2016-03-10 Edmonds Downtown Alliance (BID) MinutesEd! Meeting 3.10.16 Meeting called to order 8:05AM Agenda update — Small grant discussion added. Introductions In attendance: John Rankin, Cadence Clyborne, Pam Stuller, Robert Boehlke, Pam Ehrbar, Kim Wahl, Jordana Turner, Juliana VanBuskirk, Clayton Moss, Kimberly Koenig, Patrick Doherty, Jerry Fireman CAFE, Dick VanHollebeck CAFE, Julie Colgan CAFE, Kiersten Christenson — Insurance Services Group, Erica Shannon — Gallery North, Andy Cline — Cline Jeweler, Cindi Cruz, Shubert Ho — Salt + Iron, Valerie Claypool 24/7 Events Northwest Minutes 2.11.16 - Robert moves to approve, Kim Seconds. Kim, Juliana, Clayton, Robert, John, Cadence, Abstentions — Pam, Kimberly, Jordana 2.25.16 minutes — Approval moved to next meeting, as there is not a quorum. Small Grant Program — CAFE request for $1500 grant to be used for the marketing and advertising for the festival. Posters will go out including Ed! logo, newspaper ads March/April Beacon (7 ads), door signs, programs, website. Would like the merchants to put 'offers' in their guest swag bag as well as an informational piece outlining Ed. Discussion — There was a lengthy discussion about the request and how it represents Ed! and it's constituency. Would want them to include the accurate logo and web site url to drive traffic. No other current grant requests. Pam makes a motion that we fund the CAFE $1500 grant request — Cadence seconds. Robert opposed. Kim, Jordana, Juliana, Clayton, Kimberly, Pam, Cadence approved. President's Report — Reminder that board members may not use text communication as personal records, text history would be included in a records request if there an issue. Make sure you are checking your email. Pam E can help anyone set up email alerts on their smart phone. Cindi/Patrick put together the Tourism Meeting schedule for 3/18 8:30AM. Will include SnoCo Visitor's Bureau, Goodway Group and organizations who attract visitors to Edmonds. Ellen Miller -Wolf — City Economic Director of Kirkland, wants to do a brown bag lunch to brainstorm. Email re: Erin Long what is the City's disaster plan. Cadence was going to recommend to her to look at the grant program if she had ideas. Patrick - City and County each have a plan. City's will mimic the county recommendation and they are starting implementation of the plan over the next few months. Treasurers Report —Year end numbers: $46,326.86 carry over. Total $75,874.48, Expenses $55,488.31— Balance of $66.713.03 January Assessments $26,124.60 — Carryover $92,890.82 Expenses $303.14 Balance of $92,587.86. February Assessments $34,266.40 —Total revenue $101,032.62 Expenses $893.13 —Balance $100,134.48 New Businesses - No current updates. City Update — Patrick Restroom project update: pre application conference regarding the concept. Concept will be presented to the interdivisional team for review. Community input on design concept resulted in a recommendation that looks like store front windows, false front parapet to have it look similar to Rusty Pelican so the store front continues. Perceived conflict re: parking and pedestrian interaction in the parking spaces across from the structure. Recommendation to turn those three spaces into a small plaza. Concern over the loss of parking spaces. Hoping by reconfiguring the whole parking lot — will lose only 1 parking space overall. The plan will go to council in a few weeks. Holiday market discussion needs to happen re: the size and the future of it. Robert and Cadence to meet with Patrick re: Eds! Input. Revitalize Washington Conference — In Chelan this year — Edmonds will apply as a location for next year. April 25-27. Includes tools on how to run downtown organizations. Marketing Committee — Kimberly presented the 2016 marketing plan which includes transit, digital, PR and social media. Discussion included other media considered. Pam S moves we approve $36,000 marketing budget, Cadence seconds, All approved. No abstentions. Annual Meeting — he board discussed the two options for a location for the annual meeting. Plaza Room above the library reserved, but a lot of interest was expressed in updating the venue and format in an effort to draw more members to attend. Jordana is researching budget numbers for rental of the lobby at the Edmonds Center for the Arts, which would include a bartender and open bar, as well as a budget for providing "small bites". Cadence made a motion that we spend up to $800 for the rental of the ECA for the Annual Member Meeting, negotiating the best price available. If the rental fee exceeds $800 we will defer our location to the library. Pam seconded. All approved - Robert, Cadence, Kim, Jordana, Juliana, Clayton and Pam