2018-08-02 Mayor's Climate Protection Committee MinuCitizens Committee on U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement Mission: 1. Encourage citizens to be a part of the solution 2. Encourage City staff and citizens to conserve current resources 3. Work with the City Council to implement ideas 4. Effectively address the future impacts of climate change Climate Protection Committee (CPC) August 2, 2018 - Meeting Minutes Opening: The regular meeting of the CPC was called to order at 8:45 am on August 2, 2018 in the Fortner Conference Room of City Hall by Cynthia Pruitt. In Attendance: Cynthia Pruitt, Diane Buckshnis, Rob Chave, Lisa Conley, Shane Hope, Larry Pierce, David Schaefer, Josh Thompson, Mayor Dave Earling. Approval of Minutes: Josh moved and Cynthia seconded a motion to approve the minutes from the July 5, 2o18 meeting. The motion passed. Welcome and Introductions: Cynthia welcomed members to the meeting and committee members introduced themselves and their reasons for being part of the committee. Climate Goals Project - Shane described the progress toward updating the Climate Action Plan with respect to City Council Resolution 1389—specifically the hiring of consultants to help the City create easy -to - measure goals which allow quick determination of progress toward carbon reduction. A committee including Mike Nelson interviewed consultants and have hired Environmental Science Associates (ESA) and Good Company to help with the process. The consultants will meet with staff at 8:3o am on Thursday, August 16 to share project information. Then at 9:oo am on the same day they will hold a meeting for CPC members who are able to attend. The consultants will meet with CPC at least 3 times over the course of the 8 month project. Action Items Person Responsible Deadline Kick Off for Climate Action Plan All Available Committee August 16 at 9:oo Update — meet with consultants Members am Brackett Room Carbon Fee Initiative 1-1631 - Presenter: Cynthia Cynthia read the minutes on the discussion from the July presentation by Hank Landau to help bring all committee members up to speed on the issue of endorsing 1-1631 as a committee. Then she opened it up to further discussion. David felt not taking a position would be remiss. Mayor Earling proposed that the CPC draft a memo to the council but reminded the committee that the council could not endorse an initiative. Diane recommended the committee chairs provide an editorial or guest column to local media on the importance of the initiative. Also, draft a memo to the council to raise awareness about the initiative. Cynthia asked members to respond as to their support of 1-1631. David felt support of the initiative is the right thing to do. Rob abstained as a City employee. Larry mentioned that Hank felt a council endorsement would provide an entre onto a position with the commission that will decide on where the funding will go so we could help guide it. Josh felt he didn't know enough to make an informed decision. Lisa felt the same as Josh. Larry felt the commission spots had already been filled and that the wording on the initiative was too vague to be of real value in reinvesting and providing training (e.g. there are no certification requirements for educators, no definition of what constitutes a green job, etc.) David pointed out you need to start somewhere even if the plan isn't perfect. Action Items Person Responsible Deadline Draft article for local media using Cynthia & David September 1 Hank's research document. Review and edit draft article Mayor Earling September 6 Status of 2018 Priority —Education - Presenters: Various Taming Big Foot —Diane asked about the status of the "Taming Big Foot" report and when a final presentation would be made before the Council. Cynthia said she would follow-up with Steve. 1-1631 Article —David mentioned that this should be included under education since it will be a means to educate the public about this vital initiative. Zero Waste Point of Disposal Displays —Larry recently witnessed a citizen sort waste at a disposal site, the citizen tried to make the right choice but was unsure what to do. Creating a 3-D board of items at each site would help citizens make the right choice. The PCC and Swedish both use such displays successfully. We will discuss ways to approach this at another meeting. Action Items Person Responsible Deadline "Taming Big Foot" Report Steve & Cynthia September 6 Point of Disposal Display outline Larry September 6 Committee Emails: City vs Personal - Presenter: Cynthia Cynthia led a general discussion about how to be sure committee members are getting meeting notices and information. Not everyone's City email is working properly or used frequently. Diane recommended sending all notices to both personal and city emails. Larry & Rob suggested an "Opt out Option" for members who only wanted to use their personal emails. The risks of using personal emails for city purpose were discussed with a general feeling that there would be little liability for our committee to use their personal emails. Josh mentioned that only emails related to CPC would be requested if a need arose. It was mentioned that Carolyn could send out an email to all members regarding and "Opt Out" of using city accounts. The discussion was tabled for another meeting. Subcommittee Reports: Cynthia called for reports from the subcommittee members • Zero Waste —Nothing to report stated Larry • Sustainability Heroes —Nothing to report stated Cynthia • Taming Big Foot —Discussed earlier in the meeting stated Cynthia. New Business: • Plastic Utensils Ban —Cynthia gave brief overview of this zozo goal and talked about creating a business -to -business outreach. • Solar Cell Curriculum —Hank and Josh had heard about a teacher who received solar cells from the PUD and taught his students about solar power with them. Josh said it was an exciting program with curriculum created by the teacher. The committee felt it would be valuable to expand this program into other classrooms. Josh was going to find out more details about it. Lisa could be interested in helping to implement such a program. Action Items Person Responsible Deadline Find Teacher who created the Josh September 6 curriculum and assess feasibility of implementing program districtwide. Announcements: Cynthia gave a message on Donna's behalf. Be sure to Vote in the upcoming election and pay close attention to the qualifications of the SNOPUD commissioner candidates. Agenda for the September 6 Meeting: A list of potential agenda items for the next meeting include .... • Climate Protection Plan Update —Shane • Carbon Fee Initiative News Article —Cynthia • Taming Big Foot Report —Steve • Zero Waste: Point of Disposal Displays —Larry • Email Accounts Revisit —Cynthia Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 9:5o am by Cynthia Pruitt. The next general meeting will be at 8:45 am on Thursday, September 6 in the Fortner Conference Room at City Hall.