2014-01-09 Edmonds Downtown Alliance (BID) MinutesMinutes from EDBID board meeting on January 9, 2014, HDR conference room at 8 am. Attendance: Pam, Cadence, Chris, Sally, David, Mary Kay, Kim, Juliana, Steve, Cindi. Guests: Justin Reeder, Kyle Vixie, Sarah Mager Introduction of Attendees. Meeting called to order at 8:02 am. No opening remarks. Action Items from 12/19/2013: Cadence did not have to contact Lighthouse Law. Turnstyle signed our contract so there was no need. Mary Kay finalized the member letter and it was mailed out with Jan 1st billing. David and Kim met with Roger, Sarah and Nori from the Finance Dept. The meeting with Jeff Taraday is on schedule for Tuesday, Jan 14th. Cindi will confirm the time and send out an email to those that will be attending. Minutes from 12/19/2013 were approved. Delinquent Assessment policy: After the meeting last week, Roger sent out a rough draft of the policy based on what was discussed. Most of the policy was taken from the ordinance, except the rules of proceeding with collections (number 5 of the draft). The question of how to handle the businesses that haven't paid was discussed. There are different categories for the delinquency that we need to determine and decide how to handle each. The BID board will make the final decision on collections. Action: Cindi will update the list of delinquent businesses and send it to Cadence for formatting. Action: Sarah will find out the fees charged by the collection agency. No Treasurer report. Branding/Marketing Committee: Turnstyle signed our contract. They have been in contact with the committee and will be scheduling a meeting soon. Turnstyle needs to provide a certificate of insurance. Action Item: Cadence will make a final review of the contract for any changes and forward it to David for his signature. 501c3: Paperwork has been sent to the IRS, now we wait. College Survey: Pam received a list of emails from the class. New business: Steve challenged us to start thinking of tangible and visible ideas that the BID can accomplish right away. It was suggested that at our next meeting we take a look at the 2014 work plan and reform the committees. Juliana read a note that Kyle wrote saying he would like the Chamber to work together with the BID and that he personally would like to participate. Those involved with the meeting with Jeff Taraday will meet on Monday to review what needs to be discussed at that meeting. Public Comment: Justin asked why more business owners were not at the board meetings. If businesses have concerns they should be involved in the process. She would like the BID to work on the parking problem. She would like the BID to work on getting more people into Edmonds to shop. She thanked us for our service. Cadence suggested we look into incorporating some business networking into the annual meeting. Action Item: Each board member contact David with their intentions for 2014 and whether they will be staying on the board or not. The meeting was adjourned at 9:16am. Next meeting will be January 23 in the HDR conference room at Sam.