2013-02-25 Sister City Commission MinutesEdmonds Sister City Commission Meeting Date: February 25, 2013 — Meeting Minutes Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:OOpm. There were no guests for citizen input. Attendance: Pos. 1 Michelle Van Tassell Pos. 2 Ray Olitt Pos. 3 Yoshitaka Inoue Pos. 4 Marlene FFiepA Pos. 5 Kay Vreeland Pos. 6 Rita Bailey Ikeda Pos. 7 lyoko Okano Pos. 8' edy McGen , ii Pos. 9 Joseph Fletcher Pos. 10 Beth Fuhriman Pos. 11 Jill Van Berkom Pos. 12 Paul Anderson Administration: Carolyn LaFave Administration Minutes: Printouts of the draft meeting minutes were reviewed by the group. No corrections were offered during the meeting. Joseph agreed to provide corrected minutes to Carolyn as they are completed. Treasurer's report: Kody's report had no updates from the previous version. A report on the expenses on the 201h Anniversary Delegation is sought by the group, but it was reported that $6000 is available in the group's 100 Fund account for use on the 25th anniversary. Chair's report: It was reported that the orientation meeting went well. The chair will follow up with any of the delegation members who were not able to attend the meeting. This list will be provided by Carolyn. It was noted that Carolyn's effort to provide a list of Japanese Dos and Don'ts was much appreciated. PR report: 1. The PR committee reported eleven local media articles published in the previous month. Matt Cail of Super Charge Marketing donated a social media consultation and produced a QR code which links to the Sister City Commission's Facebook Page. Kay will provide an image of the code to all the Commissioners. The OR can go on business cards and is on the draft pamphlet. We have 120 likes on Facebook. 2. We have been invited to speak at the Chamber Networking Breakfast on September 111h and to the Friends of the Library on October 241h. Beth volunteered to speak at the Friends of the Library event and Michelle will speak at the Chamber networking event. 3. Kay made a personal contact with the new principal of Edmonds-Woodway HS. She asks if the group would support her meeting with the principal, along with Beth and our long-time liaison at the high school, Geoff Bennett. The group agreed and also mentioned efforts to establish a relationship with Meadowdale HS. 4. Kay reports that there are four flipbooks in English about the Sister Cities created by Hekinan. She will distribute the links via email. She also reports that Jim Corbett's book of photos should still be available on Blurb(.com) and that the Commission may have received a copy. Carolyn said that she would look for the book among the material brought over from storage at the Frances Anderson Center. Staff report: Carolyn reports that lyoko is doing much of the correspondence with Hekinan. The AET solicitation has gone out and is available publicly. There has been one inquiry about this position. Official Correspondence: No correspondence was noted during the meeting. Old Business Mayor's Delegation to Hekinan: Hekinan is working on the itinerary. It was suggested scheduling a debriefing meeting following the delegation's return to Edmonds. This meeting would serve many purposes such as providing a venue for participants to provide feedback, place to gather future volunteers, and possible generation of news or media stories. It was also suggested that a later venue be schedule for public attendance. Further discussion of this event was tabled for a later meeting but the date of April 25t" was tentatively given as the debriefing meeting date. Review of Five Year Plan: The group collectively made revisions to the document. Updates were reported by Beth and Michelle. The group moved to accept and accepted the changes to the document. These changes will be reflected in an updated draft to be distributed via email. AET: Application and press releases for the AET position have been distributed, however it was emphasized that word of mouth is still an important tool to be used. As there was some delay getting the application out, it was suggested that we extend the deadline for the AET application until April 8tn This suggested was voted on and passed. Also, the press release will be targeted toward: University of Washington/Western Washington — Ray; Seattle Pacific University/Bellevue College — Rita; Japanese Teacher's Association — Yoshi. Student Representative: One application has been received from a former student volunteer, Michelle Rockstead. The group had no precedent for the acceptance process and after a brief discussion, it was moved and accepted that the applicant be invited to join as the student representative. Review of Committees &Assignments: This topic was tabled until the next meeting. New Business 25-Year Anniversary Planning: Rita called the group's attention to copies of the Hekinan Delegation agenda that was used in 2008 and asked that others begin to generate ideas and think about what activities can be planned and how they can be implemented. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:44pm