2014-05-08 Edmonds Downtown Alliance (BID) MinutesMinutes from EDBID meeting May 8, 2014 in HDR conference room at 8:00 am. Attendance: Juliana, Sally, Steve, Jordana, Pam, Kim, Mary Kay, Natalie -Pascale, Paul, Scott, Denise, Valerie and Greg Urban. Meeting called to order at 8:08am by Pam. Minutes from April 24th, Scott brought the delinquency letter. We will discuss with City update. The delinquency policy was not discussed at the annual meeting. The minutes from the April 24th and the annual meeting on April 30 were approved. City Update: Scott brought the letter he drafted and that will be going out to the businesses that are delinquent. The question of sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope was discussed. There was a discussion about offering payment plans. The board made recommendations for the letter. Scott will update the letter and send it to Pam for review and approval. Election of Officers: Pam read the requirements of the election process from the bylaws. Cadence was nominated for Treasurer. Kim was nominated for secretary. Pam and Paul were nominated for Vice President, Pam was nominated for President. Ballots were passed out and Natalie -Pascale tallied the votes and announced the new officers: Pam- President Paul - Vice President Cadence - Treasurer Kim - Secretary Staggered Terms: Since the bylaws state that a board member shall serve for 3 years with approx. 1/3 will turnover every year. Steve, David, Mary Kay and Sally will serve for 1 year. Kim, Juliana, Pam, and Natalie -Pascale will serve 2 years. Cadence, Paul and Jordana will serve for 3 years. Annual meeting recap: Approx. 60 people attended the meeting. 50 ballots were received and 6 comment cards. Our next correspondence was discussed. Should it be emailed or mailed? It was suggested we send out a summary newsletter and state that based on the cost involved we would not be mailing out letters and they need to submit their email address for future correspondence. Action Item: Mary Kay will draft a letter and send it out to the board before the next meeting. Letter will cover annual meeting and the brand process. The committee will discuss with Turnstyle about putting together some type of notice of our new brand to insert in the letter. Pam would like to put the strategic brief on the existing website. The letter needs to be sent out after the delinquency letters go out. It was suggested we also have envelopes printed with our new logo. Committee reports: New board members need to look at the committees and join at least one. Suggestions for next annual meeting: Set the start of the meeting earlier and formalize the meet and greet part of the meeting. The board members serve as greeters and introduce ourselves to members. A showcase of the accomplishments, maybe a table for each committee where members can get information and volunteer for the committees. Maybe have discussion groups. Pam read some of the comments that were submitted. The feedback was mostly positive. Public comments: Denise brought to our attention how difficult the meetings are to hear. It was suggested we look at alternative places to hold the meetings. Action Item: Juliana will check with Jack at FIS about availability. Valerie suggested we send out a press release. Pam introduced Greg Urban as the new Pres/CEO of the Chamber. Brand: Natalie -Pascale had comments on the brand. The committee has the authority to make a decision on the branding. Is the BID branding the downtown also? Are arts included in the BID? It has been discussed but it did not show in the presentation. Artwalk Discussion: They would like to create non-profit status and form their own organization. They cannot accept donations or grants while under the chamber so they are severing their contract. They are wondering what a business alliance means? We need to establish spending policies? A fiscal agency support is an option. We need to be cautious of how we move forward. The BID is still in the infancy and we do not have our 501 c3 status, we do not have a bank account. The Artwalk is not asking for funding, they are self-supporting. The Artwalk discussion will be on the June 12th agenda. Public comments: Greg had comments about the branding. Edmonds is not a town, it is a city. It is homey. Meeting adjourned at 9:37 am. Next meeting May 22, 2014 in HDR conference room at Sam.