2014-10-09 Edmonds Downtown Alliance (BID) MinutesMinutes from Edmonds Downtown Alliance board meeting on October 9, 2014 at Sam at ECA room 225 Attendance: Cadence, Sally, Pam, Mary Kay, David, Robert, Natalie -Pascale, Kim, Paul, Jordana, Patrick, Andy Cline, Mike Koenig and John Dewhirst Meeting called to order at 8:04am. No opening remarks. The minutes from Sept. 25 meeting were approved. Regarding Agency Service Agreements -David said W. Seattle has one but does not use it. Pam will send W. Seattle's' copy to Natalie -Pascale. No Presidents report. Treasurer's report: Through Sept 30, Revenues are $69,181.74 Expenses are $ 43,229.28 It was requested that we receive an itemized list of expenditures. City report: Patrick reported that he is working on an RFP from the WA Trust for Historic Preservation to host a conference in May 2015. He is looking to Ed! for some type of funding. The request has been tabled to the next meeting. Website: It is under construction. 188 businesses will have their info listed on the launch. Approx.145 will still need to be entered and they will not be included on the initial launch. We will have to enter their information later. Action: Cadence will send out the spreadsheet to the board for their help in gathering info on any of the 145 businesses. Shop Local: Ed! approached DEMA to partner on a shop local campaign for the holidays. Discussion took place to target more of an "experience local" or some" local first" type of campaign. The City is also working on a holiday ad campaign. A motion was made by Robert that "we allocate up to $2500 to match funds with DEMA for a "local first" campaign. The motion was approved. Small Grants program: John and Natalie met. Natalie went over some points that we need to consider for the program. It was suggested that Natalie make changes based on the feedback then submit it to the board for approval. Action: Cadence will schedule a meeting with Scott and Patrick to discuss how the budget is allocated and how to handle unallocated funds. Our budget line items do not match the cities line items. Umbrella program: Pam brought a prototype of the umbrella and the stand. We are ordering 250 umbrellas and 35 stands to start. They have targeted the areas for the stands. There will be an option for businesses to purchase additional stands if they would like to have one. They should be out in a couple to weeks. Sign program: The discs are still being produced. They need the actual colors from Turnstyle so they can order the paint. It appears that no contractor wants to take on the job of installing the large signs. Jordana will continue following up on this. Public restroom: John Dewhirst from the EDC reported on his research of possible ideas for a public restroom in the downtown area. Discussion took place regarding location, type and who might fund them. John will be presenting his report to the EDC to see what they would like to do with the report. He will keep us updated. Patrick also recommended www.portlandloo.com as an alternative. Work plan: It was submitted on October 1st. Presentation to City Council is tentatively scheduled for Nov 4. Patrick will confirm at the next meeting. There will be only one board meeting in November and December due to the holidays. The dates are Nov 13 and Dec 11. Regular twice monthly meetings will resume in January. Public Comments: Andy questioned whether it made sense to partner with the City's design firm or Turnstyle so the graphics on the holiday advertising looked similar. Patrick will talk to Ellen and see if it makes sense. The meeting was adjourned at 9:37 am. Next meeting Oct. 23, 8am in rm 225 at the ECA.