2010-04-21 Economic Development Commission MinutesCITY OF EDMONDS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION April 21, 2010 The Citizens Economic Development Committee meeting was called to order at 6:07 p.m. by Chair Frank Yamamoto in the Brackett Room, 121 5th Avenue North, Edmonds. EDC COMMISSIONERS PRESENT PLANNING BOARD LIAISON Bruce Faires Kristiana Johnson Stacy Gardea Don Hall ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT Darrol Haug Councilmember Diane Buckshnis Betty Larman Mary Monfort STAFF PRESENT Beatrice O'Rourke Evan Pierce Stephen Clifton, Community Services/Economic David Schaefer Development Director Rich Senderoff Cindi Cruz, Executive Assistant Kerry St. Clair Ayers Jeannie Dines, Recorder Bill Vance Rob VanTassell PUBLIC PRESENT Bruce Witenberg Ron Wambolt Rebecca Wolfe John Reed Frank Yamamoto Natalie Shippen Marianne Zagorski Brian Larman 1. INTRODUCTION AND COMMENTS BY CHAIR Chair Yamamoto introduced Kristiana Johnson, Planning Board liaison to the EDC. 2. AMENDMENTS TO AGENDA - NONE 3. APPROVAL OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES OF MARCH 17, 2010 COMMISSIONER FAIRES MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MARCH 17, 2010. COMMISSIONER ZAGORSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 4. REPORTS FROM SUBGROUPS a. Strategic Planning and Visioning Commissioner Zagorski identified the members of the subgroup: Stephen Clifton, Frances Chapin, Rob Chave, Rich Senderoff, Bea O'Rourke, Bruce Witenberg and herself She reviewed a summary of the Economic Development Commission Approved Minutes April 21, 2010 Page 1 work to date by the subcommittee. At their first meeting, they agreed there were three principal areas they needed to work on to produce recommendations for the City Council, 1) describe why the City should develop a strategic plan, 2) describe the process to develop a strategic plan, and 3) identify what would be included in the plan. At their second meeting, Mr. Clifton provided examples of other cities' strategic plans and relayed that a citizens group, Imagine Edmonds, was interested in conducting a visioning process. The subgroup developed a list of reasons the City needs a strategic plan. Guests from Imagine Edmonds and from the Pomegranate Center (a non-profit working with Imagine Edmonds) were present at the subgroup's third meeting. Imagine Edmonds described their interest in a positive future for Edmonds and engaging people to develop creative solutions to the City's problems. The Pomegranate Center is a non-profit working with Imagine Edmonds and has submitted a grant proposal to the Hazel Miller Foundation to engage the community in a visioning effort for Edmonds. Imagine Edmonds and the Pomegranate Center are also looking for a constructive role for philanthropy. Mr. Clifton relayed Pomegranate Center's Executive Director Milenko Matanovic comments regarding the importance of getting the community to share their values and to identify what is important to them rather than things they are opposed to and to use that as a baseline. Commissioner Senderoff added he asked whether the Pomegranate Center had experience with focusing on one element of a vision during a broader visioning process. Their answer was that that was feasible as long as the entire process fit within their concept of involving the community. He relayed a suggestion to hold visioning meetings at the Edmonds Center for the Arts and to air them on Channel 21. Commissioner Faires agreed Imagine Edmonds may have something to contribute, recalling the City Council has discussed possibly partnering with Imagine Edmonds in the future. Mr. Clifton noted that by approving the EDC resolution, the Council has already expressed support for a strategic planning and visioning exercise. Imagine Edmonds they and EDC agree there should not have parallel processes with the same objective; there needs to be one strategic planning/visioning exercise. Councilmember Buckshnis referred to her meeting with Portland's Mayor, explaining Portland staff and the community developed a Portland Plan Draft notebook. She offered to share the book with the EDC. Discussion followed regarding avoiding any conflict of interest by a consultant involved in a visioning process later hired to develop that vision, ensuring a parallel coordinated process, leadership and energy Imagine Edmonds could contribute, the bid process for selecting a consultant, Imagine Edmonds' goal, Imagine Edmonds members' experience with philanthropy, additional sources of funding and a suggestion for staff to provide Commissioners the application that Pomegranate submitted to the Hazel Miller Foundation. b. Technology Commissioner St. Clair -Ayers explained it was fortunate the City already has a group addressing fiber