2014-10-21 Disability Board MinutesEDMONDS' DISABILITY BOARD Meeting minutes 10/21/14 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ken Jones, Chair Joan Bloom, Council Member Adrienne Fraley-Monillas, Council Member STAFF PRESENT: Mary Ann Hardie, HR Manager Yvonne Chan, HR Analyst CALL TO ORDER: Chair Ken Jones called the Board meeting to order at 9:36 am. Board Member Gary McComas was unable to attend the meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chair Ken Jones made a motion to approve the meeting minutes of July 22, 2014. Council Member Joan Bloom seconded the motion. The motion carried. DISCUSSION AND APPROVAL OF CLAIMS SUMMARY REPORT: Ms. Hardie reviewed the Claims Summary of July 1, 2014 through September 30, 2014 as follows: 7/1/14 throuah 9/30/14 CLAIM NO./ DATE SERVICE RCW/PAST PRACTICE COST 57 in home assisted living Board approved policy 008.11 8,262.00 58 Prescription Co -pay RCW 41.26.030 (22) (B) (iii) (A) 269.78 Medicare Premium Reimbursement Board approved policy 005.06 1,258.80 payment of annual deductibles Board approved policy 001.02 31.04 59 Prescription Co -pay RCW 41.26.030 (22) (B) (iii) (A) 381.00 60A payment of annual deductibles Board approved policy 001.02 58.82 60B payment of annual deductibles Board approved policy 001.02 44.72 61 Prescription Co -pay RCW 41.26.030 (22) (B) (iii) (A) 389.73 Prescription Eye Glasses Board approved policy 003.02 150.00 payment of annual deductibles Board approved policy 001.02 43.50 62 Prescription Co -pay RCW 41.26.030 (22) (B) (iii) (A) 90.00 payment of annual deductibles Board approved policy 001.02 111.51 payment of co-insurance cost board approved policy-009.13 163.65 63 in home assisted living Board approved policy 008.11 8,511.75 64 Prescription Co -pay RCW 41.26.030 (22) (B) (iii) (A) 359.58 payment of annual deductibles Board approved policy 001.02 Hearing Aid Batteries Board approved policy 004.06 115.73 21.14 65 Prescription Co -pay RCW 41.26.030 (22) (B) (iii) (A) 79.69 Prescription Co -pay RCW 41.26.030 (22) (B) (iii) (A) 66 Dental Expenses Board approved policy 002.05 payment of annual deductibles Board approved policy 001.02 747.43 67 Prescription Co -pay RCW 41.26.030 (22) (B) (iii) (A) Medicare Premium Reimbursement Board approved policy 005.06 payment of annual deductibles Board approved policy 001.02 payment of co-insurance cost board approved policy 009.13 2,112.05 68 in home assisted living board approved policy 008 7,391.25 69 Prescription Co -pay RCW 41.26.030 (22) (B) (iii) (A) Medicare Premium Reimbursement board approved policy 005.06 Eye Glass expenses paid Board approved policy 003.02 656.39 payment of annual deductibles Board approved policy 001.02 [77io- payment of annual deductibles Board approved policy 001.02 80.92 31,330.48 The total expense for the period 7/1/14 through 9/30/14 was $31,330.48 with a total of 15 claims for the period. The total Visiting Angels Nurse Care costs for the quarter were $24,165.00. Chair Jones made a motion to approve the claims summary report for the period 7/1/14 up to and including 9/30/2014 in the amount of $31,330.48 based on medical necessity. Council Member Joan Bloom seconded the motion. The motion carried. REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF LEOFF I RETIREE CLAIMS (REQUESTS FOR REIMBURSEMENT) Eye Exam- $80.00 There was discussion that followed by the Board about eye exam costs. After some discussion, HR Manager Mary Ann Hardie suggested that she bring back a policy for eye exams (based on the average cost of several surrounding City/County Board policy limits) for the Board to review, edit and approval at the next meeting. Additionally, it was requested that HR staff check into cost of providing eye care insurance through VSP directly and bring the information to the next Board meeting in January. Chair Jones made a motion to approve the request for reimbursement by the LEOFF 1 retiree of discussion in the amount of $80.00 based on medical necessity. mCouncil Member Bloom seconded the motion. The motion carried. Vaccinations - $245.98 A LEOFF 1 retiree claim for travel immunizations in the amount of $ 245.98 was discussed. After some discussion as to the medical necessity, Council Member Bloom moved to deny the claim for the LEOFF 1 member of discussion based on a lack of medical necessity. Council Member Adrienne Fraley Monillas seconded the motion. The motion to deny carried. HR staff will send notification to the LEOFF member of the Board's decision as well as his ability to appeal to the Board (providing additional information on medical necessity) if the LEOFF 1 member so desired. 2 REVIEW OF PRESCRIPTION CO -PAY POLICY Ms. Hardie explained the spreadsheet provided to the Board reflecting the various comparator city/county Board prescription co -pay policies. Discussion ensued by the Board about the prescription reimbursement options. After some discussion, the Board directed HR to craft a policy on prescription co -pay based on the comparator city/county for the Board's review, editing and approval at the next meeting. The policy will address travel exclusions and possibly other items that may not be covered. DISCUSSION OF INFORMATION RE: NURSING HOME QUOTES/INFORMATION FOR A LEOFF 1 RETIREE (FOLLOW UP FROM JULY 2014 MEETING DISCUSSION) BY CHAIR JONES Chair Jones presented information to the Board about costs of nursing home care that he received from a memory care center near his home. Council Member Bloom cautioned that any information we receive from sales staff at a care facility [that specializes in a type of care that may not be necessary for the LEOFF 1 member of discussion] will be given to attract business for the facility. Council Member Bloom then suggested that someone could call nursing homes and get "daily rates". Those rates would givethe Board a better comparison to the assisted living care rates that we are currently paying for a LEOFF 1 member receiving in home (assisted living) nursing care. There was some discussion that followed by the Board regarding the [revision of the current] policy in order to ensure consistency and fairness. The Board then discussed the purpose of Long Term Care policy and about the ease of approving payments to LEOFF members as a policy would allow HR staff to pay reimbursement claims directly rather than having to wait for approval by the Board at the next Board meeting. HR Manager Hardie then mentioned the continuing lack of applicants for our Citizen At Large position and that she had spoken to Mayor Earling as requested by the Board to see if he may have any community contacts to reach out to. MR. Hardie asked for further direction/assistance from the Board members for the recruitment process. Council Member Fraley-Monillas suggested that Ms. Hardie contact the South County Senior Center Director, Farrell Fleming to see if he had contacts. Ms. Hardie stated that HR staff would reach out to him and inform the Board at the next meeting if he had any potential candidates. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 am