2019-04-10 Diversity Commission AgendaSPECIAL MEETING NOTICE EDMONDS DIVERSITY COMMISSION RETREAT MEETING The Edmonds Diversity Commission will meet on Wednesday, April 10, 2019 at 4 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is for a retreat meeting of the Edmonds Diversity Commission. The agenda and packet for the meeting are attached. The meeting will be held in the Edmonds Senior Center, 220 Railroad Avenue, Edmonds. WA 98020. The public is welcome to attend the meeting. Posted/Mailed: March 22, 2019 POSTED: City Hall Edmonds Library Edmonds Post Office Public Safety EMAILED: Newspapers The Herald The Seattle Times The Edmonds Beacon o ,+i c+ +i r, KC;IS/r\UMS KSER KRKO KIRO Television Stations KING KOMO KIRO Myedmondsnews.com City Council Directors 0 V E1),111 0 SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA Edmonds Diversity Commission Retreat Edmonds Senior Center 220 Railroad Avenue, Edmonds, WA 98020 Wednesday, April 10 2019 4:OOPM — 8:OOPM 4:00 P.M. - CALL TO ORDER 5 min. 1. Roll Call 2. Approval of Agenda 3. Approval of March 6, 2019 Meeting Summary 15 min. 4. Icebreaker 30 min. 5. Why was the Commission created? What is the purpose and mission? Definition of inclusivity. 20 min. 6. "Commission 101" (Law Department) 30 min. 7. Role of Commission in messaging to the public. Why & how? 15 min. 8. Youth Forum update 15 min. 9. Break for dinner 60 min. 10. Storytelling project discussion 20 min. 11. Community dialogue event (Donnie Griffin) 20 min. 12. Miscellaneous items: Student Representative Research on other diversity commissions Captioning project Surplus funds 13. Final Comments Adjourn — 8:OOPM Next meeting: Wednesday, May 1, 2019, 6 — 8 PM Guiding Principles To ensure we meet our responsibilities as a Commission, we agree to: • start and end our meetings on time • demonstrate our respect for our fellow Commissioners, the City of Edmonds, and the citizens we represent by: being present, being prepared, actively listening, participating in meetings, completing our individual assignments, and holding ourselves accountable • "step up and step back" • establish goals and action plans that are results oriented • establish subcommittees as needed • engage in courageous, honest, and open dialogue when faced with difficult issues or questions • utilize the "Ouch Rule" (assume positive intent; resist the temptation to be offended) • embrace the education opportunities presented through the Commission meetings • strive to make decisions by consensus. In a case where consensus cannot be reached after a reasonable attempt has been made, the Chairperson may call for a majority vote. DRAFT CITY OF EDMONDS DIVERSITY COMMISSION March 6, 2019 COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Pat Valle, Chair Anabel Hovig, Vice -Chair Ed Dorame COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Donnie Griffin Mindy Woods Maria Montalvo Dean Olson Sarah Mixson ELECTED OFFICIALS AND STAFF PRESENT Brian Potter Patrick Doherty, ED/CS Director Councilmember Adrienne Fraley-Monillas, ex Cindi Cruz, Program Coordinator officio 1. Roll Call: Pat Valle called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. 2. Recognition of Misha Carter for her service by the Commission. 3. Approval of Agenda: The agenda approved by consensus 4. Approval of Meeting Summary of February 6, 2019: Summary minutes approved as submitted by consensus after making one change by Brian Potter. 5. Public Comment: a. Libby Hustler read the attached statement: (Item 1). b. Ardeth Weed, stated the Commission was formed after a racially motivated incident occurred on the Edmonds waterfront several years ago. She expressed concern about the recent issues over the Facebook (FB) post. c. Tom Hawn spoke in support of Libby Hustler's comments. He also was curious why the Commission was formed and what is their purpose. d. Carolyn Strong read the attached statement: (Item 2). e. Billye Brooks-Sebastiani is not a resident of Edmonds but has shopped in Edmonds. Appalled by comments on FB. Negative reference to business was out of line by Commission. Question about if there was a vote by the Commission to support the FB post. f. Devin Myers interested about pro -captioning within City businesses for hearing impaired and is supportive of a proposal. g. Holly Monek-Anderson spoke as a member of the ACLU and supports all speech even when it is unpopular free speech. She thought the FB statement was innocuous. She expressed her opinion on the importance of the Commission. But just because we can say something doesn't mean we should. h. Apple Catha spoke representing the Edmonds Downtown Business Alliance (Ed!) and invited the Commission to the Ed! annual member meeting on 4/17/19. This invitation is an opportunity to share information with the Ed! members. She is willing to facilitate information on behalf of the Commission. The meeting will be held at Calypso, 109 Main St. Suite 1 in Edmonds from 6:30 — 8:30 p.m. DRAFT Meeting Summary Diversity Commission March 6, 2019 Page 1 DRAFT i. J. Geronimo Whitaker, a resident of Edmonds had heard about Diversity Commission but had not come until tonight and encouraged the cultivation of diversity. He stressed the need to be involved in community. Encountered racism locally. Supports venue for safety and free speech. 