2013-11-21 Edmonds Downtown Alliance (BID) MinutesMinutes from EDBID board meeting 11/21/2013 at HDR conference room at 8am. Attendance: Kevin, Steve, Sally, Mary Kay, Cadence, David, Pam, Paul, Kim, Stephen, Cindi, and Robert. Guest: Kim Walden, EDCC student. Meeting called to order at 8:05am. Opening Remarks: The City Council approved the Work plan/Budget 7-0. The board would like to express our appreciation to the Council for their support. Report on EDCC survey: Kim Walden reported on her experiences with the survey. Approx. 1/3 of the business owners have been responsive with the remaining not helpful or unable to contact. She is having a lot of difficulty contacting business owners by email or phone. The database they are using has many errors. She is asking the business owners if they are aware of the BID, how they feel about the program. Tomorrow she plans to go to the businesses she has not been able to contact. Class finishes on Dec 12th. Action Item: Paul will contact Chuck Loomis the instructor and review the parameters of the survey. Action Items from 11/7/2013: Roger was not available to report on the insurance for the non-profit. A meeting still needs to be set up with Jeff Taraday, Roger Neumeier, Cadence, Chris, David, Cindi, and Stephen. The purpose of the meeting is to get clarification on how the non-profit will work with the City. An Agency Service Agreement needs to be in place before signing a contract with a marketingibranding firm. Cindi will set up a meeting. Action Item: Cadence and Pam will get the rough draft together for the meeting. The minutes from Nov 7, 2013 were approved. City Report: Cindi reported that $56,360.40 has been collected, with approx. $10,288.40 outstanding. The finance department received a letter from McDonald, McGarry Insurance expressing their unhappiness with the BID and informing the finance department that they will not be paying any late fees. Action Item: Cindi will send Kevin the letter and he will contact McDonald, McGarry. Treasurer report: Paul created a new format, and updated the catagories. Committee Reports: RFP: The committee conducted interviews of the 3 firms that they had selected. DEI withdrew their name from consideration. Turnstyle is coming in for a follow up interview so the committee can meet with their branding team. The meeting is scheduled for Nov. 22, 2013 in the Brackett room at 9am. The 3 areas the committee is using to judge the firms are: 1) Creativity/style 2) Communication, presence 3) Website After the interview process they will check references and do background checks of the finalist. After that the committee will make their recommendation to the board for their vote. The project is expected to take about 6 months. At the member annual meeting in April we hope to gather input from the members. Stephen commented that the board needs to look at the project as a long-term partnership and suggested a primary point of contact to act as a liaison between the board and the marketing firm. Stephen also reported that a business owner who attended the interviews came forward to show his displeasure with the fact the BID is moving forward with the brand and the City of Edmonds and the Chamber are not. As David reminded us, from the Roger Brooks presentation, businesses must take the lead. 501c3: Chris has a meeting with an insurance agent regarding the non-profit. The State of WA non-profit has been set-up, a TIN has been issued by the IRS and the application of the 501c3 is in the process with the IRS. Action Item: Chris and David will schedule a meeting with Jennifer from Beresford, Booth. The board needs clarification about how to answer questions that she had asked. 2014 Work plan/Budget: A communication needs to go to the members with the first billing of 2014. It was suggested that the board review the bylaws because there is very specific guidelines in what needs to be done with regards to the member meeting and election process. Action: Mary Kay will draft a member letter and Pam will edit. Changes to the meetings dates for December 2013 were approved. They will be on Dec 5th and 19th. No new business No public comments Meeting adjourned at 9:20am. Next meeting Dec 5 in the HDR conference room at Sam.