2014-02-06 Edmonds Downtown Alliance (BID) MinutesMinutes from EDBID board meeting on February 6, 2014, HDR conference room at 8 am. Attendance: Chris, Sally, David, Mary Kay, Pam, Kevin, Juliana, Cindi, Stephen. Meeting called to order at 8:00 am. No opening remarks. Action Items from 1/23: Kevin and Paul met regarding assessment waiver for new businesses within BID. Report to follow. Cadence prepared a draft letter for Mr. Malgarin regarding new business assessment waivers Cadence sent delinquent list and follow up assignments to the board for calls and face-to- face visits 1/23/2014 minutes were approved. Assessment waiver policy: Kevin provided an update from his meeting with Paul regarding a proposed policy on assessment waivers. They recommend two full quarters of exemption from the date the business license is issued. We discussed the possibility of providing credits for businesses that would have qualified but have already paid their assessment. Cindi thought it would not be onerously burdensome on city staff to flag businesses retroactively and into the future regarding a two -quarter waiver. A motion was made as follows: As allowed in the RCW 35.87A.170, the board approves a two -quarter exemption of assessments, retroactively and into the future, to businesses that open since the EDBID's formation. Qualifying businesses that have already paid assessments will be notified and may request a credit to be applied to future billings. Motion was approved unanimously, with Mary Kay abstaining. Action items include: • Stephen will confirm that we can apply this policy decision unilaterally, and will confirm how we should communicate with City Council regarding this policy update. • Pam will identify all businesses that qualify for the exemption and their billing status from spreadsheet provided from Cindi • Kevin and Paul will write letter and communicate to the identified businesses • Pam will coordinate with city staff regarding credits to be applied • David and Chris will talk in person with Mr. Malgarin regarding the approved change regarding the assessment waiver No Treasurer report. Delinquent assessments: Board members provided updates on their outreach to businesses with delinquent accounts. Some payments have been sent and noted, and many messages have been left without response to date. Action Item: Cindi will bring updated delinquent spreadsheet to 2/13 meeting. From that, Board members will continue their follow up with their assigned businesses as we hope to build goodwill and increased communication regarding the EDBID and assessment payment. Branding and Identity: Turnstyle will present their preliminary Strategic Positioning statement at our 2/13 meeting for the Boards feedback. David will invite DEMA members during the upcoming DEMA retreat and Mary Kay will write a press release to notify all members via news media outlet. We will provide a 30 minute + allotment at the meeting for public comment after the presentation. Action Item: Pam will provide Turnstyle with the city's Strategic Plan and the Community Cultural Plan. Parking Committee: Mary Kay updated that the leader of the city's parking committee retired in December, and she has sent a letter to the city recommending continuation of the parking committee, with some additional structure, as well as 4 or 5 top priorities for parking solutions. Action Item: Stephen will look into the city's parking fund, which appears to have been spent in 2013. New business: Stephen updated the Board on multiple calls he's received from members concerned about the lack of tangible results from the EDBID to date. He mentioned the challenge of doing any physical improvements — a directory, member website, garbage cans, benches etc — before the brand and strategic vision are established. We discussed ways to improve communication to members regarding all the behind the scene work of creating by-laws, work plans, the branding RFP and interview process, etc, so members can see the effort being made to create a solid and thoughtful foundation for the organization - rather than spending member's assessment money just because we now have some in an account. Action Item: Mary Kay will draft a letter to the Beacon regarding our work to date and upcoming milestones. This will also be posted on our existing website. Language will also be developed for the postcard to save the date for the upcoming April 30 member meeting. No public comment The meeting was adjourned at 9:30am. Next meeting will be February 13, 2013. The location will be in the HDR conference room at Sam.