optics, the Citizens Technology Advisory Committee (CTAC), on which Darrol Haug is a member. Commissioner Faires and she have begun attending CTAC meetings to educate themselves regarding CTAC's efforts and to determine how the EDC can help. Their subgroup recommends: • Providing thorough and ongoing communication to and seeking appropriate approval from designated city personnel for all related activities • Supporting city personnel in identifying two to four key strategic pilot consumers of the City's excess band width o Address recruitment, implementation, and ongoing cost model Economic Development Commission Approved Minutes April 21, 2010 Page 2 • Developing a tactical plan to bring key strategic pilot consumers on line • Authoring and issue RFI (request typically made during the project planning phase where a buyer cannot clearly identify product requirements, specifications, and purchase options. RFIs clearly indicate that aware of a contract will not automatically follow) • Consolidating RFI results, present recommendations of next steps. Commissioner Vance asked where details regarding CTAC could be found. Mr. Clifton offered to provide a link to information on the City's website. Commissioner St. Clair -Ayers explained there are many issues to consider with regard to fiber optics. Finance Director Lorenzo Hines is studying whether fiber is a viable option that should be pursued. Mr. Clifton explained Edmonds has applied to become a Google City along with thousands of other cities; the City's application is strengthened because it would be the only city in the state with a legal basis for selling excess capacity. Google will make a decision by the end of 2010. Discussion followed regarding pilot fiber optic customers, managing the network, revenue potential and the timeline for moving forward. Fiber Optic subgroup members: Don Hall, Darrol Haug, Kerry St. Clair Ayers, Stacy Gardea and Bruce Faires. C. Land Use Commissioner Schaefer identified the subcommittee members: Bill Vance, Mary Monfort, Evan Pierce, Rob VanTassell and himself with the assistance of Stephen Clifton and Rob Chave. Their recommendation is as follows: The EDC requests the City Council initiative Neighborhood Business Center Plans for Five Corners and Westgate right away rather than wait for the EDC's final report in December 2010 The Council should promptly retain a consultant who would work with City staff to facilitate a public design and planning process for the two areas that would result in the adoption of zoning and design standards that are appropriate to each. The consultant and staff would facilitate a full public review process for the areas by November 1, 2010. Another option being considered by staff is utilizing the expertise of Cascade Land Conservancy which would reduce the cost to the City. Rob Chave is formalizing this concept. COMMISSIONER ZAGORSKI MOVED THAT THE EDMONDS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT THEY INITIATE NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS CENTER PLANS FOR FIVE CORNERS AND WESTGATE IN THE FIRST HALF OF 2010 IN ORDER TO POSITION THESE AREAS TO ATTRACT REDEVELOPMENT. COMMISSIONER PIERCE SECONDED THE MOTION. Discussion followed regarding the need to vet issues with the community before initiating zoning changes for the neighborhood, ensuring any zoning changes are the outcome of a visioning process, concern with starting with one area before an overall visioning is accomplished, beginning with Five Corners or Westgate as a pilot process, the assumption the outcome will be zoning versus the possibility that the community and/or property owners may not be interested in change, May 4 presentation to the City Council regarding affordable housing, hiring a different facilitator to lead the process for each neighborhood, lessons learned from the Firdale Village process, a suggestion for the EDC to meet with Economic Development Commission Approved Minutes April 21, 2010 Page 3 residents and do initial groundwork before presenting a directive to the City Council, assistance that former Economic Development Director Jennifer Gerend has offered to use her students to do a land use project, the possibility of Ms. Gerend's students supplementing a consultant to reduce cost and to share ideas, concern the EDC did not have the time or expertise to undertake this process, and developing background information including using notes from Ms. Gerend's community meetings in the Five Corners area, It was suggested the subgroup develop options for a scope of work, a public participation plan, timeline and resources and present it to EDC. Mr. Clifton offered to confer with Mr. Chave regarding the use of Cascade Land Conservancy and possibly Ms. Gerend's students. He would then report to the land use