6. Update from the City: a. Patrick: Mayor's state of the City address is tomorrow morning at 8:30 a.m. in the Edmonds Theater. The Commission support position interviews were held and Giovanne Schachere was hired for the position. He will be attending the retreat in April. Senior Center will be closing soon and alternate meeting space has been identified at the Frances Anderson Center (FAC) for the duration of the construction. Probably June meeting will be held at the FAC. Film Series movie on March 16 "Just Charlie" at the Edmonds Theater. b. Adrienne: There is a full list of people running for office this year. Edmonds homeless assessment is out and can be found on front page of City Council website. Will be starting community engagement again and trying to make the process more inclusive throughout the City. Meetings will be publicized. 7. New Business: a. Youth Forum — 4/12/19: This year will be the 3rd Annual Youth Forum with the Edmonds School District (ESD). Committee members met with Kimberlee Armstrong. Found out the high schools are not available that day and Plaza Room has been reserved as back up but the school staff is looking for an alternative day. The group is considering some new things at the forum — video presentations, video welcoming from Mayor, video on how world caf6 works, topics will be: campus safety (School Resource Officer -SRO, guns); emotional/mental health (teen suicide, depression); LGBTQ; DACA/immigration; the "ism's" racism, classism, sexism; and possible 6' topic is homelessness. Some changes could be regarding taking comments and reporting at end of session. Consensus is to hold event at a school on a half day rather than at Plaza Room. Concerns about adding another table which can affect the time frame of the event. Students could choose 5 out of 6 topics so would not affect time. Can discuss logistics at the retreat. b. Prioritize use of Surplus Funds: Regarding money remaining in budget at end of year. Come up with two or three ways that this money would be used if there are any funds remaining. Create policy to determine how the funds could be spent. Regular budget updates should be given at the meetings. Potentially would rather spend time at retreat discussing other things than this since there is time before the end of the year. c. New logo — provide examples of existing logo: Passed out existing logo and its variations. Could have a new logo developed by putting a proposal out to bid and artists would bid on creating a new logo. After discussion there was consensus to put on back burner and if there are surplus funds potentially fund it. d. Grand Alliance Project Progress: Patrick reminded the project that was proposed was a story -telling project. The gathering of submittals could be showcased sometime in the fall as an alternative to the world caf6 event. Partnership committee to meet asap with Giovanne and advise C3 of the plans and proposal. Meet with Patrick to determine how to proceed. DRAFT Meeting Summary Diversity Commission March 6, 2019 Page 2 DRAFT e. Commission Retreat — April 10, 2019: Retreat will be held at Senior Center 4 p.m. — 8 p.m. Suggested retreat topics; Dean: Turn on the captions project, partnership topics and Grand Alliance project. Brian: Dedicate significant amount of time to Grand Alliance project, icebreaker activity, partnership projects, defining inclusivity. Adrienne: Discuss why Council created Commission and what were goals and hopes, Maria: training on how commissions work etc. attorney could provide, what a commission needs to know about public disclosure. Pat: use of surplus funds, youth forum, research on other diversity commissions. Donnie: discuss messaging and Commission dialogue referenced the 3 Practices sessions hosted by Teresa Wippel and potential for Commission to host something similar. Approved by consensus to provide box lunches up to $15 per person for dinner during retreat. No meeting on 4/3. 8. Commissioner's Corner: Maria thanked audience for attending and expressing their concerns. Adrienne offered to the audience that she was willing to meet with anyone to discuss concerns her e-mail is on City website. Ed said one of the biggest challenges was to get citizens to attend the meetings and he wanted to express that audience comments were not on deaf ears, Brian read a statement (attachment 3). Sarah mentioned board meeting at ECA Tuesday 5:30 — 7 regarding equity and inclusivity and Commission is invited to attend. Sarah read a statement (attachment 4). Anabel thanked the audience for coming and reiterated that their comments are important. Dean passed out partnership goals that will be the goal to work on. Adiourn: Pat adjourned the meeting at 7:31 PM — Next meeting: April 10, 2019, 4 PM at Edmonds Senior Center. This will be a special meeting for the commission retreat. DRAFT Meeting Summary Diversity Commission March 6, 2019 Page 3 Good evening my name is Libby Hustler, I am a 46 year resident of Edmonds, raised my children here, have been active in the community over the years. I have also owned two business in Edmonds and was on of the founding members of the Edmonds Merchant assoc. back in the mid 1990's, along with Jenny of Sound Style and several other business owners. I take umbrage with the stance the "diversity commission" took with one of our long standing businesses in, the Edmonds Bakery and its owner Ken. This commission over stepped it bounds in publishing a letter taking Ken to the wood shed over a "COOKIE". Then the commission posted a hollow apology statement. The commission stated this first letter was not pointed towards any one business, but it was evident it was, otherwise there would have been no need for this letter in the first place. I don't feel the diversity commission is here to set policy on what or how a business is operating if they are obeying the laws. I use the term "diversity commission" very loosely as there is nothing diverse about them. It appears if you don't think or speak as they want you to they will take you to task and publish a letter about your behavior. Last I check our First Amendment is still alive and well. I believe it is time for the citizen of Edmonds to stand up to the "speech police". We the citizens of Edmonds should be asking ourselves why we even have a "divesity commission" we have done fine all these years. I see no need for this commission to even exist and the citzens of Edmonds need to move forward and to see how to have this commission disbanded. All this is, is a politically correct committee trying to promote their views on the rest of us. This is our tax payer dollars being used for this Diversity Commission and it need to be stopped. Our tax payer money could be much better used for road, pot holes & side walk repairs. In the 46 years I have lived here diversity has not been an issue. Each and everyone of this commission should be ashamed of themselves for what they have done to a business and its own in Edmonds. diql?a yv I am a long-time citizen of Edmonds and I am here to speak about the stance the Diversity Commission took against a local business and against many of its citizens. A woman entered a bakery in our city and was offended by a cookie because, she said, her parents came here illegally. After she posted it on social media there were strong reactions from those offended by the cookie as well as those who agreed with the statement "Build the Wall". Social media went wild with this, it was the topic of several news articles and radio talk shows. The Diversity Commission, a governmental agency, openly condemned the business and insulted the citizeps - by disparaging this bakery and the cookie's message of supports sovereign nation. q(The commission and city further added insult to injury bYp g uttin out another post that was worse than the first. Your statement clearly and ignorantly signaled that citizens who believe in a wall, were quote: "divisive", "hurtful", and would "have consequences", and were not promoting "Kindness, love and compassion" or "being inclusive". This is not acceptable governmental behavior in America, and it reflects the actions of a police state and outright fascism. It is unconscionable that a government entity would demonize its own citizens who have a certain political belief, in this case a wall on our nation's border which would protect its: citizens, sovereignty, economy, & safety and will help stop the flow of human trafficking and illegal drugs. This commission has not only insulted its citizens, it has decidedly chosen which businesses it will publicly support and which it will publicly shame, - declarations based on the ideology and outrageous assumptions of an obviouSly Far Left political committee. i�� Now there is an active boycott of all businesses in Edmonds, due to this i commission's actions. I believe this committee has set the city up for a huge lawsuit. I call for the disbanding of this commission. 1 have no confidence in this committee's ability to make any unbiased decisions regarding policies or stances for Edmonds citizens. It has proven to be hostile to its constituents, unprofessional in its approach, and clearly representative of only one sector of Edmonds' residents. It is not our Governments place to legislate morality. You are NOT our Thought Police. This is clearly NOT a commission of, for and by the residents. It exists to push the morals and ideals of a small group onto a whole city. That is not Progressive. It's Regressive. This committee's existence is unnecessary and has been proven unworthy. I will seek to make this commission's prejudiced and un-American practices a main topic in the public's eyes in the upcoming elections. My post -bakery statement My big takeaway message from the Valentines' event is that our ability to work effectively is compromised by the fact that many Edmonds residents feel they have a city government that, in their opinion, has been encroaching on private citizens' historic rights - the original, punitive tree commission; the first housing strategy movements; bag bans; gun storage are all examples. And they see the Diversity Commission as a part of that government. These people are not necessarily anti -diversity, though this event may have made some of them anti -Commission. It is a gross assumption to say that because they are vocal about first amendment rights, or have conservative political views, they are necessarily against the ideas of equity and inclusion. Many of them said that they do not feel included in the city's vision of what it is or what it should be. I am concerned that these past city actions, the wording of our Diversity Commission statement, and the mayor's subsequent post about that statement may make it impossible for the Diversity Commission, as a city organ, to be effective at increasing any sense of inclusivity in Edmonds. I think we need to think, and discuss, at length, how we include or do not include conservative views in our vision of Edmonds Diversity. If we, the Commissioners, cannot stretch our minds to understand this part of our community, can we ask the community to stretch its minds to include others' diversity. I hope we can include this in our "retreat" topics. out be�OVLOJ ideas of wrowgdaewg awd ►=�ghtdo%wg, there LS a f�eLol. iU vu,eet you there. when. the sou. Ues doww tvL that grass, the word Ls too fRLL to tale about. ideas, Lav%,gu.age, evew the phrase 'each other' doe-SVI't vu,a�2e awl sew -se. R.u.vv. L GSIL