2015-11-12 Edmonds Downtown Alliance (BID) MinutesEd! Alliance Meeting 11.12.15 Meeting called to order in 8:05AM John Rankin, Pam Stuller, Robert Boehlke, Kim Wahl, Nicole Herrin, Cadence Clyborne, Clayton Moss, Jacob Comstock, Jordana Turner, Patrick Doherty Valerie Claypool 24/7 Events NW, Greg Urban Edmonds Chamber of Commerce, Mary Kay Sneeringer Edmonds Bookshop, Cindi Cruz City of Edmonds, Bill Kessler Beresford Booth Opening Remarks — Only one meeting in December. 12/10 Correction on agenda — City Update is moved up on the agenda and will only occur once. Reminder to please check your email. Minutes — Kimberly moves to approve minutes with Nancy Leason spelling corrected. Robert 2nd, Jacob and Jordana abstain. President's Report - Natalie -Pascale has submitted resignation. Per by-laws, President to appoint a new board member, preferably who is interested in a full term. Position must represent a by -appointment business. Hope to make an appointment at the next meeting. Annual meeting — Library is not available on 4/27, but is available on 4/25 or 4/28. Nicole will reserve Monday evening 4/25. NO janitorial service on Monday — Cindi to double check with facilities manager. If not available, move to 4/28. TedX event was Friday— Ed! manned the booth. Parking was an issue during the event, but city was able to suspend the 3 hour timeframe for parking enforcement during this event. Ed! Contributed umbrellas to the Swedish event last week, good branding opportunity. 41" Avenue corridor lights are going in next month. Treasurers Report - Current Assessments $70,023.37 Assessments, with carryover $116,350.23. Balance is $73,859.21. We need to update the expected assessments based on current information/new businesses taking into account new businesses taking advantage of the offered 1 year deferment. City Update - Holiday market is starting a week from Saturday. The vendor list presented on the FB page and via a press release. 18 vendors. Live musicians. 3 Saturdays in December, school groups will be wrapping gifts for a donation. Plan to bring the city hall umbrellas, Robert to add umbrellas from extra inventory. Rail crossing alternative project — public meeting is on 11/18 Wed at 6-8PM at the Plaza room in the Library. Website and direct mail project announcing it. Cadence - Would like to add the information into the Ed! scroll on the edmondsdowntown.org site. Would like to consider to send out an email to the Ed! distribution list. Important the business community be aware. Add to FB page today. City diversity commission began last week. If interested, can contact any of the members to participate or be involved. Meeting ad hoc through end of this year. Will have regular once a month meetings in 2016. Tonight is the Mayor's town hall meeting at the Sr. Center focusing on the bowl neighborhood. New Business — Waterfront Coffee Co changed ownership. Streetscape agenda — Cadence sent an invite for city employees to join us for the December meeting to discuss. Jordana and committee to put together an agenda for the meeting. Parking for special events — suspending the 3 hour timeframe. Would like to work with the city to see if that is feasible for any future events. Look at the city's comprehensive streetscape plan — it's fantastic. Members should look through it and look for areas that Ed! can help implement elements of the plan. How can we help the City. What is the best way to move forward? Cadence to talk with the city and make sure we're on the same page. Nicole to add a parking map to the Ed! website. A zoning map exists, but would need to make it more user friendly. Mary Kay has employee parking map from the city showing parking options — Clayton to access that and help put a map together for posting. Website and Membership Standing — If you are not in good standing, your website should not be on the website. Administratively difficult to monitor/revise business. Recommendation that only pull down businesses that are in collections. Cadence moves that we remove businesses from the website once they have gone into collections to the City for non-payment of assessments. Jordana seconds. Pam asks how many businesses this affects. 15 who have pages that are in collections. Will we notify them? Yes — 30 day notice for current. Adding language to the non-payment letter to include a 30 day notice. The website inclusion is part of the new business packet. Update the new business packet to define in good standing to the rules of the website. Clayton asks what percentage are 2"d floor professionals vs retail. It is a mix of categories (salons, restaurants and by appointment businesses.) All in favor. No opposed. No abstentions. Google Ad Words — A little over $1,100 has been spent over the past two months on Google Ad Words serach. Only two words have had much traffic; Edmonds and Edmonds, Wa. The website has only had a 3.5% increase in new users in the time period that Google Ad Words have been active. Kimberly recommends we suspend Google Ad Words for the time being. Revisit in conjunction with a specific site traffic driving promotion. Holiday Campaign — 20 thousand post cards to go out 11/30 -12/2. Posters to be given to shops around town. Trolley will be here, cross promoting tree lighting and holiday market with the Chamber and City. Postcard graphics shared. DEMA contributed to the mailing, sponsors paid for the graphics, fliers and trolley, trolley banner and Santa. Ed! link goes to the Enchanted page. Patrick — City has purchased ads in Blue City, Seattle Times gift guide promoting downtown Edmonds. Cadence comments that we should work to complement each other's executions. More effective if the creative is complimentary — broader audience reach. Same with the tree lighting. Patrick references needing professional holiday photo imagery from this season to be used for future creative. Committee Updates — Appearance - Milltown bathrooms, they will make us a proposal to use them as public restrooms. Grant Committee — Clayton and Pam working on the map that will go in the plaza museum. Making sure we are involving all the partners in downtown, so can receive input. Initial creative is complete, Round 2 in creation. Trying to include points of interest throughout all points of downtown. Create a 'take a walk' map site to be hosted on Ed! for mobile use. Working on the ideas for distance/time to be added. (Le. 7 minutes to the ferry.) Looking for feedback on what should/shouldn't be included on the map. Provide input on categories to Clayton/Pam. More representation of salons/spas etc. Pull off Ed! email address. Pam to send the document out — comments and feedback requested within in a week. Press/PR — Ed! Says article submitted. December article to be centered on the holidays. Newsletter — members have asked that their events be included. Partnering with nonprofit events etc. Suggest adding a pilot program "Member Corner" added with a due date each month for content to be submitted. Have a word 20 word limit, content guidelines. Tied to a specific event/promotion. Can include a link. Will offer this service to members starting in December. Public Comments — Greg shares that the Economic alliance of Snohomish County has two calendars. Anyone who is a member can add their content as an additional communication outlet. Tree lighting posters are available. Email from Mike Echelbarger re: traffic mitigation. Concerns over a rate increase and how it will affect new businesses going in the Salish Crossing area. Can Ed! meet and discuss. More information needed. Valerie Claypool — Police Foundation fun run on 12/5 starting at 9AM. Edmonds Police Foundation website to register. Small Business Awards for Washington State. Nominations are due 12/3. Recommend letting members know. Professional services are typically the categories included in these. Meeting adjourned 9:38.