2012-07-30 Sister City Commission AgendaEDMONDS SISTER CITY COMMISSION AGENDA Monday, July 30th, 2012 Anderson Center, Room 206 - 7pm Regular agenda: 1. Call to order 2. Welcome guests 3. Opportunity for citizen input (10 min. limit/person) 4. Additions or modifications to the agenda 5. Consent Agenda: -Minutes (?) -Treasurer's Report (?) -Correspondence (Carrie) 6. Old Business: -Hekinan Delegation details *Itinerary (Rita and Beth) -Saturday Market Booth (Michelle) *Fee approval *Raffle bascket *T-shirts and blacelets -Mariners Game Ticket Fundraising (Marlene) -25th (Yoshi) Letter from Mayor of Hekinan 7. New Business: -Next Year's students' delegation recruit (Beth) 8. Next meeting:Aug 27th from 7pm to 9pm select a sub committee to meet with Floretum Club discuss April trip to Hekinan begin planning for delegations to and from Hekinan in 2013 display board 9. Meeting Adjournment