2011-08-17 Economic Development Commission MinutesCITY OF EDMONDS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION August 17, 2011 The Citizens Economic Development Committee meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. by Chair Frank Yamamoto in the Police Training Room, 250 5th Avenue North, Edmonds. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT Paul Anderson Tim Crosby Bruce Faires Don Hall Mary Monfort Beatrice O'Rourke Evan Pierce (arrived 6:23 p.m.) David Schaefer (arrived 7:14 p.m.) Rich Senderoff (arrived 6:32 p.m.) Evelyn Wellington Bruce Witenberg Rebecca Wolfe Frank Yamamoto Marianne Zagorski COMMISSIONERS ABSENT Stacy Gardea Darrol Haug Kerry St. Clair Ayers PLANNING BOARD LIAISON Kristiana Johnson ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT Councilmember Diane Buckshnis STAFF PRESENT Stephen Clifton, Community Service/Economic Development Director Cindi Cruz, Executive Assistant Jeannie Dines, Recorder PUBLIC PRESENT Ron Wambolt 1. INTRODUCTION AND COMMENTS BY CHAIR New Commissioners Evelyn Wellington and Tim Crosby introduced themselves and described their backgrounds. Commissioners introduced themselves and described their backgrounds. 2. AMENDMENTS TO AGENDA A report from the Communications Subcommittee was added as Agenda Item 4e. 3. APPROVAL OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES OF JULY 20, 2011 COMMISSIONER ZAGORSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF JULY 20, 2011. COMMISSIONER O'ROURKE SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (COMMISSIONERS PIERCE, SCHAEFER, AND SENDEROFF WERE NOT PRESENT FOR THE VOTE.) 4. REPORTS FROM SUBGROUPS C. Technology Update on Fiber and Website Approved Minutes Economic Development Commission August 17, 2011 Page 1 Community Services/Economic Development Director Stephen Clifton reported Commissioner Haug, CIO Carl Nelson and he plan to make a concerted effort in September to begin installation of some of the targets of opportunity along 4th and 2nd Avenues and eventually the Edmonds Center for the Arts. That could bring in revenue of approximately $4,000/month which would substantially shorten the payback period. Mr. Nelson expects to be finished with the City's website update after Labor Day and will then have more time to commit to the fiber project. A brief discussion followed regarding the fiber connection to Harbor Square. Commissioner Witenberg inquired about connecting Swedish -Edmonds. Mr. Clifton advised they are currently under contract with Black Rock Cable. d. Tourism Commissioner Zagorski reported the subcommittee met in July with Tami Dunn, Sports Marketing, Snohomish County Tourism Bureau. Ms. Dunn plans to visit venues in Edmonds next week with subcommittee members and Parks & Recreation Director Carrie Hite to identify opportunities. Planning Board Member Johnson advised Planning Board Member Val Stewart would like to participate in the tour. Chair Yamamoto reported on discussions he has had with Marla Miller, Executive Director, Business and Operations, Edmonds School District, and Carl Zapora, South Snohomish County Commission for Health, regarding funding for improvements to the Old Woodway High School fields. e. Communications Commissioner Zagorski summarized a proposal from the recently formed Communications Subcommittee: • Communicate with Edmonds citizens particularly regarding the Strategic Plan o Utilize electronic and print media such as My Edmonds News, Edmonds Patch, and the Edmonds Beacon • Communicate with City Council o Using the EDC draft minutes, a Commissioner provide a summary to the Council each month regarding the EDC's work o Appoint an EDC member to attend Council Community Services/Development Service (CS/DS) Committee meetings and report to the EDC regarding upcoming issues • Determine City Council candidates' stand on economic development by submitting questions for candidate forums • Subcommittee will meet at 5:30 p.m. the first Thursday of the month in the Port of Edmonds Commission meeting room. First meeting September 1. Commissioner Hall asked how Planning Board recommendations are presented to the City Council. Planning Board Member Kristiana Johnson responded that the Planning Manager, Rob Chave, reports Planning Board recommendations to the City Council. The Planning Board has also discussed ways to improve communications. Often there is no public at Planning Board meetings and the first time citizens are aware of issues is when staff makes the presentation to Council. The result is often poor communication and the real issues get submerged. Commissioner Zagorski suggested providing the Council an executive summary of the EDC minutes. Mr. Clifton expressed support for a Commissioner attending CS/DS or Finance Committee meetings. For example, the last CS/DS Committee meeting included discussion regarding