2012-10-04 Mayor's Climate Protection Committee AgenCitizens Committee on U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement Mission: 1. Encourage citizens to be a part of the solution 2. Encourage City staff and citizens to conserve current resources 3. Work with the City Council to implement ideas 4. Effectively address the future impacts of climate change Committee Members: Members: Richard Bisbee, Jeannie Blair, Carolyn Chapel, Howard Chermak, Bob, Freeman, Wes Gallaugher, Hank Landau, Todd Cloutier, Linda Lyshall, Cynthia Pruitt, Rebecca Wolfe, Valerie Stewart City Staff: Mayor Dave Earling, Rob Chave, Stephen Clifton, Steve Fisher, Carolyn LaFave, Jen Machuga, Strom Peterson, Jim Stevens, Phil Williams Meeting Agenda October 4, 2012 @a 9 am 1. Approval of September 6, 2012 meeting minutes 2. PUD presentation discussion 3. Subcommittee Reports a. Promoting Energy Efficiency Jim Stevens b. Outreach & Reporting Cynthia Pruitt & Rebecca Wolfe c. Development of Incentives Jen Machuga 4. Subcommittee common themes & next steps 5. Student representative discussion (please see new City Ordinance at the following link: htt www.edmondswa. ov ima es COE Ordinance 8 o. d 6. Next meeting date — November 1, 2012 @a 9 am Meeting Minutes September 6, 2012 Attendees: Rob Chave, Rebecca Wolfe, Janice Freeman, Robert Freeman, Carolyn Chapel, Wes Gallaugher, Richard Bisbee, Cynthia Pruitt, Steve Fisher, Val Stewart, Jen Machuga, Jim Stevens, Howard Chermak, Carolyn LaFave ESCO Project Update — Jim Stevens 1. Contract w/state of WA and AMERESCO to develop projects that look best for payback and grant options signed a. When scope is determined then will look at financing b. Initial walk-through scheduled for a week from tomorrow w/general contractor (ameresco) quantum c. Jim to provide contact information for program at next meeting 2. Re: equity challenge info Jim sent around —we are at a 7.8% energy savings right now, looking for 10%. CPC- MeetingAgenda100412.doc Greenhouse Gas Update — Steve Fisher 1. Greenhouse gas emissions inventories have been done for different years throughout last decade 2. Last inventory in 2005 was community at -large & city operations 3. City was to revisit in 2010. This process has stalled -out because of various reasons. It's on the shelf until we get all the data in 4. Inventorying carbon emissions a. A lot of work is being done at bigger jurisdictions looking at different ways to capture the info to find out what constitutes the footprint. b. Using ICLEI model which looks at different sectors and their fuel use and how it relates to emission. Another way of looking at capturing the picture is materials management (link to more info http://captoolkit.wikispaces.com/) which is a life -cycle analysis of materials used. King County delving into this (Steve passed around pie chart — attached). ICLEI just recently drafted a new protocol for accounting for community analysis which should come out on Monday, Sept. 10th. It also includes a little of the consumption -based analysis. Link to EPA site http://Vosemite.epa.gov/RIO/ecocomm.nsf/climate+change/wccmmf 5. Carolyn Chapel is interested in having PUD speak to the group. Rebecca Wolf recommended that we also look into having the Northwest Power Planning Council present at a meeting. She will work on this with Val Stewart. Subcommittee Reports 1. Energy Efficiency —Jim Stevens a. Meeting set-up with Strom to discuss small business incentives b. Discussed energy star challenge within the City—gameify c. Need to sit-down and look at overlap of subcommittees Outreach — Cynthia Pruitt a. Committee has met 3 times b. By September they plan to determine what message they want to focus on c. Message they have come up with — what kind of community do you want to see in the future, envision energy efficient edmonds d. Want to work with other groups. Want to engage and motive people; what can we say & do. Still working on activities that will do this. e. Immediate actions — Sustainable Works is still out there and providing energy assessments to home and they need help with outreach. Possibly we can help, give them a push, get info out to community. Recommend getting info into the newspaper as well. Incentives — Jen Machuga a. Compiling a list of incentives that are already out there. b. Also brainstorming ideas for incentives through the city but these are long-term c. Concentrating on what is out there and getting info out d. Engineering is working on doing a hands-on display about pervious walkways and rain gardens e. Next meeting is today Committee Members Comments 1. Carolyn Chapel —other incentives would be just hearing about someone who has completed a project/made a change and saved money. We should think about possibly making a way for the public to put their savings projects on our website a. Jim Stevens will talk with Dave Sittauer about how much money the city is saving on using electric cars CPC- MeetingAgenda100412.doc b. Cynthia Pruitt switched to tankless water heater and is willing to write a testimonial about it. 2. Rob Chave asked the sub committees to concentrate on sending out their big ideas to the group in advance of next meeting so group can see cross -over and we can work on an overall approach 3. Determined that next meeting we will also discuss what we want to hear from PUD 4. Bob Freeman mentioned that the ICLEI website lists a lot of useful ideas and we should take advantage of what has already been done, don't reinvent the wheel (here's the link to their site http://iclei.org/) a. Val Stewart agreed that we should look to ICLEI for more guidance b. Steve Fisher receives their newsletter and will share it with group 5. Carolyn Chapel has a copy of Cooler Smarter which focuses on things that really matter 6. Richard Bisbee informed the group that the coal train hearing cities have been chosen. Hearing process should start around the end of October. Open to the public. Still seeking to get a comprehensive impact statement on ports. A green drinks event has been schedule for September 121" from 5-7 pm at the Amphibian Center. 7. Steve Fisher made contact w/owner of Edmonds Theater and they are open to showing the AWC award video so just need to get it to them. 8. Outreach to write a newsletter article for city newsletter — deadline is Friday, September 21— send to Carolyn LaFave 9. Janice Freeman said that TIME magazine has an entire issue dedicated to global warming. She emphasized the need to look at the impact on Edmonds in the next 100 years 10. Wes Gallaugher said that NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC is featuring "What's up with the weather?" 11. Steve Fisher said the State DOT is looking for volunteers to count how many people walk or ride their bikes. If interested contact DOT or Cascade Bicycle Club. CPC- MeetingAgenda100412.doc