2013-06-27 Edmonds Downtown Alliance (BID) MinutesMinutes from EDBID board meeting 6/27/2103 in HDR conference room at Sam. Attendance: David, Steve, Chris, MaryKay, Juliana, Paul, Sally, Kim and Cindi Meeting called to order at 8:03am. No opening remarks. Action Items: Pam was going to contact Karen Sellinger re: food trucks in Seattle. Kevin was going to write a press release/public letter. Minutes from 6/13 were approved. City Update: 5th Ave. Cleaners requested an adjustment to the sq. /ft. of their business and it was granted. The City received a letter from another counselor asking for reduction based on only using office space part time. We need to provide clarification of multiple businesses within a single space. MaryKay brought up the situation of 2 or 3 businesses with separate business licenses occupying the same office space, i.e. Ring Management. Action Item: MaryKay will check with Stephen to see what their business license states. A committee needs to be formed to handle determining business size, multiple businesses in same space and sub -leased space. This will be addressed further under committee assignments. Report on City Council Meeting: Paul and David were congratulated on their presentation. The workplan was approved. Bylaws were not. The board decided to accept the minor changes to the bylaws as proposed by councilman Bloom. Council member Bloom also brought up a revision she would like regarding changing the makeup of the board. She would like the board to be represented by the majority of total businesses holding more seats instead of the current structure based on percentage of assessments paid holding more seats. After weighing all of the options the board voted unanimously to accept the bylaws as written. Absent from vote were: Kevin, Pam and Cadence. We will be resubmitting the bylaws to the City Council at the next opportunity. Collection Report: We looked at the businesses that have not paid their assessments and decided who would contact them. Committee Assignments: 1) Public Meeting Committee: Paul, David, Cadence and Kim 2) Branding and Identity: Paul, Cadence, Juliana, Sally and Steve 3) Communication, Business Resource, and Member services: Chris, Steve and Kim 4) Parking: Sally, Juliana, MaryKay and David 5) 501(c)3 Committee: Cadence, Chris 6) BID Boundary Committee: Kevin, Committee members are encouraged to recruit BID members to help on their committees. No New Business. No Public Comments. Meeting adjourned at 9:35 am. Next meeting will be July 11 at HDR Conference room at Sam.