2015-06-11 Edmonds Downtown Alliance (BID) Minutes6.11.15 Ed! Alliance Meeting Meeting called to action 8:03 Attendance: Juliana Van Buskirk, Robert Boehlke, Nicole Herrin, Patrick Doherty, Cadence Clyborne, John Rankin, Jordana Turner, Natalie -Pascale Boisseau, Jacob Comstock, Kimberly Koenig, Kim Wahl, Pam Stuller, Cindi Cruz, Clayton Moss, Mary Kay Sneeringer - Edmonds Bookshop, Sally Merck - Merck Counseling Services, Scott James - City of Edmonds Finance, Mary Bess Johnson — Gallery North Opening Remarks- Cadence: How can Ed! assist in all city entities with their long term plans. Discussion: Parklets and potential future in Edmonds Minutes from 5.28 — Pam moves that minutes be approved; Julianna 2nds. All approved. Budget: Update on the amount spent to date. Marketing committee to follow up on the Titan 360 Billing. Where should the umbrella costs be allocated. John to check where it was coded prior and allocate the same. Assessment report will be submitted at the July meeting. Presidents Report: Cadence in contact with the Senior Center to present in September or other mutually agreeable date. Invitation to any board member to join. Greg Urban from Edmonds Chamber communicated they are going to produce a downtown visitor map. Email deactivation for former board emails will happen shortly, email will be archived. New Businesses: 5t" Ave Animal Hospital, Puget Sound Law PLLC, KC Webster PLLC, Law Office of Barbara J Boyd, Design2Last Parade: $100 entry fee for commercial entry. Confirming the entry fee and access to the ad. Cadence, John and Kimberly to organize. Kimberly makes a motion to approve $250 for entry into the parade, Pam to second, all in favor. Motion passes. Discussion: Cadence to spearhead, Kimberly and John to help organize. Kim volunteered to get candy. Committee Updates Assessment and Evaluation - Cadence recommends that each committee be in charge of their own assessment and evaluation. Non Profit — No update for this meeting. Member Engagement Update: See New business info. Friends of Ed: Pam met with Kiwanis to give Ed! Overview. Parking was a discussion, with the idea to close off part of downtown to pedestrian only. Discussion about hosting Friends of Ed! meeting at the new Cascade Museum. Marketing: Pam overview - committee is discussing how to evaluate the success of the marketing this year. Trying to find other low cost no cost opportunities. Putting together a 5 year plan that can carry across board member. Professional Business Resources: No current update. Small Grants Update: Update at the July meeting. Parking, Appearance and Environment: Robert and Jordana had productive meeting with the City of Edmonds. They are willing to test angle parking, and because of space, can only do angle on one side of the street. Researching what street for initial test. Discussion re: visitor and paid parking on 4th and reconfiguring. City would like a proposed plan that they could approve and execute. It was suggested more examples of angle and parallel parking to provide the city will help with the decision making. Pam asked for a timeline. Jordana thinks more than a month. Asking for board members to look for examples. Clayton recommends Winslow, Bainbridge Island. Cadence is looking to source a pro bono engineer to help on the recommendation. Large signage: Anthony's Arnie's, Jacobsons, the Port, and Yacht Club initially not going to contribute, but they are revisiting, Jordana to follow up. Installation being scheduled, date to come. Crossing Flags: Juliana reports that the city is available for a meeting on 6/22 and will follow up at July meeting. Bike Racks: All but one all installed, location being evaluated for the last location near the market. Ed!Says column and member newsletter highlighted the racks. One question came re: the data mentioned in the newsletter. City Update: Patrick — Budget planning beginning. Patrick submitting decision package for a downtown restroom. Getting a cost range. Operations and maintenance $40-50k. Recommending that Ed!'s perception would have a favorable increase if this project was supported with budget. Project added to the agenda for the 7/9 meeting. Cadence recommends a smaller ongoing contribution or a large initial cost —but to make a specific recommendation. Reminder that the 125t" Anniversary celebration is moving forward. Still looking for sponsorships. Kimberly asked for a one sheet on sponsorship opportunities. Cindi to send on. Clayton working on the collateral. Facebook event page via the City FB page. All of the transportation planning ideas discussed are supported. Last major meeting on comprehensive plan due to the state in June. City of Edmonds Finance Director- Scott James: Our $84k budget approved by council, question from Cadence, can we move between categories without council approval. Scott reports that historically the budget is reviewed as bottom line. City Attorney recommends line item. Scott feels that within $500 +/- of category not an issue, if it were a larger amount would recommend taking it to city council as a material move. Material being moving an entire category to a new category etc.. Robert asks re: carry over. Anything over the $84k needs to be approved by the council including carry forwards. Patrick recommends: Put it in the budget next year i.e. $25k even though you'll only raise $22k etc.. to include the carry over amount to be used. Pam highlights we cannot spend any money not in our bank account, so need a balance/reserve to fund the 15t half of the year expenditure. Public Comments: Sally Merck outlined that there are some additional new businesses, but they're not on the city list. New Business: Cadence suggested that we sell tote bags at the market and asked for anyone to volunteer. Pam requests adding PR and Social media brainstorm to agenda. Assign social meeting postings to the agenda. Discussion on plans for the Veteran's Plaza on 5t" and Bell; large beautiful project. Meeting adjourned 9:37