2015-02-26 Edmonds Downtown Alliance (BID) MinutesMinutes from Ed! Alliance board meeting on February 26, 2015 at Sam at the ECA. Note taker: Kim Wahl Attendance: Cadence Clyborne, Robert Boehlke, Sally Merck, Juliana Van Buskirk, David Arista, Mary Kay Sneeringer, Kim Wahl, Cindi Cruz, Patrick Doherty, Mary Bess Johnson, Jenny Shore. Meeting called to order at 8:09 am by Cadence. Opening Remarks: Grant program was approved by the Council. Minutes: David made a motion to approve the minutes from 2/12, Mary Kay 2nd and they were approved. Robert abstained due to his absence at last meeting. Action Item: Patrick will meet with Scott about budget carryovers and unallocated funds. Treasurers report: No report. Late Fee (forgiveness policy): Following up on the letter that went out a few weeks ago to businesses with unpaid assessments: 1) Some paid. 2) Some will need a 2nd contact. 3) Businesses have closed, since we have no chance of collecting can we look at forgiving the debt? 4) Collections -businesses have already been turned over to collections previously. There are 8 businesses. 5) Businesses who have paid except for finance charges- there are 2. Cadence proposed we look at an ordinance amendment to forgive finance charge. Action Item: we discuss this further at our next meeting. The next collection notice goes out in March. Annual Meeting: Set for April 30, 2015. The committee is looking for speaker ideas. A possible suggestion is another BID president. The calendar of events: 3/12- present the draft agenda to the board. 3/28- mail the 1 st notice and also send out a press release. 4/16-Nominations are due for board positions for David, Mary Kay, Sally and Robert. 4/21- ballots will be mailed out. Robert made "a motion that we allocate $300 for design of the postcard". Sally 2nd and it was approved unanimously. Marketing: The committee is working with the city to create a contract for the transit ad campaign. Appearance and Environment: Pam and Jordana met with the City about the bike racks, garbage cans and the alleyways. It was suggested that anyone who wants to report potholes to call Public Works department. The City will advise us before any of the crosswalks are redone. They will also talk to Francis about the Arts corridor. There are a number of ideas regarding Parking- new signage is needed. Still looking into upgrading the sign poles to the black powder type. The committee will make recommendations for funding the signs Business resources: The committee is researching digital kiosks. Anyone who has any references or knowledge please let the committee know. Umbrella update: Production is postponed for Chinese New Year so any order will be delayed. Looking into a change of stands and signage that says "no garbage". Also looking for businesses who will sponsor the umbrellas and who will keep the cans clean and replace umbrellas as needed. Small Grants: was approved and it was suggested we send out an email blast, add it to the website and add it to the FAQ on the website. Patrick suggested we look into a redesign of the email blasts to include our logo. City Update: New businesses opening at Salish Crossing are Top Pot donuts and Spuds Fish and Chips. There is a kiosk in the spot that those businesses are being located. Patrick is researching if the Port is interested in using it. The City is looking at a possibility of having a holiday market. Patrick has sent out emails to see if anyone has interest. The board wants to table this until the new board can make a decision to include representation to the committee. Cindi reported on the tourist conference she attended in Richmond BC. Averetek is moving out of the BID. A wine storage is opening in the Waterworks building, also rumor of a drugstore. Public Comments: Mary Bess liked the idea of the 1 time pass for relief of finance charges. Worried about vandalism with the kiosk. Suggested we put a notice in My Edmonds News that people need to return the umbrellas to the stands. David reported that he was approached by the Beacon about having a regular Ed! column in the paper. The City of Edmonds will be celebrating its 125th birthday on Aug 11th.There will be a birthday meeting next week and they are looking for a rep from the board. Cadence will try and attend. Meeting adjourned at 9:35 am. Next meeting is March 12, 2015 at Sam at the ECA room 225.