Acura each providing $2,000 for the City Park concerts. 4. Arts & Humanities Month Proclamation —The annual proclamation will beat City Council on October 3. Commissioners are encouraged to attend if possible. Discussion followed of past presentations and Commissioners concurred that this year with the timing right before WOTS the presentation should be kept simple, just highlight WOTS and economic impact study. S. On the Fence/Dayton St— Chapin and Commissioners discussed the budget for temporary art installations and the challenges of attracting younger artists. Suggestion made to contact professors at different art departments, ask them to encourage students e.g. UW art installation program. Commissioners have Edmonds Arts Commission Minutes - 9/6/2017 2 been pleased with the variety of work to date but would like to interest a greater number of artists. The current work by Carrico has attracted a lot of attention. The Commission likes the temporary piece at Dayton Street Plaza and suggests keeping it in place as long as it holds up. 6. Gateway Signage — Chapin reported that the replacement of the large sign on 5t" Ave S and SR 104 will take place this year. She will be scheduling a meeting for an advisory group and Sharp volunteered to serve on that committee. The site is restricted since it is on WSDOT property but a replacement sign can adhere to the general parameters and still create a different look and use different materials. The group will advise on the design process and review a request for fabrication proposals. B. Capital Projects C. Funding & Administration 1. Economic Impact Study Update — Chapin reported that over 700 surveys have been submitted for the resident and visitor survey and they will continue to collect the online surveys through late October. The organizational survey link has been sent to arts and culture nonprofits and businesses. The advisory group will meet in December to discuss preliminary findings and the final report will be presented at City Council. 2. 2018 Budget Discussion — Chapin reviewed the 2018 budget for the three special funds highlighting changes from the past year. Some projects have not moved ahead so the funds will be reallocated for 2018 (e.g. Library public art project). Following brief discussion Kaplan Moved and Muir Seconded approval of the 2018 Budget, Approved. 3. EAC Positions for 2018 — Rathvon is completing her second term and Conefrey his first term at the end of December and both will be going off the EAC. This means there will be two vacancies starting in 2018. At least one position should be filled by a person having professional experience in the performing arts. The positions will be advertised in October and anyone interested should be referred to the Arts Office. Student Representative Position —Jonathan Walzer will be attending UW this year and the student representative opportunity will be advertised at the schools. Commissioners and Chapin thanked Jonathan for his outstanding service, complimenting him on his creative ideas and willingness to engage in thinking through challenges. STAFF REPORT— NEW/OTHER BUSINESS — AUDIENCE COMMENTS - Meeting Adjourned at 8 PM