2014-05-22 Edmonds Downtown Alliance (BID) MinutesMinutes from EDBID board meeting May 22, 2014 in HDR conference room at Sam. Attendance: David, Cadence, Pam, Sally, Juliana, Jordana, Kim, Shane, Cindi, Greg Urban, Clayton, Sarah Mager Meeting called to order at 8:04am. Opening remarks: A big thank you to David for his Presidency and to Jenny Shore for all her hours of work on the spreadsheet. Pam and David met with the ECA and starting with our next meeting on June 12th, we will hold our meetings in room #225. The minutes from May 8th, David suggested we add the annual meeting recording to the website. The minutes were approved. President's report: Pam suggested that for the summer months we hold board meetings once a month so committees can meet. For the months of June, July and August the meetings will be held on the 2nd Thursday at Sam. There was a motion "That we move our meetings to the 2nd Thursday of the months of June, July and August". The motion passed. David and Pam presented our annual meeting presentation to the EDC. There was good feedback. Next goal is to present to City Council. It was suggested we add it to their agenda now. Treasurers report: Revenue- $45,744.66 Expenses- $13,522.32 City update: Shane reported that the Strategic Action Plan and the Economic Development Committee have been meeting, providing advice and reported that one item has been completed- formation of the BID. They are working on the Westgate code next. The budget for 2015 has being started. Cindi reported that a tour company from Kamloops has a tour coming into Edmonds 18 times from now until October. It was suggested that an email blast be sent announcing this. Action Item: Cindi will send Cadence and Pam the notice about the tour company. Stephen's position has been publicized. Sarah brought the letter and list of businesses that will be sent to collections if they do not respond within 30 days. Ordinance does not give finance director a waiver of collections for closed businesses. They cannot be written off. An amendment to the ordinance would be needed for change. Action Item: Pam will contact Scott about changing the ordinance. Art walk discussion has been moved to the June 12th meeting. Rollout of Ed! There was confusion of some EDBID vs Ed! wording. It was decided to send out an email blast instead of the letter. Public comment: It looks good. The branding committee will be meeting next week to finalize the logo. Committee reports: 2014 Work plan Committee: 5016 committee -The committee needs to work on the Agency Service Agreement, and open a bank account. Assessment and Evaluation -They are in the gathering info stage. Looking into staffing and exploring expansion for 2015. Member Engagement -The email lists are updated as much as possible. Business Collaboration -envisions a summit type meeting in the fall. Possible groups to invite are: The Chamber, DEMA, Arts, Port, EdCC Beautification and Appearance -The committee has set a list of ideas we would like to work on such as parking, signage, banners, crosswalks, flowers, garbage can wrappers, Umbrellas, restroom and a business directory. They are obtaining information and costs. New Business: David asked who was monitoring new businesses. A letter is sent to new businesses who obtain a business license from the Mayor. Need to verify that it addresses the 1 year waiver of assessment. It was suggested we reach out to new businesses and welcome them to the BID. Action Item: Juliana will follow up with Cadence to see who gets their mailings sent to "home offices" instead of actual business address. Public Comments: Clayton reported that at Salish Crossing there will be art space and space for a Farmers market. The Farmers market starts next Wednesday. Jazz connection is Memorial weekend. Meeting adjourned at 9:01am. Next meeting June 12 at ECA rm #225 at Sam.