2014-07-22 Disability Board MinutesEDMONDS' DISABILITY BOARD Meeting minutes 7/22/14 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ken Jones, Chair Gary McComas, Board Member Adrienne Fraley-Monillas, Council Member STAFF PRESENT: Mary Ann Hardie, HR Manager Yvonne Chan, HR Analyst CALL TO ORDER: Chair Ken Jones called the Board meeting to order at 8:44 am. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilmember Adrienne Fraley-Monillas made a motion to approve the meeting minutes of Mary 6, 2014. Chair Ken Jones seconded the motion. The motion carried. DISCUSS AND APPROVE CLAIMS SUMMARY REPORT: Ms. Hardie reviewed the Claims Summary of April 1, 2014 to June 30, 2014 as follows: SUMMARY OF CURRENT COSTS: 4/1/14 through 6/30/14 SERVICE TOTAL NUMBER OF CLAIMS COST Prescription Co -Pays 9 $3,658.79 In Home Assisted Living Care 3 25,027.50 Purchase of Eye Glasses 0 0.00 Medicare Premium Reimbursement 2 2,517.60 Dental Reimbursement 3 367.00 Payment of Annual deductibles & co- insurance 8 1,373.25 Hearing Aids (batteries) 2 2,622.63 Routine & Preventative Costs or costs associated with Annual Physical Exams 0 0.00 Eye Exam and Refraction 3 468.05 Out -of -Pocket Expense 1 547.79 Medical Equipment/Medically Necessary Services 0 TOTALS: 31 $36,582.61 The total expense for the period 4/1/2014 through 6/30/2014 was $36,582.61 with a total of 31 claims for the period. The total Visiting Angels Nurse Care costs for the quarter were $25,027.50. Chair Ken Jones made a motion to approve the claims summary report for the period 4/1/2014 through 6/30/2014 up to and including 6/30/2014 in the amount of 36,582.61 based upon medical necessity. Councilmember Adrienne Fraley-Monillas seconded the motion. The motion carried There was discussion that followed by the Board about the letter of updated status from the medical provider for one of the LEOFF members who has submitted In -Home Assisted Living reimbursement requests. Councilmember Adrienne Fraley-Monillas mentioned that based upon the medical diagnoses mentioned that the LEOFF member is in an advanced stage that may not be able to be handled by a Nursing Home or other facility. She believes however that we should go forward to get quotes and see how close the costs are to the costs we have experienced with the In -Home Assisted Living group. Chair Ken Jones will take the redacted medical information to three nursing facilities in the Snohomish area and get quotes. Ken will then prepare a report for the board about the results he receives. Chair Ken Jones also mentioned asking other members who attended the WSLEA 2014 conference if they had similar type of situations. He found that others mentioned that we had good policies around the issue. Ken also discussed the Board's ability to get three quotes from nursing facilities and also asking the family to pay the difference between the average and what is now being charged by the in -home service they are using. There was some discussion that followed by the Board as to Board's consideration of quality of life arguments about the at home care versus the nursing facility. Chair Ken Jones gave a brief overview of some issues discussed at the 2014 WSLEA Conference that he attended. He will give more in-depth coverage of the following issues at a later date: 1) Medicare Update by representative from Seattle Office 2) HIPPA update — an attorney from Ogden Murphy Wallace's Wenatchee office was a speaker at the conference. Chair Jones stated that he felt reassured that the Board was handling privacy issues well. 3) Long Term Care — Ms. Cordova from Concierge Care Advisors spoke. 4) Veteran's Benefits — Sharon from VFW spoke and mentioned that many veterans are not seeking the many benefits available from the Veterans Administration. 5) Matt Smith — State Actuary assured members that the Washington State Pension is well funded. Discussion of how and which policies to review at the next meeting. Mary Ann Hardie suggested selecting one policy to review at the next meeting and then move forward with another at the next meeting, etc. Councilmember Adrienne Fraley-Monillas proposed that we begin with the Prescription Co -Pay policy for the next meeting. The other board members agreed. Mary Ann Hardie gave an update on her attempts to contact Dr Bettis, Dr Hickman and Swedish to find someone to fill our Citizen -At -Large position on the Board. Chair Ken Jones talked to a retired firefighter who may be a good fit and who may be interested. Boardmember Gary McComas suggested asking Mayor Earling for any suggestions he may have and to ask the Chamber of Commerce. Boardmember Gary McComas suggested starting the meetings a little later to avoid heavy commuter traffic. The members present agreed to a start time of 10:00 am for the next meeting. The meeting adjourned at 9:17 am.