development agreement and it Approved Minutes Economic Development Commission August 17, 2011 Page 2 would have been helpful to have others listening to that discussion; the brief minutes do not capture the totality of the discussion. Council Committee meetings are held at 6:00 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month. It was agreed to review the agenda of the Council Committee meetings and identify a volunteer at each EDC meeting to attend the next month's CS/DS and Finance Committee meeting. A brief discussion followed regarding the subcommittee's plans to have a periodic column in the Edmonds Beacon and My Edmonds News, and benefits of additional communication to highlight the EDC's work. COMMISSIONER ZAGORSKI MOVED THAT THE COMMUNICATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE PROCEED ACCORDING TO THE PROPOSAL SUBMITTED ON AUGUST 17, 2011. COMMISSIONER FAIRES SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Commissioner Zagorski invited Commissioners to volunteer to make presentations to the City Council. b. Strategic Planning and Visioning — Fundraising i. Planning Board, Economic development Commission and City Council Retreat #1, September 14, 2011 (open to public) 6:30 — 8:30 p.m., Council Chambers Mr. Clifton reported a preliminary agenda prepared by the consultant Tom Beckwith was sent to all attendees. This kickoff meeting is an opportunity to provide input regarding the timeframe, refine the scope of work, etc. Commission suggestions included televising the retreat and the consultant providing a short presentation at the beginning of the retreat regarding what a strategic plan is/is not, how it fits with other plans, etc. a. Land Use (Westgate & Five Corners) ii. Westgate & Five Corners Mr. Clifton reported the UW students are working on the formed -based code using the two alternatives. The Planning Board will review the form -based code and provide a recommendation to the City Council this fall. Discussion followed regarding the EDC reviewing the draft form -based code before it is presented to the Planning Board, Commissioners attending and commenting at Planning Board meetings on issues related to economic development, holding a joint meeting with the Planning Board when the UW presents the form -based code, the Planning Board's consideration of the EDC's input in their deliberations, and a EDC liaison attending Planning Board meetings. Mr. Clifton suggested a process: a joint EDC/Planning Board meeting where the form -based code is presented, the EDC and Planning Board discuss the code at their meetings, staff present the Planning Board's findings to the EDC and the EDC provide input, the Planning Board consider the EDC's input and make a recommendation to the City Council. i. Proposed Code Amendments to BD Zones Mr. Clifton recalled at the last meeting, the EDC expressed support for the four amendments (designated street front and commercial depth requirements, uses in the BD 1 zone, step -back requirement and Approved Minutes Economic Development Commission August 17, 2011 Page 3 development agreements) with minor amendments. When the four amendments were presented to the City Council, it was tabled over the issue of 35-foot building heights allowed with a development agreement. The amendments were then reviewed by the CS/DS Committee who moved three of the amendments to the full Council and recommended further review of the proposed amendment regarding development agreements. One of the questions that has been raised about development agreements is if a developer meets the criteria, is the Council required to approve the project. The City Attorney is considering that as well as several other questions/concerns. Staff suggested to the members of the CS/DS (Councilmembers Fraley-Monillas and Plunkett) that design criteria be incorporated into the development agreement process. Discussion followed regarding avoiding making height a campaign issue, incorporating design criteria into the development agreement process, intent of a 35-foot cap on building heights via a development agreement to be sensitive to concerns regarding increased height but also provide flexibility to develop a building the community can be proud of, identifying communities whose building height is objectionable and others where height is not objectionable, Seattle's decision to eliminate the requirement for retail on first floor in many areas due to overabundance of retail space, recent unimaginative buildings constructed in Edmonds, importance of adopting the first three amendments while further work is done on development agreements, and informing the community that the issue of development agreements will be studied further to address citizens' concerns. Commissioner Senderoff clarified the EDC's previous support of amendments 1, 2 and 3 was with the caveat that