2013-10-03 Mayor's Climate Protection Committee AgenCitizens Committee on U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement Mission: 1. Encourage citizens to be a part of the solution 2. Encourage City staff and citizens to conserve current resources 3. Work with the City Council to implement ideas 4. Effectively address the future impacts of climate change Committee Members: Members: Richard Bisbee, Howard Chermak, Bob, Freeman, Wes Gallaugher, Hank Landau, Cynthia Pruitt, Rebecca Wolfe, Valerie Stewart City Staff: Mayor Dave Earling, Rob Chave, Steve Fisher, Carolyn LaFave, Jen Machuga, Jim Stevens Meetin Agenda October 3, 2013 @ 9 am 1. Review and approve minutes Val Stewart 2. Upcoming presentations Val Stewart 3. Committee updates Committee members 4. Welcome guests Val Stewart 5. Built Green Presentation Aaron Adelstein, Executive Director Meeting Minutes September 5, 2013 Attendees: Bob Freeman, Janice Freeman, Val Stewart, Rob Chave, Jim Stevens, Howard Chermak, Carolyn LaFave Chair Announcement 1. Val announced that the Aaron Adelstein presentation was rescheduled to the October 3rd meeting due to the Mayor's calendar. Meeting Minute Approval 1. Review of minutes: approved as presented Green Business Recognition Program 1. Discussed possible Green Business Recognition Program which is one of the items in our "next steps" schematic. (See chart at end of minutes). Val researched other cities and organizations to see what they are doing. She found a few good programs and guidelines that she presented information about. Kirkland uses stickers to indicate a business's level of green level. Program in Pennsylvania has a very nice checklist. Businesses need to get a total of 20 points to get the designation. CPC-MeetingAgenda130905.doc c. Richland has a good model. They have different categories and a televised award's ceremony. 2. Rob feels that starting out we shouldn't make the program super onerous. He likes the idea of a committee choosing one good idea but everyone getting recognition. He cautioned against creating a threshold that people can't reach. 3. Janice suggested that we encourage people to put forward in their argument for green what they are selling and where it is coming from. She emphasized that we need to address all environmental levels around the world. 4. Bob said we need to keep our approaches and discussions key to our goal which is climate protection. He's fearful our connection to climate change is getting more and more diluted. 5. It was decided that an email would be sent send to the rest of the committee to see who would like to work on the green business recognition program since there were so many absent from the meeting. 6. Howard suggested that this program would fit nicely under incentives. 7. Val will send her research on the topic to committee for review. She also mentioned that the Eastside has a green business competition. 8. Further suggestions: Partner with the Chamber on this; get information out in City newsletter; Tie-in to economic development so partner with Stephen and the ED department; many partnership opportunities with different groups/agencies depending on the category. 9. Once again, this seems to belong in the incentives group but does anyone else want to work on it as well? 2014 Earth Day Awards 1. Discussed how to move forward with green business awards for 2014 per our "next steps" schematic Howard said that the building industry already has a checklist in place of 1-5 stars for green buildings. Jim said he will look at the portfolio manager to see what other buildings in Edmonds are energy star rated. The group discussed different categories they would offer. Rob suggested keeping is simple — commercial and residential, then expanding as you go along. Val said she would like to see a green retrofit or remodel or tenant improvement category. Does this topic fit into an existing committee? Val will follow-up with email to the group. Display/Educational Materials 1. Discussed where we are at with the display/educational materials. It was reported the Steve and Jen are the key people on this project and they having been waiting to see where this display will call "home" before they actually build it. 2. Group talked about what the display is going to be about. Rob suggested since there are so many topics we could cover, that perhaps we do a series of posters that have the same look and feel but cover different topics. They could be placed in areas where they would be pertinent. The group really liked this idea. It was decided this idea would be presented to the "display/educational materials" committee for their thoughts. Once the subcommittee has reviewed this idea Val would like to see a timeline put in place for this to be accomplished. Subcommittee reports/updates 1. Jim reported for the sustainability green team on the Edmonds United Methodist Church Green Team article that was in MyEdmondsNew.com. This article will also go into the city newsletter. CPC-MeetingAgenda130905.doc I Val reported for the incentives team. She has spoken with Jen and she will get information up on the city website. She asked if there is a link to Sustainable Edmonds on the website. She also recommended updating the list of city projects to include all that have recently been done. She will be taking some pictures of her rain garden and will have Jen get them on the website to push attendance at the rain garden seminar this month. She plans to work with Steve Fisher on the waste reduction category. Committee Member Announcements 1. Carolyn will resend the city email information to all the committee members. Please let her know if you are having any issues with your account. 2. Bob and Janice discussed having Richard Gammon speak at one of the meetings. Val asked them to email his contact information to her. Meeting adjourned at 10:05 am Next Meeting, Thursday, October 3, 2013 CPC-MeetingAgenda130905.doc I Branding (1-2) • C rev a an atetarchrng brand to pat a name to It all. Ideas for brand namee. E' = Division an Energy Efficient Edmonds E' = Energy Efficient Edmonds • L-;2 the znstmng energy effiaency logo as a base for new logo Games and Contests (2-4) • Options include student poster contest energy challenge with another city, and or a contest wnh .Sustaenable Works Energy Challenge (4) . The challenge could be tbroagJl Energy Star. Green Business Challenge. or the Loral Enff n- Ef5aeucy polity. Green Business Recognition (2-3) • Recognise local busmesses for malting ew,n- efb envy mxpro%vemem. bu}wg supplies locally. etc. • Could be patmered with a shop local program Fast -Track Permits (1-3) • Online and or aver -thee -courier per - mirs for certain energy effirienct pm- lects, including solar installations. • Include PUD'PSE m pre-apphanom meeting process far large-scale pro - Manage Revolving Energy Fund (5) • City prop m to help fmance energy efficient. improvements. Display (1) • Prmide succinct mfo on makmg un- prot•ntents to energy efficiency. low m4na development etc • Locate display at Development Senices Dept inmally, and then rotate it dmgbattt other locatwns. Tool Kit / Education (2) • Tips for energy snm,,5. • Approach schools for possible proem to work collaboratively on. Success Stories (1-3) • Inteniew citizens and busmess owners wbo here made successful energy imo- provemens, • Promote successes throe--b various com- rnuntc anon Outlets. b b a a a Web Content (1-3) • info an wteb should be uvt3art:.mng mmd applies to all of the above categories or_nna—+;--A---,a,1-Inonc A1 d