2014-04-14 Edmonds Downtown Alliance (BID) MinutesMinutes of EDBID board special meeting April 14, 2014 in HDR conference room at 8:00 a.m. Attendance: Paul, Cindi Cruz, Shane Hope, Sally, Kevin, Cadence, Steve, Chris, Pam, Paul, Robert Boehlke, Jordana Turner, Mary Kay Meeting called to order 8:05 A discussion about the approval of the name ED! Edmonds Downtown Alliance ensued. Kevin emphasized the stewardship role of the board. Listen before decisions are made. Members of the brand committee pointed out that their meetings are open to the public and that there are general board meetings 2 times a month. We hope to get input all year long not just at the annual meeting. Motion was made: Move that the board approve Turnstyle to move forward with ED! Alliance. At the annual meeting we will recommend that name with a review of the other options and request feedback and comments from members. Aye:8 Nay:O Abstain:1 Committee Reports: Appearance, Beautification, Parking: Edmonds in Bloom was seeking a grant to provide pots and plants for businesses that would agree to water them. The grant fell through. Maybe we can provide funding. New arty planter poles cost $2000 each, it takes time for overburdened city staff to install them so they prefer to have 3-4 to install at once. The new directional signs are ready to be installed. Because they are so large the installation will be tricky. Perhaps the BID could assist with heavy equipment rental. Outreach: Maybe we should pay an outside service to gather the rest of the emails for BID members. Is there a way for the BID to help keep Artwalk going? Annual meeting committee: We had two service business owners submit their names for the member board ballot: Jordana Turner and Natalie -Pascale Boisseau. Kevin said some very nice words about working with the BID member board before announcing that due to health reasons he will be resigning from the BID board and from the Planning Commission. Meeting adjourned 9:08.