2013-05-23 Edmonds Downtown Alliance (BID) MinutesMeeting from EDBID meeting 5/23/13 at HDR Conference Room at 7:30am. Attendance: Chris, Cadence, Paul, Pam, David, Steve, Juliana, Sally, Kim, Stephen, Robert and guest, Will Tutol. Meeting was called to order at 7:33am. Action items from last meeting: Sally responded to complaint letter. Cadence, Pam and Stephen met with city attorney. Minutes were approved. Will Tutol, from the UW Foster Business School, made a presentation of the student consulting program. Conclusion: If we interested we need to submit an application. The board decided we need to focus on the city council presentations and then we can revisit the internship. At that time we will form a committee to research which program is a better fit and also write an application. City Update: Finance director has been selected but not announced by the mayor. Assessments collected $11,000 so far. Due date is 5/31, we will discuss delinquent accounts at next meeting. Workplan Discussion: Draft was sent out on 5/21. Recommendations were discussed, some of the sections need to be reworded. David has reached out to parking committee. Conclusion: Committee will meet on 5/29 to finalize the workplan. Bylaws Discussion: Cadence and Pam met with the city attorney. He recommended some changes to wording of the bylaws. They were able to clarify the ASA and whether or not we need to reference it. RCW says the BID is an arm of city government. We discussed separation of City and BID and the formation of 501(c) (3). Until then we could use Stephen as our contact for contracts. There was discussion of non -profits and whether paying assessment allows membership. Conclusion: Board voted to allow non -profits voting rights for payment of assessment. Bylaw changes will be made per recommendations, and will be ready for presentation to City Council on June 11tn Committee reports: Mission committee met and reworked the mission statement. They decided to use the wording from bylaws. The mission statement is almost done. Conclusion: They will take the suggestions of the board and represent it at next board meeting. Next meeting is June 6tn at 7:30am at HDR.