2015-12-10 Edmonds Downtown Alliance (BID) Minutes12.10.15 Ed! Alliance Meeting Called to order 8:04AM Clayton Moss, John Rankin, Kim Wahl, Robert Boehlke, Patrick Doherty, Pam Stuller, Kimberly Koenig, Julianna VanBuskirk, Jacob Comstock, Nicole Herrin, Jordana Turner, Cadence Clyborne City of Edmonds - Cindi Cruz, Frances Chapin, Carrie Hite, Shane Hope Valerie Claypool — 24/7 Events NW, Jennifer Shelton — Small Business Development Center Minutes Pam moves to approve the minutes from 11.12.15, Robert Seconds, All in favor, no abstentions Holistic Street Amenity Plan (presentation) - Jordana Concerns - No gateway signs entering downtown from Ferry - Parking signage lacking, available parking underutilized. ■ Suggested P parking signs, or a parking map on Ed! website showing options. - No directional signage for businesses, resulting in less aesthetically pleasing choices by individual businesses. - Sidewalk clutter— newsstand overcrowding. Suggest a plan that is consistent and more aesthetically pleasing. Discussion regarding how newsstands are permitted — City will look into this in more detail. - Garbage — Inadequate garbage receptacles, specifically in high traffic areas - Entrances and exits to alley way safety issues for pedestrians and vehicles. ■ Suggest designating commercial areas — perhaps with signage? Discussed possibility of one way streets for alleyways Gateway sign suggestions coming off of ferry — gateway signage/arch. Suggest adding similar arch to 104 etc. Can repeat the visual. Shane — good information, great start to a conversation with the city. The City will be actively updating the street scape plan and sign code in 2016. Open house on 12/16 discussing sign code update. Includes some key concepts that take the input that has been given. Carrie - Parks Department; Parks department was looking at gateway signage initially focused on the 104, but they have a budget and are willing to work with Ed! Currently in the process with an artist to do the light application down 4th/arts corridor. In addition, plan for replacing the flower poles for the flower basket program. Replacing 4-5 each year. Last year's budget included garbage and recycle can replacement. Would love to discuss the clutter conversation and how garbage cans work into that conversation. Downtown restroom also in the plan. The budget passed and will be moving forward with that execution. Robert — Ed! also discussed creating a map of the existing locations of all installations, garbage etc so that the existing plans don't overlap. Shane — nothing exists, but could be put together. Carrie — Wayfinding signs have been a great addition. Bike racks are fabulous. Ed! next steps would be to look at existing plans/maps. Pam — pedestrian safety? Is that solution a part of the plan? Citizen input — Believe there should be an overall parking plan as well. Concerns over the 4 hour parking on Sunset. Businesses use the 61h Avenue for all weekend permanent parking etc. How do we maximize existing parking? Creating parking lot/purchase land? Enforcement of the existing rules? Could that be tightened up? Shane Additional City Update During the budget presentation, included more staffing to the police department. Small business — please don't park in key downtown spots. Milltown restrooms — maintenance costs may be prohibitive, but exploring with Ed! Money in the city budget for a parklet. One in the works for 4th Avenue for 2016 (Sprague). Opportunities to have some temporary pop up parklets. Pam suggests having one in the business district. Policy needs to be equitable for all businesses. Areas next to stop signs. Appearance and Environment Committee to meet after first of the year: Kim, Julianna, Robert, Jordana Welcome to Edmonds entry sign discussion — Clayton Patrick entry suggestion. Great iconic landmarks. Costs may be prohibitive. If contemplating another location — may want specify 'Downtown' Edmonds. Frances —Take advantage of existing structures like under/overpasses. Next step — Ed! will make some specific suggestions and follow up with the city. Jennifer Shelton — WSU Small Business Development Center Presentation Goal is to support economic development. It's in every county in the state. WSU hosts it in Washington State- and is federally funded. It is one on one businesses advising, research, resources, and training. Completely confidential as it is federal offense to share any information with IRS etc. Free. Direct service and referral to resources. Of businesses who have used SMDC - 40% are startups, the rest are retention, stabilization. Biggest areas are financing proposals, marketing. They offer research not available to the public. Graduate students who do research - serves ALL industries. Measured by business success as provided by the client and two independent surveys. Every local dollar spent equals $3.75 back to the economy. Program has congressional support. It is funded in part by SBA Grand and Federal funds. In 2016 will have support in Edmonds and some other small cities. Economic of Snohomish provides the space. Intake client form to be included on Ed! Will share the resource with Ed! members. President's Report — No board appointment. Position will be up for election in April. By appointment business. EDCC did an economic project presentation on Edmonds— Cadence to reach out to make sure there is a communication there so we can be included in the conversations. Digital button options — Would like to offer all three buttons. Cadence moves to approve that we ask Branding Iron to provide us with all three designs as buttons with the change to the rectangular button to be just Visit Ed. And will not spend more than $100 for the creation. Kim seconds. All in favor. None opposed, no abstentions. Treasurers report —Assessments $74,564.17. Balance of $72,652.01. Expenses $48,239.02 Any outstanding expenses need to be submitted ASAP. City Update - Patrick — Hoping for a better market day. Le. better weather. Restroom update. Budget is approved, including the restroom. There is a $30k gap left for the project completion. Rotary is working on the idea. New Business —Transaction Partners. New business email is complete and will go out to first of the year. Public Comment - NA Meeting adjourned — 9:35.