subgroup who would provide the EDC a recommendation for action by the May meeting. COMMISSIONER ZAGORSKI WITHDREW HER MOTION WITH AGREEMENT OF SECOND. d. Tourism Chair Yamamoto identified the members of the subgroup: Betty Larman, Mary Monfort, Rebecca Wolfe and himself. He acknowledged the difficulty quantifying revenue from tourism. He reported their subgroup was interested in branding Edmonds and taking advantage of events such as increasing attendance and attracting families to stay 1-2 days. Current events include Taste of Edmonds, Art Festival, Car Show, 4t` of July, Waterfront Festival, monthly art walk (one of largest in western Washington), Saturday market, Halloween, tree lighting, and fashion show. The subgroup is discussing ways to attract people to Edmonds such television ads, venues where additional events could be held such as 3-on-3 basketball tournaments, developing additional lodging opportunities, and branding the City. He commented on the turf fields at Mountlake Terrace as a venue to attract tournaments. He invited Councilmember Buckshnis, Commissioner Larman and Stephen Clifton to share their thoughts regarding their trip to Portland to learn about their efforts. Councilmember Buckshnis reported ecotourism is huge in Portland as well as in Vancouver BC. Portland has 242 employers of 1-2 people in industries related to cycling, running, camping, snowboarding, hiking and skiing. She described events in Portland that engage community and to share brochures from Portland. Commissioner Larman described neighborhood redevelopment in Portland, sidewalks in all neighborhoods, small shopping areas within walking distance, and colorful, inviting, clean, treed neighborhoods. She encouraged everyone to visit Portland to visualize what was possible. Mr. Clifton reported Portland's Mayor indicated sustainability is a major part of their 25 year plan; their goal is to become greenest city on earth. Their pitch point focuses on what visitors can do in the community. He displayed Edmonds' new rack brochure that has a similar focus. He commented on Portland's streetscapes and their goal to have amenities within a 20-30 bike/walk from home. He encouraged Commissioners to meet with representatives from other cities. Commissioner Wolfe invited the public to the Earth Day event at 6:00 p.m. on April 22 at City Hall hosted by the Mayor's Climate Protection Committee and Sustainable Edmonds. Discussion followed regarding the lack of tournament fields and hotels in Edmonds, fields as an economic draw, availability of State Youth Recreational Facility Grants, partnering with the Little League on fields, Economic Development Commission Approved Minutes April 21, 2010 Page 4 3-on-3 basketball tournaments held in the street, and estimating tourism spending based on hotel night stays. 5. DISCUSSION ON DEVELOPMENT PRESENTATIONS AT CITY COUNCIL 6. FUTURE AGENDA TOPICS Subgroup reports. 7. MISCELLANEOUS Mr. Clifton announced Hamburger Harry's is opening soon. He hoped to have information soon regarding another new business and an announcement regarding an event this fall. He has contacted a number of hotels in an effort to connect them with owners of property where boutique hotels would be possible. It is a matter of them being able to make a hotel pencil out and for some reason Edmonds is not attractive to hotels. Mr. Clifton reported he has been in contact with an individual regarding starting a 3-on-3 tournament which would attract a younger demographic to the City as well as attract other types of sporting events. This individual is also interested in creating an annual Edmonds version of the Amazing Race. Mr. Clifton reported Jan Vance and Cindi Cruz are holding meetings with Northwest Cable News, KIRO and other publications to gather information that can be used to develop an overall strategic marketing plan in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce, the Port and DEMA. Commissioner Larman announced there are 8-9 spaces available in the Edmonds Community garden at the corner of 84t' Avenue & 231St Commissioner Senderoff announced Edmonds recognition by the National Wildlife Federation as a Backyard Wildlife Habitat Community is being celebrated on Saturday at Yost Park in conjunction with the Watershed Fun Fest. Commissioner Monfort announced the opening of the Demo Garden on Sunday at the Willow Creek Fish Hatchery. Commissioner Zagorski reported the Port is holding a workshop on May 5 at 6:00 p.m. to gather input from the community regarding redevelopment of Harbor Square. AUDIENCE COMMENTS Ron Wambolt, Edmonds, recommended that downtown stores be open during events. 9. ADJOURN With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:08 p.m. Economic Development Commission Approved Minutes April 21, 2010 Page 5