2016-04-28 Edmonds Downtown Alliance (BID) MinutesEdmonds • Downtown ALLIANCE April 28, 2016 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM Edmonds Center for the Arts Room 225 Meeting Minutes Cadence Clyborne called the meeting to order at 8:02 a.m. In attendance: Cadence Clyborne, Robert Boehlke, Clayton Moss, Pam Ehrbar, Kimberly Koenig, John Rankin, Jacob Comstock, Jordana Turner, Juliana Van Buskirk, Shubert Ho, Apple Catha, Patrick Doherty and Cindi Cruz. Opening Remarks Welcome and Introductions for new board members; Petra Rousu and Kiersten Christensen unable to attend today. Approval of Ed! 4.14.16 Board Meeting Minutes Robert moved to approve, Kimberly seconds, all approve, none opposed; Apple and Shubert abstain. President's Report Will schedule new board member orientation in May. Voting for new officers today. Suggest officers do the same thing with incoming officers. The board uses Robert's Rules of Order. Cadence will run the meeting today; the new president will lead starting at next meeting. Officer Elections Thanked current officers for their time and contributions. Reviewed bylaws prior to voting. Opened the floor for nominations. Treasurer nominations: Cadence nominates John Rankin. Secretary nominations: Kimberly nominates Jacob Comstock. Vice President nominations: Robert nominates Jordana Turner. President nominations: Cadence nominates Robert Boehlke. Paper ballots distributed, collected, and tallied. Cadence congratulated the newly elected officers. City Update Patrick went to Revitalize WA conference in Chelan; was amazing; great content for Ed. Many attendees were main street associations. Fundraising and getting buy in by the community important. Anyone in the community could become a member; could offer a nominal fee to become a member. City of Edmonds would like to host this event for the future. Biggest challenge — location of hotel. Possibly a shuttle; had previous agreement to use senior center shuttle and driver. Attendees — about 250 were there. Application due in October. Emily Scott and someone at Edmonds museum attended. Conference not as much about preservation; more about managing downtowns. Fundraising, marketing. Pitch our location as two-fer — Snohomish wants to combine, but they don't have a hotel. Will get copies of PPTs to share; could share at future Ed board meeting. Ladies night out in November; Gig Harbor — well done and successful. They give out a coupon book. Revitalize WA awards event location by December. Mt Vernon postcard project — hand out to general public; release at different times. Facts about downtown on the back. City finance is reviewing the use of personal credit cards for BID expenses. Tourism meeting Friday morning. Cadence will share Ed PPT presentation about what informed our branding decisions. For board orientation — need date for a special meeting notice 24 hours in advance — notify Cindi. Holiday committee met; Robert, Pam S., Andy Cline, Valerie, Cindi, Patrick; There is interest for holiday market — city council wants it to continue. Probably not possible to do a market year-round. Some successes last year, some challenges. Vendors making commitments soon. Potentially connect market and Salish; use trolley. Local and hand -made as rule; make sure no overlap with merchants. Still deciding on locations — Salish Crossing, 5th Ave, or parking lot at Public Safety. Make sure trolley can keep going through. No info yet on other markets and how they affect local retailers. Like summer — brings more people, but not necessarily spending in local stores. Consider closing a piece of Main Street? Would have more exposure; people would see it. Concern about isolation for closing sections. Other cities have shown it's not good. 2016 Annual Meeting Reviewed annual meeting summary. Had 50+ attendees including all board members and most new board nominees, and some from city council and chamber. Member survey results — parking shown to be highest priority; Marketing next. Pedestrian safety, street amenities, public restrooms, Ed community events, Ed networking gatherings. Received 15 responses in person. People forget ballots; helps get more responses but we need to do more. Interactive survey (appearance & environment) Top priority was parking capacity. Gateway sign concept was next. Next was directional/signage options for businesses. Recommendations from Ed have not made it through to the Planning Board. City was receptive when ideas were shared. Ed would need consensus from all Ed members in order to make a formal recommendation to the city. Last night at Planning Board — unable to have public comment. Attendees from board could have answered questions but were not allowed to answer. We need to let members know that if we need their feedback in order to make recommendations. Some signage recommendations don't make sense. Never made a formal report to get it through. Meeting last night was focused on temporary signs; need integrated approach. Three options — eliminate all portable signs; 2. Have a temp sign for 60 days only, but need a permit. Limits on where they can go. 3. Leave rules as they are with some tweaks. City needs to be more communicative. Chamber sent a notice; need to engage business owners more. Put in newsletter and on FB. Patrick will bring this up. Clayton — there is an opportunity to change the code to make more sense; need comprehensive look. Weren't ready to make a decision last night. Visual of gateway at meeting; also, alleys/safety was a big concern. Last year got no votes. At next board — revamp committees, add new board members. Small Grant — received request from DEMA. Requested $1,465.00 to help with funding three events in Edmonds throughout year; neighborhood marketing initiative. Gather merchants to partner on events. September; Brouhaha Backroom Blowout (similar to Ballard) — at Masonic Lodge. Bags and Bites, purchase bag, $ goes to WA Kids in Transition. Feb — Edmonds has a Heart; Nick of Time foundation for AEDs in schools; cards from restaurants for patrons to receive discounts. Want marketing campaign to have a design for all three; connect with Ed and City branding. Will help offset expenses for design and printing. Partner businesses will also contribute. Jordana — concern that it may not serve all constituents. Noted that the board hasn't had other grant requests come in. If you could include other businesses, how could they participate? Anyone can. DEMA membership will invite all businesses and can also share through Ed. They are asking for a portion of total cost; shows teamwork on the other end. Clayton moves to approve funding for the DEMA events proposal as written. Cadence seconded. Discussion; Jordana asked for agreement from constituents. Apple — great for closed door businesses to have exposure through these events. Jordana moves to amend motion to include that the grant be approved upon expanding opportunity to all Ed businesses. Cadence seconds. All in favor — none opposed. Kimberly abstaining. Discussion; none. All in favor of approving grant — none opposed; Kimberly abstaining. Umbrellas — no update today. Appearance & Environment Next steps— engineering on parking proposal is moving forward. Put on next agenda to discuss umbrellas and appearance & environment. Cadence may have option to have it done at no charge. Patrick shared that the city council has approved public restrooms. Committee updates Marketing — hired social media consultant, Janet Maples; focus will be on imagery. PR element is being revamped; hiring Pam Ehrbar for public relations work. New Business Next meeting — ask new board members to participate on committees; shared committee descriptions. Next meeting May 12; Pam will update board contact sheet. Reminder to not reply all to emails — could unintentionally be considered a quorum. Email string with five board members, is OK — but six or more is not OK. Public Comments - none Adjourn — 9:34 a.m.