2016-01-28 Edmonds Downtown Alliance (BID) MinutesEd! 1.28.16 Minutes In attendance - Robert Boehlke, Jacob Comstock, Kim Wahl, John Rankin, Pam Stuller, Cadence Clyborne, Kimberly Koenig, Nicole Herrin, Patrick Doherty Lisa Geiger; interested in joining the board. Minutes - Cadence moves to approve the minutes, Jacob seconds. All approved. Presidents Report Mayor's state of the city at the movie theatre on 2/11- same date as next Ed! meeting. Recommend a 7:30AM meeting ending early. KOMO interviewed Cadence - asked if there any stories regarding Ed! to reach out her. Nicole is leaving Ed! and will be training the replacement. Ed! to open up the position to new candidates. 5-10 hours per week, but varies. Nicole suggests that the position sits in on committee meetings as appropriate to have a fuller understanding of projects and newsletter content. Jonathan McQuade of Beresford Booth would like to join the board and replace Natalie -Pascale. Cadence to make the appointment — which is active until April. We will have 4 openings — 2 by appointment and 2 open door. Cadence moves that we approve the appointment of Jonathan, Pam seconds. No discussion, all approved, no abstentions. Treasurers Report - $46,326.86 beginning balance, Total Assessments $75,874.48, Total Revenue $122,201.34 Balance $66,713.03. John to follow up with the City to get an estimate of expected revenue for 2016. Suggested that we discuss the 2016 budgeting numbers and any amendments we need to approach City Council within the next meeting. New Businesses - Main St. Insurance and Claire's both have new ownership. City Update — From the finance department; when your submitted bill is more than the requested payment amount, make sure to annotate it for the city. Alt Grade Rail Crossing Alternatives Analysis. Some alternatives will fall out after the most recent meeting. Some of the solutions will have impact on downtown businesses and that is the focus vs any current congestion. Analysis will conclude this fall. Kennedy and Mohn out of Renton conducted a hotel study. There is market support for a downtown hotel in Edmonds. 75 rooms would be the ideal size. That is the minimum number of rooms a large chain is interested in. Waterfront area is of top interest, but real estate is an issue. Site size/height limit other options downtown. Also asked to look at the hospital area, but it was not of interest. Conference center/wedding venue not included in the study. A city council member approached re: quarterly fee. There are direct benefit and indirect benefits. Ed! still feels there is an indirect benefit for closed door businesses. Employees are going for coffee or lunch, shopping and engaging with the community. Owners are still choosing to have a business in downtown vs a less expensive option. Suggest meeting with the new council people and recapping Ed's mission. ECC Business Course Project — Sent the outline to the board. Cadence to present the project description to the Business Management Course. Feedback from the board - make sure to include service categories, not just retail. Le. technology services etc. Committee Updates Grant Committee — Creative Age Festival of Edmonds requesting $1,500 grant to support their advertising and marketing. Concern over how to benefit members? Would like some additional information in that respect. What kind of benefit would Ed! like to see? Concern that closed door businesses don't see any positive impact with these types of events. Exposure and indirect marketing positive benefits. Collateral and programmatic opportunities for exposure for Ed!? Why this event vs other local events? The grant project is more specific to tangible projects. Ed! to put together a media value? They are using a branded outline/event that exists in other markets/Canada. Cadence to draft a response. Umbrellas — perhaps using a link to a survey. We should be getting more containers if positive outcome. Next meeting — please bring any recommended changes to by laws. 2/25 meeting all committees to bring their updates. Newsletter — Need content ideas; Admin position, Umbrella feedback, train crossing, committees and chairs, new members, board positions available. Meeting adjourned - 9:35AM