2014-04-24 Edmonds Downtown Alliance (BID) MinutesMinutes from EDBID board meeting April 24, 2014 in HDR conference room at Sam. Attendance: Mary Kay, Cadence, Steve, Pam, David, Juliana, Sally, Paul, Kim, Cindi, Scott, Denise, Valerie, Kyle, Shane, Jordana, and Laura Zeck. Meeting called to order at 8:0lam. Opening remarks: David reminded us of Kevin's resignation effective immediately. Minutes from April 14th need to be amended to add David to the attendance of the meeting. Minutes from April loth and April 14th were approved. President report: David reported that he met with Bruce Wittenberg, president of the Economic Development Committee. He asked David to make a presentation at their next meeting May 21, 6pm in the Brackett room. City report: Scott reported that the city has identified the businesses that will be turned over to collections. There is approximately 29. The amended ordinance was approved by City Council regarding a waiver of payments for 1 year for new businesses. Laura Petso asked to see the letter that the Finance Dept. will be sending out to the delinquent businesses. The board would like to see it also. Action Item: Scott will bring the letter to the next meeting for the boards approval. Shane reported that the City is starting on their budget for 2015. Treasurer report: No report. Paul will be presenting a formal report at the annual meeting. Scott suggested that we present the report to the finance committee in late May, early June. Branding committee: The committee met with Turnstyle. They presented some visual concepts to show the board. Steve led us through their presentation, after much discussion the board preferred the #1 concept. The committee wanted feedback on how we should present it at the annual meeting. Do we show all 3 concepts or do we only show our selection? The public was asked for their input. Laura- thought the committee had done a lot of work, thought the board should make a decision and present that decision at the annual meeting. Jordan -show one option. Denise- present one option. Kyle -torn on sharing, wondered if the public will be upset they won't be involved in process. Wondered who was checking for trademarks. Valerie -Liked #1. Present one option, likes the possibilities for what the icon can do all over town. A motion was made "that the board go forward with the #1 option as the board's decision and that we invite feedback and participation on future development of that option moving forward". Motion was passed unanimously. Annual meeting: Ballots have been sent out. Two service business owners have submitted their nominations for the board, Jordana Turner and Natalie -Pascale Boisseau. Dave from Stokes will present the manifesto and their process of naming. Ben from Turnstyle will then present the concept. David led us through the agenda. Pam will discuss the committees. It was suggested that we make a slide of our accomplishments. The Business & Civic Collaboration & Outreach committee would like to add the Artwalk to the agenda for the May 8th meeting. The board officers' election will be held at the May 8th meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 9:46 am. Next meeting May 8, 2014 in HDR conference room at Sam.