2014-06-12 Edmonds Downtown Alliance (BID) MinutesMinutes from EDBID board meeting June 12, 2014 in ECA room 225 at Sam. Attendance: Pam, David, Jordana, Mary Kay, Juliana, Cadence, Kim, Paul, Cindi, Scott, Sarah, Robert, Andy Cline, Valerie, Bob Groeschell, John Dewhirst. Meeting called to order at 8:02am. Minutes from May 22: Action Item: Juliana will follow up with Cadence to see who gets their mailings sent to "home offices" instead of actual business address. Minutes were approved. President's report: Progress is being made with the committees. Treasurers report: Revenue-$50,798.46 Expenses-$13,624.35 (Turnstyle just submitted a bill for $8600) Action Item: Cadence will pull the numbers together from the beginning and put it in a report. Cadence will also send the treasurers report to Kim for posting on the website. City report: 23 businesses were sent the collection letter. 3 have paid. $7795 was delinquent $1016 was paid $6779 is still delinquent Next Wednesday (the 18th) will be 30 days and businesses will be turned over to collections. Sarah reported that Eden (the cities software provider), has been contacted about adding a module that will allow the finance dept. to identify businesses who have been sent to collections. It will cost $1000 to create the software. A motion was made "that we move to approve an expenditure of $1000 to update the software". The motion was approved. Closed businesses and how to handle them came up again. We need a way to identify them and not send them to collections. Action Item: Scott will check with the attorney re: hardships and if there is a write off policy. David will contact Karen Selenger from Seattle to see how they handle it. Art Walk: The Art Walk committee has moved forward with the non-profit and they are now a separate entity. Steve Balas sent in his resignation. A huge thank you to Steve for his services. Pam read the bylaws regarding electing a business owner to fill a vacant board position. "A motion was made to elect Robert Boehlke as an EDBID board member for a 1 year term." After a discussion about how to conduct the election the board voted unanimously to appoint Robert to the board. Committee reports: Work plan -Since Robert is on the board now and 6 members make a quorum, Jordana offered to remove herself from the committee. Agency Agreement -No progress. David asked if anyone had experience with an agency service agreement. West Seattle had sent one to us and the attorney had reviewed it. Action Item: Cadence will send David the draft and together they will review it. Beautification and Appearance -The committee presented their ideas for funding: Umbrellas -cost approx. $15-20 each, we would also need to purchase umbrella holders. Valerie will give Mary Kay the number for Janice Emery as a resource. Signage-Jordana met with Francis about banners and street signage. The city funding for installation of way signage. Cost needs to be determined. BID could consider assisting with funding parking signage replacement to help get our branding out and enhancing the appearance of downtown signs. The cost is approx. $800- 900 for 10. Crosswalk art -Cost of $1000 for 4 crosswalks was given as a rough estimate. Parking -we have found unmarked parking areas that we would like to identify. Public Comments about the B&A ideas: Andy felt that the way-signage and crosswalks should be our focus. Bob thinks flags for crossing assistance work well. Finds it hard to believe the city doesn't have funds to install the signs. We should provide a voice to pressure the city. The board feedback- umbrellas would be a low cost option and something we could put together before the fall. We should paint over the numbers on public parking spots on 4th. We need more directional signage, crosswalk art and way -faring signs. We should look into window clings and/or a plague identifying BID businesses. The branding committee is already looking into it. How can we incorporate our logos into all these projects? Business resource committee -Juliana contacted Valerie at the Chamber to gather information on seminars. The committee is researching partnering with other organizations, seminar costs and topics that would be relevant to businesses within the BID. The committee is also contacting landlords regarding vacancies and suitable tenants. Public comments: Bob suggested we consider a 3-tier funding proposal process. The first tier would be for mini grants up to $500 for small ideas that could be easily funded. The second tier would be for more formal grants. Possibly to be collaborated with others. They could be assigned committees. The third tier would be for partner projects that are more than the BID can fund. Questions the BID should be asking are: 1) Who should be doing these projects? 2) Should the BID do it? 3) How can we do it? Action Item: Bob will send Pam the consolidated grant form that would be used for tier 2. "New business: Red Petal and Elegant Gems are closing. Slate Salon and the Dry Cleaners (new owners) are new businesses. The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 am. Next meeting July 10, 2014 at ECA room #225 at 8am. "Please see August 14, 2014 minutes for correction to the new business that was reported on these minutes.