2015-04-09 Edmonds Downtown Alliance (BID) MinutesMinutes from Ed! Alliance board meeting on April 9, 2015 at Sam at the ECA room 225. Attendance: Pam Stuller, Sally Merck, Natalie -Pascale Boisseau, Robert Boehlke, Juliana Van Buskirk, Mary Kay Sneeringer, Jordana Turner, Kim Wahl, Cadence Clyborne, Patrick Doherty, Nicole Herrin, Janice Emory. Meeting was called to order at 8:04am. Approval of the minutes: The action item regarding the crosswalk flags is still pending. Cadence made a motion to approve, Sally seconded and they were approved. President's report: Nicole, Cadence and Pam met with the City Clerk and the finance department regarding the business licenses, and how to educate new businesses about Ed! The Admin job has been posted and has received 3 applicants. Interviews will take place next week. Treasurer's report: $32,454.12 has been collected in 2015. Expenses for 2015 are $1640.00. Cadence will send Kim the current Treasurers report for posting on the website. 501 c3: A tax return is due 5115115. It will be a basic file since we do not have any money coming into the non-profit yet. New businesses within Ed!: Jordana will lead a committee to go out and greet new businesses. The committee will create a script. Annual meeting: Pam and Mary Kay met and created a sample of a survey and an outline of the Power Point presentation. The committee gave us a rundown of the agenda and the presentation. The board reviewed the survey and made suggestions and the committee will finalize the survey. There is still a need for nominees for the board. Ballots will be sent out by 4/21 and will be due by 4/30/15. Marketing: The ad is coming along and a preview was presented. A photo shoot was done yesterday. There were some suggestions made and the committee will be making a decision before our next meeting. There is an opening for 1 more member on this committee and either Sally or Jordana will join. Totes: At the DEMA meeting the group preferred the nylon totes. Janice showed us some samples of the nylon ones. The board asked if there were any ones made from recycled materials. Bike racks: The racks have been ordered. The Edmonds bike club agreed to pay for 2 racks. Ed! paid for the remaining 15. We are hoping to get them installed before the annual meeting. The committee will meet with Rich Lindsey, from the City on April 17th for final locations of the racks. Grant program: A press release went out yesterday and the 1 st deadline is next week. There has been some interest. Crosswalk flags: Tabled until next meeting. City Update: Word has gone out about the holiday market and vendors have shown interest. The committee working on the birthday celebration has put a call out for performance groups. There will be a chalk art event. At the City council meeting on 4/7 the Westgate project was approved. The strategic action plan was updated and approved. The City's advertising plan is complete and now they are just looking into where to use it. Patrick has contacted a few cities that have public restrooms to find out costs and how the programs are working. New business: North Sound Church has requested an umbrella stand. Further discussion is needed. Meeting adjourned at 9:47am. Next meeting will be on April 23rd at Sam in room 225 at the ECA.