service businesses would be further defined. COMMISSIONER HALL MOVED THAT THE EDC FORWARD ITS RECOMMENDATION FOR APPROVAL OF AMENDMENTS 1-3 AS AMENDED (SERVICE BUSINESSES BE FURTHER DEFINED). COMMISSIONER FAIRES SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5. NEW INITIATIVES Economic Development Commission Sunset Date and Appointment of Commissioners Mr. Clifton explained the ordinance that created the EDC stated terms would expire in two years. The initial life of the EDC only 1 %2 years before the Commission was extended for a year. If the Council does not plan to extend the EDC, it is not necessary to change the terms and Commissioners could be allowed to continue through December. If the Council extends the EDC or creates a permanent EDC, it is appropriate to re -advertise the Commission positions and allow members of the public and existing Commissioners to apply for the positions. Councilmember Buckshnis suggested the Commission also address the process for replacing a Commissioner who misses several meetings. Commissioner Faires proposed the Commission modify its mission to, 1) include what the EDC is doing now, 2) continue pursuing specific economic development issues, and 3) monitor progress on the strategic plan for a period of time. Discussion followed regarding integration of the strategic plan into the City's budget, prioritizations, goals, etc.; inviting existing commissioners to reapply and opening positions to the community; instituting an appointment process similar to the Planning Board; staggering appointments; appointments by Councilmembers and the Mayor providing more diversity; establishing a permanent commission or a long term (5-year) extension; facilitating continuity by avoiding 17 new members on the Commission. Mr. Clifton suggested topics for the EDC to work on include, 1) Transit Oriented Development (TOD) nodes around the two swift stations on Hwy. 99, 2) developing a Master Plan for old Safeway property, Approved Minutes Economic Development Commission August 17, 2011 Page 4 and 3) TOD around the Edmonds station. He commented the EDC has done amazing things; without EDC it was unlike the Strategic Plan would be underway or the planning done for Five Corners and Westgate. Councilmember Buckshnis suggested, 1) extending the EDC through the end of the year, 2) establishing a 5-year or permanent EDC, 3) determining which Commissioners are interested in continuing, and 4) opening the vacant positions to appointment by new Councilmembers. Discussion continued regarding the EDC proposing a work plan at the time a request is made to extend the Commission, new initiatives for the EDC to pursue, the EDC brainstorming economic development ideas every 6-12 months, allowing new Councilmembers the choice to appoint a new Commissioner or reappoint the existing Commissioner to ensure a connection between the appointing Councilmember and the Commissioner they appoint, and revisiting the list of topics in the appendix. It was the consensus of the Commission that the EDC continue. 6. PRIORITIZATION OF FUTURE AGENDA TOPICS It was agreed a future agenda item would be extending the EDC through the end of 2011. 7. MISCELLANEOUS Planning Board Member Johnson reported the Hearing Examiner recently reviewed applications for outdoor dining at Five Bistro, Panera Bread and Scott's Bar and Grill. The Planning Board considered the regulations and made a recommendation to the City Council that outdoor dining be permitted outright under certain circumstances. The recommendation includes increased protection if the outdoor dining is adjacent to a residential area such as screening, limited hours to coordinate with noise ordinance, etc. Outdoor dining would make Edmonds more lively and fun, and it is good for economic development. Discussion following regarding concern with the energy used by heaters in outdoor dining areas and defining adjacent to residential in mixed use areas. 8. AUDIENCE COMMENTS Ron Wambolt, Edmonds, expressed disappointment that development agreements have been delayed, anticipating the inability to utilize a development agreement could result in Doug Spee developing a less than optimum building. Rather than three floors of apartments, he will build two floors and the City loses the revenue from the additional units and the monthly rents for all the apartments will be higher. He expressed concern that the Planning Board's lengthy discussions were not adequately considered by the City Council. Commissioner Wolfe referred to misinformation she has heard that the change will allow development of more condominiums and her assurance that the interest is in more affordable apartments to attract young people to Edmonds. 9. ADJOURN With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:51 p.m. Approved Minutes Economic Development Commission August 17, 2011 Page 5