2013-06-10 Sister City Commission MinutesEdmonds Sister City Commission Meeting Date: June 10t", 2013 Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:06pm Attendance: Pos. 1 Michelle Van Tassell Pos. 2 Ray Olitt Pos. 3 Pos. 4 Marlene Friend Pos. 5 Kay Vreeland Pos. 6 Rita Bailey Ikeda Pos. 7 lyoko Okano Pos. 8 Kody McConnell Pos. 9 Joseph Fletcher Pos. 10 Beth Fuhriman Pos. 11 Jill Van Berkom Pos. 12 Paul Anderson Student Rep. Michelle Rockstead Commissioners Absent: Paul Anderson (unexcused), Marlene Friend (unexcused) Staff Liaison: Carolyn LaFave Agenda: No official agenda was presented. Minutes: No minutes were presented. Treasurer's report: Kody reports that the Hazel Miller foundation awarded a grant of $7500 to the group — which brings the group up to about $15,000 in general accounts. Correspondence: No correspondence was presented. Committee Reports: Chair's Report: Michelle indicated that Arts Commission will be hosting the dinner on 11/2, tentatively at the home of Phillip Butler & Marni Muir. The Arts Commission has also requested that the City buy an Arts Commission limited edition poster to be used as a gift at a later time. Chris Rockstead is prepared to line up the Boeing tour. This tour is on Day 5 in the morning. Two applications have been received for the open Commissioner spot. They are both strong candidates. Due to the strong applications and considerations of time, it was moved and passed that the process be started to accept Janice "Sal" Nacion as a Sister City Commissioner. We have been invited to present information about our organization to the Rotary of Edmonds on Tuesday, June 161". This will be attended by several members— Michelle, Michelle R, Beth. PR Report: Rita also let the group know that we have received donations of art from a local artist. Staff Report: Carolyn reported that a prospective volunteer contacted her. Volunteer contacts should be forwarded to Beth. Student Representative Report: None. Old Business: Delegation from Hekinan: lyoko reports that the response to the invitation from Edmonds has been strong. There are reportedly 30 people who are applying and there may be more. lyoko expressed concern over unofficial communications regarding the limit on guests. A brief discussion ensued on the limiting factors being transportation, housing and costs. Transportation costs and the limitation of the bus capacity were recognized as critical limiting factors. After some discussion, it was agreed that 35 should be our soft limit on the guests. We can bump up to 40 if there are persuasive cases. AET Update: No report given. 25-Year Anniversary Planning: Carolyn presented a document outlining the day-by-day activities that the delegation will be participating in. Budget proved to be a major concern and a plan was developed to follow an iterative process with presentation on day plans starting end of June. Day 1: Beth/Carolyn/Kody/Michelle/lyoko Day 2: lyoko/Kay (cultural festival), Rita/Kody (beer and the rest of the day) Day 3: Joseph/Carolyn/Kody volunteered for this day. Day 4: Ray/Carolyn/Kody Day 5: Jill/Michelle R./Marlene/Ray Day 6: Rita/Joseph/Carolyn/Beth volunteered for this day. Day 7: Carolyn/lyoko/Michelle Hotel Wrap up Volunteer Committee: Host Family Committee: Michelle V./ Joseph PR/Marketing: Carolyn, Kody, Kay, Jill, Marlene Transportation: Paul/Carolyn/Kody Gift Committee: Rita, Beth Cultural Fair: lyoko/Kay Friendship Dinner: Carolyn, Kody, lyoko, Ray New Business: Kody reported that Jill should be reimbursed $145 for the cost of printing the pamphlets and this was unanimously approved. ESCC Brochure: Printed brochure is complete and was made available to the committee. Items Tabled: Announcements: Next Meeting: Monday June 24t". Provide preliminary budget / day committees.