2015-09-24 Edmonds Downtown Alliance (BID) Minutes9.24.15 Ed! Alliance Meeting Called to action 8:02 In attendance: Kim Wahl, Pam Stuller, John Rankin, Nicole Herrin, Robert Boehlke, Kimberly Koenig, Juliana VanBuskirk, Jacob Comstock, Jordana Turner, Cadence Clyborne Introductions - Guest Dave Teitzel Candidate City Council Pos #5 President's Remarks — Update to the agenda, no treasurers report. Only 1't meeting of each month. Pam moves to approve minutes, John Seconds, all approved. Jordana abstained. Cadence met with Susan Hempstead with the library who is putting on a Ted Talk at ECA. Already sold out. Wanted to bring awareness to our Ed! group. 900 people, will have 45-1 hr breaks. Friday November 6t". Wants to work with Ed! to put together a plan to encourage attendees to shop and eat downtown. Le. Ted specials "Ted Shops" "Ted Eats". Concierge type table at the event? Work Plan — Discussed. Implemented all changes into the second draft that were provided by board members since the last meeting as well as comments from Scott James and Patrick Doherty at the City. Discussion about the City planned public restroom located between Rusty Pelican and City Hall. Concern over whether or not a decision to contribute to the building of the bathroom reflects Ed! constituents needs from the Ed! budget. An email from Patrick was read to the board which included a recommendation of a $15 thousand dollar allocation to the bathroom project. The board discussed and agreed to leave the current budget allocation at $10k. Discussion on clearest way to reflect one-time expenditures using 26K from 2013 & 14 unallocated funds. Recommended that 10K for public restroom and 14K of marketing budget be included there. Concern was raised over the large percentage of budget towards marketing. The additional budget includes digital ads, PR, and social media and building photography library. Referencing the 2015 annual meeting and survey, marketing was the #1 category that businesses wanted Ed! to support. Board discussed and agreed to keep marketing budget as proposed. Kimberly made a motion to approve the 2016 work plan as presented. Robert 2nded. No discussion. All approved, no abstentions. Workplan will post in Oct. to website, after distributed to City and council. City Update — Cindy Cruz: Holiday market is moving forward. Starts Nov 21, 10 -2. City budget is moving forward. New Business — Jordana, Robert, Clayton, and Pam met re: sign code committee. Came together with a preliminary proposal for changes to be submitted to the city. Clayton and Pam met with Shane Hope to present initial recommendations. The input was well received. Holiday committee met and is rolling forward, one sponsor for the trolley so far, working to increase sponsorship to cover costs. DEMA to cover the holiday mailer. Jacob and Jordana visiting new businesses. Spangler books is excited to be involved. Reached out to Straight Up Fashions, Nadia S Evening. The team will continue canvasing businesses not on the website. Public Comments — Dave Teitzel - Thanks for what we're doing, hope to support you in the future. Adjourned 9:30AM