2016-03-09 Planning Board Packet�1 o� NJI Agenda Edmonds Planning Board BRACKETT ROOM 121 5TH AVE N, CITY HALL - 3RD FLOOR, EDMONDS, WA 98020 MARCH 9, 2016, 7:00 PM 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Reading / Approval of minutes of 2/24/16 3. ANNOUNCEMENT OF AGENDA 4. AUDIENCE COMMENTS 5. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS A. Training on Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records with the City Attorney 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion on Growth Patterns & Strategies for Edmonds 8. ADJOURNMENT Edmonds Planning Board Agenda March 9, 2016 Page 1 2.A Planning Board Agenda Memo Meeting Date: 03/9/2016 Subject: Reading / Approval of minutes of 2/24/16 Prepared By: Diane Cunningham Department: Planning Division Staff Lead: Background/History N/A Staff Recommendation Staff recommends approval of the draft minutes Narrative Draft minutes are attached. Attachments: PB160224d Packet Pg. 2 5.A Planning Board Agenda Memo Meeting Date: 03/9/2016 Subject: Training on Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records with the City Attorney Prepared By: Diane Cunningham Department: Planning Division Staff Lead: Background/History Last training with City Attorney was October 28, 2015 Staff Recommendation N/A Narrative The presentation from October 28 is attached. Attachments: Planning board training Part1 Packet Pg. 3 7.A Planning Board Agenda Memo Meeting Date: 03/9/2016 Subject: Discussion on Growth Patterns & Strategies for Edmonds Prepared By: Diane Cunningham Department: Planning Division Staff Lead: Background/History N/A Staff Recommendation N/A Narrative A. GMA goals and growth -- population, housing, and employment 1. Growth strategies: e.g. Mixed use development, redevelopment and infill; alternative housing (e.g. ADUs); smaller units or targeted density increases; building design and standards for specific neighborhoods. 2. Opportunities: e.g. Highway 99 special area planning, potential for neighborhood centers (e.g. Westgate, 5 Corners, Firdale, other?). 3. Housing trends and needs: affordable housing, low income housing, AHA. 4. Other issues/considerations. B. Maintaining the 'character' of Edmonds in a growing region. C. Planning Board role. Attachments: 1. Shane Hope's presentation on Edmonds' future growth 2. Adopted Comprehensive Plan section on growth & capacity 3. Adopted Comprehensive Plan Housing Element 4. RCW addressing affordable housing programs 5. Affordable Housing Alliance (AHA) presentation on Edmonds housing profile (Edmonds is a member of the AHA) 6. Kirkland housing performance measures (included at the request of Careen) 7. ULI article: 13 Urban Trends to Watch Packet Pg. 4