2013-09-05 Edmonds Downtown Alliance (BID) MinutesMinutes from EDBID board meeting 9/5/13 HDR conference room at 8am. Attendance: David, Pam, Sally, Cadence, Chris, Paul, Juliana, Kim, Stephen, Cindi, Robert and Jenny. Meeting was called to order at 8:04am. Opening remarks: The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the member meeting on Sept. 9. Minutes from 9/5/13 were approved. Presidents Report: After the postcard went out, we received a letter from Dale Terwedo who is opening a 2nd business in the same space as he occupies now. He is questioning whether he has to pay 2 assessments. Conclusion: Send the letter to Stephen and the city and they will rectify the problem. City Update: No update. All is good. Committee Reports: Member meeting- Pam drafted an email that went out to the members email addresses that we have collected so far. The board is asked to come at 5:30 to help setup. Jenny and Robert will be at the registration table and will verify or get emails from the members. The committee sent Rick Steves a guideline for his speech. We went over the agenda and the powerpoint presentation. The breakout session facilitators are set and were given directions. RFP committee: The committee is planning to meet after the member meeting to prioritize the scope of work. They are hoping they get feedback at the meeting that they can use. Action Item -Cadence will send Jeff Taraday an email and ask if he agrees to Stephens comments and suggestions regarding scope of work. No other committee reports. No new business. No public comments The meeting was adjourned at 9:17am. Next meeting 9/12/13 at HDR conference room at 8am.